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KeyNote NF

KeyNote NF
Tabbed notebook with RichText editor, multi-level notes and strong encryption. This project is an evolution of Tranglos Keynote (of Marek Jedlinski), with new features like: Checkboxes on children of selected nodes Selecting checkboxes for all nodes (View/Tree Checkboxes -- now View/All nodes Checkboxes) is still posible. Besides, checkboxes can be shown only on children of selected nodes (Children Checkbox) Hidden nodes Capacity to work with hidden nodes. Original program can be found in This project in Google Code complements the one located in SourceForge, hosting the source version control (Subversion) and the Issue Tracker. Intention I'm working in a totally new application, based in .NET and db4o object oriented database. As I keep using KeyNote NF intensively at work and at home, I will correct errors detected, specially in the new functionality I added, and I will incorporate new features depending on their complexity. Name. Installation

Conzilla News 2010-10-10 Conzilla 2.3.0 released. (New collaboration backend) 2007-06-11 Conzilla 2.2.3 released. Overview Conzilla2 - our second generation concept browser - is a knowledge management tool with many purposes. an efficient collaborative knowledge environment / modeling tool. a versatile interface for editing and styling RDF. Conzilla presents knowledge in terms of specific maps, Context-maps. Conzilla2 features Conzilla2 supports an open ended set of different diagram types. Conzilla history The principles behind the design of efficient concept browsers have been developed at the KMR group at CID since 1997. and SciTE SciTE is a SCIntilla based Text Editor. Originally built to demonstrate Scintilla, it has grown to be a generally useful editor with facilities for building and running programs. It is best used for jobs with simple configurations - I use it for building test and demonstration programs as well as SciTE and Scintilla, themselves. SciTE is currently available for Intel Windows (XP or later) and Linux compatible operating systems with GTK+. It has been run on Windows 7 and on Fedora 22 and Ubuntu 15.04 with GTK+ 2.24. Here is a screenshot of SciTE. You can download Scintilla and SciTE. <p>You can <a href=" Scintilla and SciTE. For OS X, there is a commercial version of SciTE available from the Mac App Store. There are some extra configuration files that can enhance SciTE for various languages and APIs. There is a Scintilla project page hosted on

Main Page FREE Word Processor Based on Microsoft's WordPad Engine Tomboy : Simple note taking Login Tomboy Simple note-taking. Tomboy is a desktop note-taking application for Linux, Unix, Windows, and Mac OS X. Notable Features Highlighting text Inline spelll checking Auto-linking web & email addresses Undo/redo Font styling & sizing Bulleted lists More Features Available Add-ins Download Tomboy Getting in Touch Development Resources See Also WikidPad - wiki notebook for windows
