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TESOL, TEFL, Certification, CELTA, Certificate, Teaching English Abroad, Overseas Courses TITC The International TEFL Corporation TESOL TEFL Certification Course in Spain | TEFL Barcelona & Madrid | TESOL Spain | Anglo Centres Engels lesgeven Er zijn ontzettend veel benamingen voor het 'lesgeven in het Engels als buitenlandse taal'. Je ziet al snel door de bomen het bos niet meer, maar vaak worden met verschillende afkortingen hetzelfde bedoeld. Het verschil zit hem vaak in het land dat de afkorting gebruikt en het 'soort' Engels dat er aangeleerd wordt. Termen die verwijzen naar het gebruik van (of het leren van) Engels door mensen die een andere basistaal hebben zijn bijvoorbeeld: ESL (English as a Second Language) Engels gebruiken in Engelssprekende landen waar de taal misschien dominant is geworden, maar waar de meerderheid van de bevolking het niet als moedertaal heeft. Het lesgeven in het Engels zelf (dus de taal als vak) vanuit de leerkracht gezien wordt meestal aangeduid als: Kijk je vanuit de leerling/student, dan spreekt men weer over: TEFL Certificering Als je wilt gaan lesgeven in het buitenland kan het gunstig zijn een TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language)-certificaat te hebben. Inhoud Cursus Kosten Meer over

Teaching English in Spain The following comments are from teachers who have worked, or are currently working, in Spain. If you are a teacher and have some advice about Spain, please share here. Spain is a great country with a lot to offer anyone, especially work for English teachers. YOU AND YOUR WORK In comparison to other western European countries, Spain is behind in its level of English, and it's trying to catch up. YOU AND THE LANGUAGE A good knowledge of Spanish will help you understand the mistakes your students make, which are generally literal translations (e.g. the misuse of prepositions, sentence structures, etc). You will be surprised to find how many people don't speak English, or they speak very little. UFF! YOU AND YOUR STUDENTS You will find that Spanish students are quite friendly and willing to learn, but they'll want you to perform an overnight miracle. YOU AND YOUR "HOME SWEET HOME" Housing is a big issue in Spain. Overall, Spain is a good place to live and teach. The downsides? 1. 2.

A taxing question – can EFL teachers freelance legally? A taxing question – can EFL teachers freelance legally? Matt Salusbury investigates how the law governing self-employment varies considerably across Europe An EL Gazette correspondent forwarded us details of teaching work offered by a central London language school, asking, ‘Is this sort of thing legal – treating teachers as “self-employed” and paying them in cash?’ Engaging EFL teachers as selfemployed and paying them fees without deducting tax or National Insurance (NI) contributions towards unemployment benefits is unusual enough in the UK to raise eyebrows. Courtesy of Matt Salusbury NUMBER CRUNCHING Language schools must prove all their freelance teachers have paid tax

Matt Salusbury: A taxing question – can EFL teachers freelance legally? Update - 11/07/12 - The HMRC ruling that Teflers cannot in most circumstances be self-employment seems to have been repealed in April 2012. See the HMRC's ruling on this here. - Thanks to Sue-Lyon Jones for the update (@esolcourses on Twitter) via the EL Gazette's twitter feed. I hope to follow up on this ruling, unscramble what it means in English, and work out its implications for EFL teachers, in a future EL Gazette article.EL Gazette has recently heard of two more cases of EFL teachers being engaged by language schools on a self-employed basis - completely illegal in the UK as we at EL Gazette understand it. A taxing question – can EFL teachers freelance legally? Matt Salusbury investigates how the law governing self-employment varies considerably across Europe Under the UK tax system both employer and employee pay NI contributions. EFL teachers who arrange private lessons and charge students directly can freelance.
