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40 Ways to Use Google Apps for Education- May 2014 - Google Slides

40 Ways to Use Google Apps for Education- May 2014 - Google Slides

Google Sheets: Create a Map Today I needed a map of the countries that participate in the TIMSS study. The website provided a list of the countries, I just needed to map them. From Google Drive ( create a new Google spreadsheet. Highlight the data on the website. Use Control C to copy the data. Selecting cell A1 I paste the data from the website using Control V. When copying and pasting data there is a potential for the rows and columns to not paste perfectly. In my example only column 1 contains the names of the countries I want to chart. Click on the chart wizard icon in the toolbar or use the Insert menu to choose “Chart.” Google Sheets looks at your data and gives you some suggestions for the charts it thinks you might want to use. After choosing the blue “Insert” button the chart will be floating on the tab with the data. Like this: Like Loading...

7 ways to become a digital leader with the help of Google Apps and Chromebooks Posted by Eric Sheninger Editor's note: Today’s guest author is Eric Sheninger, senior fellow and thought leader on digital leadership with the International Center for Leadership in Education (ICLE) and Scholastic Achievement Partners (SAP). He also maintains a practitioner presence as K-12 director of technology and innovation in the Spotswood School District in New Jersey. He is also a Google Certified Teacher and the author of the best-selling book Digital Leadership: Changing Paradigms for Changing Times. You can connect with Eric on Twitter or Google+. Times are changing, but educational leadership still requires vision, intention, and flexibility. We need to lead in a way to create schools that work better for kids. Google tools provide educational leaders with easy-to-use and cost-effective ways to enhance leadership and increase efficiency. Chromebooks are cost-effective devices with laptop features that boot up in seconds and run for over eight hours on a single charge.

Classroom Google Classroom: Student Quick-Sheet Guide Tweet Link to the Google Draw graphic: Link to the PDF: Google Classroom: Indicate Templates Attached Tweet Google Classroom is a great way to share resources, assignment directions and Google Docs templates with students. One issue with Google Classroom is that attached templates are visible in the assignment submission side of Classroom, but not on the students … Continue reading Google Classroom: Viewing Rights Tweet One issue with using Google Docs with students is remembering to set the viewing rights on a document. 10 Ways to Use Google Classroom for Higher Ed Tweet These are the slides I presented at Educause 2014 for using Google Classroom with Higher Ed. Google Classroom: Office Hours or Video Tutoring Tweet If you are using Google Classroom you may want to consider adding a permalink to a Google Hangout (GHO) onto the “About” section of Google Classroom. Google Classroom: Turning in Group Work

Seks lenker som avslører hva Google vet om deg (Dagbladet): Har du en Google-konto som er knytta opp til smarttelefonen, nettbrettet, laptopen, datamaskina på kontoret og smart-TVen i stua? Visste du at Google samler opp nesten all informasjon om hva og når du har søkt opp ting på nettet, hvor du har vært og hva som interesserer deg? Bloggen Cloudfender samlet en oversikt over seks Google-tjenester som forteller hva Google vet om deg. Dagbladet har gått gjennom de ulike datatjenestene og sett hva de lagrer. Søkelogg Over 90 prosent av oss bruker daglig søkemotorer til nettsøk, ifølge nettredaktø Her finner du din fullstendige søkehistorikk: Her lagres alle dine Google-søk foretatt på enheter hvor du har vært logget på din Google-konto. Du kan enkelt gå inn på denne lenken og markere all søkehistorikk, og velge «fjerning av elementer» dersom du ikke vil ha søkehistorikken. Bjørn Erik Thon i Datatilsynet gikk også gjennom sin egen historikk: Posisjonslogg Google selger deg Hele arkivet Full kontotilgang

20+ Creative Ways Teachers Can Use Google Forms A couple of days ago I created and shared with you a Google Form tutorial simplifying the process of creating forms to use in your teaching. The assessment form I included at the end of that post proved to me that you really liked and benefited from this tutorial. I am so glad you did and thank you for the time you spent reading and filling in the form. Today I am sharing with you another resource on how to use Google Forms with your students or as Tanya, the creator of this slideshow, named them innovative pedagogical strategies for using Google Forms.There is alot to learn from Tanya's ideas and which you can apply in your own teaching context. I invite you to go through the entire slideshow and share with us your feedback in the comment form. Here is in brief the innovative pedagogical ways of using Google Forms Tanya talked about in this slide : Check out the slide HERE

Google Apps v Office 365 – For schools | The Staffroom The expectation by teachers and students of ‘anytime, anywhere, any device’ access to online services has resulted in a rethink of software and file-server provisioning in schools. Many schools are now enabling student and teacher access to collaborative cloud apps and file storage services, which are accessible from school and home, on shared school computers and personal laptops and tablet devices. Which cloud service is best for your school? While there are a number of online apps and file storage services available, the two options that appear to be battling it out for education market share are Microsoft’s Office 365 (O365) and Google Apps for Education (GAFE). Both services offer the usual ‘office’ apps (word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, email, calendars, etc) along with huge amounts of file storage space. (Google now offers ‘unlimited’ file storage for GAFE). Both services provide apps for mobile devices, and both offer options for accessing files when offline. See also

Arbejder du med synlig læring? Brug Google Formular!! Forlaget Dafolo havde en konkurrence kørende omhandlende synlig læring i praksis. Jeg vandt konkurrencen ved at vise, hvordan jeg på en praktisk og simpel måde arbejder med synlig læring i min undervisning - og det fif, vil jeg nu videregive til dig ;) Mine elever har en google konto, og det åbner op for en lang række gratis værktøjer i undervisningen bl.a. Google formular. Når vi starter et forløb og en tydelig målsætning er blevet præsenteret, beder jeg mine elever om at udfylde en før-evaluering af forløbet. Før-Evalueringen ser således ud: Og giver dig automatisk følgende statistik over klassen: Hvad er dette forløbs mål: at finde 5 novum og at finde ud af hvad dystopi eller utopi betyder At vi skal have et godt kendskab til Science Fiction. Hvor meget ved jeg i forvejen om forløbets mål? Hvor nemt eller hvor svært tror jeg, det bliver at lære forløbets mål? Hvor meget energi vil jeg lægge i dagens mål? På samme måde laves en efterevaluering. Her er et eksempel med en efter-evaluering:

Google for Education: Google Classroom: Basics Students have an entirely different view of Classroom than teachers. But it is equally as easy to use. Students can join classes, communicate with their teachers, turn in assignments, and even revise work that has already been turned in. Add a class A teacher can directly add a student to a class, or give them the class code to join themselves. The following instructions are from the point of view of a student in Classroom. To add yourself to a class with a course code: Sign in to Classroom at The class stream will open. Note: At this time, only the teacher of a class can change the image in the class stream. View assignments You can view assignments in the class stream and on the Assignments page. To view assignments on a specific class page: Sign in to Classroom at You can also view assignments on the Assignments page: Sign in to Classroom at Click an assignment to access it. Post to the class stream Send an email

5 Tips to Implement Google Drive in the Classroom - EDUSPIRE If you haven’t used Google Drive to manage student work in the past Google is sure making it difficult to ignore in the future. Why not explore a few of these management tips before the end of the school year so you can make it part of your plan for next year? Name and share a resource folder How? on laptops When logged in to Google Drive select “New,” upload an individual file or an entire folder of materials Organize your classes create a folder for each class periodmove each student/student team shared folder from “Shared with Me” into the class folder you created under “My Drive”View work offline select the file in which you want to worktap the three dots in the upper right cornerselect “Keep offline” in the listaccess these on an iPad under the main Google Docs screen menu under “offline” Coming up next week: 10 Classroom Ideas Using Google Drive.

A Comprehensive Guide of Everything Teachers Need to Know about Google Classroom May 26, 2015 Since its release awhile ago, Google Classroom has been such a hit in the EdTech world with millions of teachers already incorporating it in their daily instruction.With this widespread use of Google Classroom, Google rolled out a host of important updates to improve the functionality of Classroom and to respond to the emerging needs of educators. All of these updates are included in this post. Today’s post is intended to help teachers and educators make the best of Google Classroom by providing them with access to some very useful resources, materials and tips on the use of Classroom in education. All of these resources are created and provided by Classroom Help Center. 1- What is Google Classroom? 2- How does Google Classroom Work? 3- Understanding the assignment flow Check out this page to learn more about how you can create and collect assignments paperlessly on Google Classroom. Teachers Students 1- Managing Classes2- Managing Assignments3- Connecting with Your Classmates

Egenvurdering med googleforms – Glimt fra et flerspråklig klasserom I klasserommet vårt gjør vi mye spennende. Men hvordan kan jeg som lærer vite at målene vi setter oss faktisk nås? Den siste tiden har vi jobbet mye med et spennende prosjekt sammen med Brumunddal ungdomsskole. og i dette innlegget vil jeg prøve å si litt om mål og vurdering underveis. Vi brukt ulike former for vurdering. Vurdering for læring Jeg er opptatt av tilpasset opplæring og elevenes læring står i fokus. Det er særlig fire prinsipper som er sentrale i vurderingsarbeid som har til formål å fremme læring. Vi har brukt ulike former for vurdering. Etter den første dagen med fortellerverkstedet, fikk alle elevene gi muntlige tilbakemeldinger på opplegget. Fortellerdelen av prosjektet er nå avsluttet og elevene har fått gi skriftlige tilbakemeldinger på opplegget så langt, samtidig som de har vurdert sin egen språklige kompetanse med utgangspunkt i kartleggingsmateriellet: Språkkompetanse i grunnleggende norsk. Googleforms – nyttig verktøy Overordna mål Kompetansemål og læringsmål

Google Assistant er nesten skremmende smart Vi har hatt Apples assistent Siri i noen år nå. Det er ikke mer enn et år siden mange her i Norge lot seg imponere over at hun kan sjekke kalenderen, lage avtaler for deg og sende tekstmeldinger på vegne av deg – bare ved at du prater til henne. Sist uke sa jeg for første gang «Hei Siri, skru på lysene!», og lysene rundt om i stua tente i vintermørket – uten at jeg en gang hadde løftet mobilen. Men en samtale der «dere» snakker sammen på en måte som gjør at du kan oppnå noe annet enn å få utført klart definerte kommandoer har stort sett vært umulig. Se hva som skjer Så hvorfor satser likevel samtlige teknogiganter, inkludert Microsoft, Amazon, Samsung og Facebook nå for fullt på digitale assistenter som Siri? Ta dette eksempelet: Jeg: Hvem er president i USA? Google: Barack Obama Jeg: Hvor bor han? Google: Det hvite hus i Washington DC Jeg: Hvor ble han født? Google: 4. august 1961 på Kapiolani Medical Center. Jeg: Når er presidentperioden hans over? Google: La meg tenke ...
