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Privatize Monsanto : retour sur trois décennies de polémiques - AGRICULTURE Pour la première fois en France, un particulier a assigné en justice le géant agrochimique américain Monsanto. Il s'agit de la dernière affaire en date impliquant la firme américaine, qui défraie la chronique depuis trente ans. Après le PCB, l’agent orange et les OGM, c’est désormais avec le Lasso que Monsanto défraie la chronique. Depuis le 12 décembre, le géant mondial de l’industrie phytosanitaire américain est poursuivi par un agriculteur français, Paul François, pour une intoxication aiguë qu’il impute à ce désherbant, aujourd’hui interdit dans l'Hexagone. L'agriculteur, qui a souffert de graves troubles neurologiques après avoir inhalé des vapeurs du produit par accident, accuse la firme d’empoisonnement. Une nouvelle affaire qui n’est que la dernière d’une longue série de scandales rattachés au nom de Monsanto. L’agent orange : un redoutable poison La première affaire impliquant l’entreprise remonte à 1978. Pollution massive au PCB Intimidation et falsification d’études

Mozilla Lightbeam Shows Who's Watching You Online In the spirit of online transparency, and for those paranoid about organizations watching your every move, a new tool from Mozilla lets you monitor who is following your digital footprint. Lightbeam is a free extension available for download on Mozilla's Firefox browser that promises to "illuminate the inner workings of the web." It uncovers which third-party companies are watching your online activity — most likely brands and advertisers looking to share your data or directly target ads. "As a part of Lightbeam, we're creating a big-picture view of how tracking works on the Internet, and how third-party sites are connected to multiple other sites," Mozilla said in a statement. The company aims to give web users control of their data and privacy by using interactive visualizations in the form of graphs, clocks and lists. "The visualization grows with every site you visit and every request made from your browser," Mozilla said in the statement. Have something to add to this story?

Home · trevp/axolotl Wiki I2P Anonymous Network The Surveillance Catalog - The Wall Street Journal As the Internet has grown to handle more data, monitoring companies have had to keep up. Interception now can mean taking all the traffic from the Internet backbone and funneling it through devices that inspect the packets of data, determine what is inside them, and make decisions about whether to copy them for law enforcement.

AccountKiller Spring Financial is a finance company based in Canada. The company was founded in 2014. Spring Financial is a subsidiary of Canada Drives, which is a leading auto financing company in Canada. The Chief Executive Officer is Michael Galpin. Upon loan approval, the funds will go into a secure trust account. Canceling your loan is simple. How to Secure and Encrypt Your Web Browsing on Public Networks (with Hamachi and Privoxy) A VPN tool like Hamachi's good for games, which usually don't support proxies, but for web browsing encryption, a SSH tunnel with AES256 encryption and public key authentication is superior, not only in terms of security, but in portability and "less bulky" software. In order to configure a VPN connection, you need Administrator privileges on Windows computers, plus you have to install software. With a SSH connection, all you need is a SOCKS server+SSH client blend (which does not require administrator privileges, though some applications need them for various reasons. Putty does not.), then point your web browsers proxy settings to localhost, and Voila! Done. OpenSSH is the way to go for Mac/Linux users, and can be used on Windows, but it has to be through Cygwin (which I personally find extremely annoying to use/setup (cygwin)).

The Freenet Project - /index Comment agir contre ACTA Cette page recense différentes façons d'agir contre ACTA et de mieux connaître ce dangereux accord. ACTA est un accord multilatéral qui menace Internet tel que nous le connaissons ainsi que nos libertés fondamentales. Le Parlement européen votera ACTA dans son ensemble le mercredi 4 juillet, et a la possibilité rejeter cet accord une bonne fois pour toutes. Vous trouverez sur cette page différentes manières d'agir contre ACTA d'ici là. En tant que citoyens, les deux choses les plus importantes à faire sont : contacter les députés européensinformer les gens des dangers d'ACTA. Contacter nos élus est la chose la plus utile que l'on puisse faire jusqu'à mercredi 4 juillet, et le vote final au Parlement européen, dernière étape de la procédure. [edit] Vous pouvez également consulter Mémoire Politique pour obtenir les coordonnées d'un eurodéputé précis. [edit] Qui contacter ? [edit] Conseils généraux Les arguments clés contre ACTA sont listés ici : ACTA : à retenir. [edit] Diffusez la vidéo NO to ACTA

29 ways to take control of your social media | Technology | The Observer Be more secure Make your password more secure by enabling "2-factor authentication", which basically means that you need your password plus a randomly generated code, usually texted to your mobile, to access your account. Go to the downward arrow on the top right of the screen -> Settings -> Security -> 'Login Approvals'. Sign out of Facebook remotely Many of you will know the perils of leaving your Facebook account signed in on another person's computer. Control what happens on your timeline There's nothing more annoying than people posting embarrassing messages on your timeline or tagging you in incriminating pictures. Control who can see you when you're online Facebook chat is great for live-messaging friends, but it's also a way for people you can't even remember friending to bombard you with inane gossip. Turn off read receipts in chat Hide your activity Everything and anything you do on Facebook, and apps that you have connected to Facebook, is recorded in your 'Activity Log'. Mute

Build Your Own VPN to Pimp Out Your Gaming, Streaming, Remote Access, and Oh Yeah, Security
