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To Teach Effective Writing, Model Effective Writing

To Teach Effective Writing, Model Effective Writing
I strive to teach my high school students the value of criticism, especially when it comes to improving their writing. To do so, I model how criticism continues to help me become a better writer. Earlier this year, for example, I shared a draft of one of my education feature articles, which included detailed feedback from an editor at a prominent media company. I asked my classes for advice on how to address several edits, dealing with sources, transitions, terminology, and structure. I want my students to feel secure in the knowledge that nobody is beyond criticism (even their teacher), and that the bigger challenge is developing the good sense to acknowledge and successfully respond to feedback. Along those lines, I also offer the suggestions below about teaching writing: 1. To teach effective writing, we must be effective writers ourselves. 2. No matter what you teach, share your written work. 3. No matter what you teach, write in front of students. 4. 5. 6. Related:  ilzuks

Fill Out This Form to Connect With Other Math Teachers On Kahoot! There are thousands of public Kahoots! made by teachers to chose from. Kahoot! has a search feature that allows you to search by title, subject, tag, or username. You can also share a Kahoot! that you have made with another teacher if you know their username. Since my Kahoot! Then, as is often the case, an amazing idea was born on Twitter. Sharing your Kahoot! So, please fill out this form if you are interested in easily sharing the Kahoots! Once you finish the form, you will be directed to a Google Form of MTBoS Kahoot! How to Search and Add Tags in Kahoot! Also, to search by tag, you can’t just enter mtbos. Don’t forget to tag your Kahoot! Fill out this form to connect with other math teachers on Kahoot! Like this: Like Loading...

A song about the Kookaburra's call - English (2) - ABC Splash - Overview Have you heard a Kookaburra's call? Watch this clip and listen to the lyrics of the song performed by Don Spencer that captures in sounds and words the magical call of the kookaburra. 1 min 28 secs Source: Feathers, Fur and Fins | Learning area: English | Primary: Year 2 About this resource Acknowledgements Source: Feathers, Fur and Fins Date first broadcast: Cite this resource You can use this information to reference this item. Bibliographic details for 'A song about the Kookaburra's call': Feathers, Fur and Fins, ' A song about the Kookaburra's call', ABC Splash 11 June 2014 Copyright information Metadata © Australian Broadcasting Corporation and Education Services Australia Ltd 2012 (except where otherwise indicated).

Blogg | Bäst i text Läseboken/Skrivboken | - om hjärnan och kommunikation Unga läser inte bättre på skärm – jämfört med äldre Nej, unga läser inte bättre på skärm eller display jämfört med vuxna. Och de förstår inte heller texten bättre. I veckan fick jag än en gång höra att ”vi” är en annan sorts människor än ni äldre. Och det tragiska är att många vuxna också tror att det är så. När jag intervjuade Peter Gärdenfors, professor i kognitionsvetenskap vid Lunds universitet, frågade jag honom om detta. Vi människor har i stort sett samma hjärna som neandertalmänniskan. Så unga är inte annorlunda än äldre. Mobilen är värdelös att läsa på Vi läser långsammare och förstår sämre när vi läser på skärm och display. Bland dessa andrahandslösningar är e-boken bäst, surfplattan är bättre än datorn, smartphonen är värdelös och datorn är sämst att läsa på, konstaterade Gustaf Öqvist Seimyr, är doktor i datorlingvistik och expert på ögonrörelsemätningar, vid Bernadottelaboratoriet, Karolinska institutet, när jag intervjuade honom. 25 minuter att komma tillbaka PS!

How to Write a Comparative Analysis Throughout your academic career, you'll be asked to write papers in which you compare and contrast two things: two texts, two theories, two historical figures, two scientific processes, and so on. "Classic" compare-and-contrast papers, in which you weight A and B equally, may be about two similar things that have crucial differences (two pesticides with different effects on the environment) or two similar things that have crucial differences, yet turn out to have surprising commonalities (two politicians with vastly different world views who voice unexpectedly similar perspectives on sexual harassment). In the "lens" (or "keyhole") comparison, in which you weight A less heavily than B, you use A as a lens through which to view B. Frame of Reference. Grounds for Comparison. Thesis. Whether your paper focuses primarily on difference or similarity, you need to make the relationship between A and B clear in your thesis. Organizational Scheme. Linking of A and B.

How to find your writing voice When you’re a writer or a blogger, you’re putting your voice out there. It’s a lot like standing on stage singing your heart out for all the world to see. But figuring out your writing voice isn’t easy. It’s especially hard for new writers to find their writing voice, because they already feel awkward having their work in the spotlight and subject to public approval. Maybe you’ve struggled with finding your writing voice yourself. This doesn’t feel right. Let’s start at the beginning: What is Writing Voice? That’s a good question. People can “hear” your writing voice subconsciously as they read your text through a process called sub-vocalization. Your writing voice is important, no doubt about it. Why We Struggle to Find our Voice Writers worry. We worry people might think we don’t sound professional, or smart, or expert, or friendly. One of the problems is that writers write in ways that fit our beliefs, not the reality. Why Are We Writing in the First Place? Forget that. Enjoy yourself.

Carol Dweck: The Two Mindsets Carol Dweck studies human motivation. She spends her days diving into why people succeed (or don't) and what's within our control to foster success. As she describes it: “My work bridges developmental psychology, social psychology, and personality psychology, and examines the self-conceptions (or mindsets) people use to structure the self and guide their behavior. My research looks at the origins of these mindsets, their role in motivation and self-regulation, and their impact on achievement and interpersonal processes.” Her inquiry into our beliefs is synthesized in Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. The book takes us on a journey into how our conscious and unconscious thoughts affect us and how something as simple as wording can have a powerful impact on our ability to improve. Dweck's work shows the power of our most basic beliefs. In Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, Dweck writes: The Two Mindsets Your view of yourself can determine everything. In Mindset, Dweck writes:

Syllabus bites: Types of sentences - Overview An understanding of the types and function of sentences is important in the development of language knowledge and usage. Familiarity with the terminology of the types of sentences will enable language knowledge to be applied in a variety of responding and composing activities. Explicit teaching about sentences should be embedded in the context of teaching of grammar to improve students’ understanding and language. When teaching about sentences, consider the following: What do my students know about sentence structure? What do my students need to know about language and sentences? An overview of outcomes and content descriptions related to sentences from the English K–10 syllabus can be found in the Syllabus links tab. The-Literary-Comparison-Contrast-Essay

What Makes a Good Story? (Tips for Young Authors) Good writers often break rules—but they know they’re doing it! Here are some good rules to know. Theme A theme is something important the story tries to tell us—something that might help us in our own lives. Don’t get too preachy. Plot Plot is most often about a conflict or struggle that the main character goes through. The main character should win or lose at least partly on their own, and not just be rescued by someone or something else. The conflict should get more and more tense or exciting. The basic steps of a plot are: conflict begins, things go right, things go WRONG, final victory (or defeat), and wrap-up. A novel can have several conflicts, but a short story should have only one. Story Structure At the beginning, jump right into the action. Decide about writing the story either in “first person” or in “third person.” Even if you write in third person, try to tell the story through the eyes of just one character—most likely the main character. Characters Setting Style and Tone

Brilliant toilet! In this activity, students hear about a strange restaurant recommendation. They watch a video in which Paul talks about a friend’s suggestion to visit a new restaurant in town specifically because of its brilliant toilet. But what could be so special about a toilet? Language level: Intermediate + (B1)Learner type: Teens; AdultsTime: 45 minutesActivity: Reading and speakingTopic: RestaurantsLanguage: Evaluative adjectives (brilliant, wonderful, unbelievable, great, etc.)Materials: Video; worksheet Brilliant toilet (10156 downloads) Lesson plan outline (part 1) Ask students how often they eat out. Take feedback. Write ideas on the board and invite students to add more ideas if they can. Tell students that they are going to see a video in which a man called Paul tells a story. I have a really good friend who goes to lots of new bars and likes to recommend these kinds of places. And I’m thinking, what is so great about the toilet? Note that the transcription has been altered slightly.

Grammar and Punctuation | The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation Att lära av gamla prov för att lyfta nivån på skrivandet Jag har letat fram gamla nationella prov i engelska för C-delen och elevlösningar som är bedöma i det röda häftet för att kunna använda i undervisningen. Jag har lyckats hitta fyra olika prov som inte har sekretess längre. Dessa kommer vi att titta på efter påsklovet fram till elevernas egna skrivande av texter på de nationella proven i engelska vilket blir ganska precis tre veckor. Vad är en article? Innan vi tittar på dem har jag satt ihop en presentation som inledning. I den tänkte jag visa på vad som menas med article och essay då det kan skapa lite förvirring i instruktionen de sedan kommer att få titta på. Att arbeta med strukturen I presentationens del 2 finns en kortare repetition av det ovan med hjälp av några flashcards och instruktionsfilmer, samt en genomgång av hur man bygger upp en text. Du hittar presentationen här! När jag har gått igenom hela presentationen har jag tänk att eleverna ska få analysera gamla elevlösningar från de röda häftena jag nämnde ovan. Ord och begrepp

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