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Kind over matter

Kind over matter

Go where the PEACE is…(what does that even mean?) | Brave Girls Club It’s a phrase we use a lot at Brave Girls Club…”go where the peace is”. It has deep meaning for us and helps us immeasurably to make good decisions and choices. But today I received an email from a fairly new Brave Girl. She told me a bit about her life and some of the struggles she is facing, and asked if perhaps I could explain more fully what ‘Go where the peace’ means. I did some hunting through our archives and found a particular “Little Bird Told Me” Daily Truth email message that explains this beautifully. Dear Gorgeous Girl, Peace is good. Peace is defined as in the dictionary as: freedom of the mind from annoyance, distraction, anxiety, an obsession, etc.; tranquility; serenity. Sometimes we are at war with our own selves, sometimes with an issue — an addiction or an illness. When making tough decisions, you will never regret making the decision that brings the most peace to your heart. Seek peace, sweet girl. You are loved. xoxo Sending you so much love, kathy xoxo

Teachers are Special Creatures II : A Handmade Gift Guide Labels and Expectations (Part 2): Preconceptions "You know," I said to a classmate one day, " I flunked Kindergarten ." My classmate laughed, thinking I was joking. I assured her I was not. Flabbergasted, she responded with disbelief, "How can that be?!" Why was my classmate so shocked? A label. She wasn't was something I had a hard time parsing through myself. When I was ten, I had left behind everything I’d ever known – my mother, my brother, my school, my friends, and even most of my belongings. It got easy to live that way. And of course, in such an environment , it became all too important to suppress the difficulties in my past. My new school made it even easier to avoid, by labeling me gifted. The differences that had once been used as reasons to hold me back, now had new meanings. Every now and again, I’d lose patience with such assumptions. Then, when I was heading into high school, I made the choice to move back with my mother. They would know. They would judge. They would reject me. I was sitting with the kids!

Double Shot of Kind : Darling Decoupage Projects Mara Glatzel » Body Loving Homework: Writing Prompts for Cultivating Self-Love Body Loving Homework: Writing Prompts for Cultivating Self-Love is one part Ebook, one part digital anthology, and one part self-study coaching program – designed to help you find clarity around what you deserve out of your life and your daily experiences. This book is designed to help you dig in + dig deep. It is chock full of 100 writing prompts for navigating you along the path of focusing on your best self and what you have to offer both yourself and the world around you. Those 100 prompts are broken down into ten aspects of the human experience – creating a ten week, daily writing course that will have you crafting your dream life in no time. “Crafting your dream life” is code for: Yes. This is the how-to manual for the way that I used writing to heal my painfully low sense of self-worth. It is the how-to manual for refusing to play small in your life any longer, and trading UP. You (and your happiness + sanity) are worth the effort. Praise for Body-Loving Homework + A Peak Inside

Fear... - Dale Anne Potter | Dale Anne Potter fear/fi(?)r/ Noun: An unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain or a threat. Verb: Be afraid of (someone or something) as likely to be dangerous, painful, or threatening: “farmers fear that they will lose business.” [tweetherder]Fears come in all shapes and sizes.[/tweetherder] As an artist, FEAR seems to raise its head often. In business, fear of failure is a major one. One of my deepest fears growing up, was talking in front of people. When I was working at Southland Corporation (7 – Eleven) as assistant Office Manager, it was recommended that I take a Dale Carnegie course – they paid for as the human resources person knew I hated being in front of a room. I find that the more prepared I am, the better I will be….I once, had to do a presentation when my all my notes were blown out of my hands getting out of the vehicle. Fear that your artwork is not good enough is also about LOVING yourself and what YOU are doing. Dale Anne Potter

(1) Romancing Your Soul 12 Happy Thoughts for Troubled Times post written by: Marc Chernoff Email People and circumstances will occasionally break you down. But if you keep your mind focused, your heart open to possibility, and continue to put one foot in front of the other, you will be able to quickly recover the pieces, rebuild, and come back much stronger than you ever would have been otherwise. Here are a few happy thoughts to ponder on those days when the whole world seems like it’s crashing down around you. Down days are completely normal, and not something you should feel guilty about having. Photo by: Jon McGovern If you enjoyed this article, check out our new best-selling book. And get inspiring life tips and quotes in your inbox (it's free)... Be Good To Yourself & Your Business Will Bloom Be Good To Yourself and Your Business Will Bloom When we're in business for ourselves, we are the be all, end all, of the business. The water cooler gossip, the dude who has to refill the printer paper, the person who picks up (and answers) the mail. When we work from home, we also have other things that distract us -- the latest on TV, music, the neighbor who wants to know if you can watch her kids since you "must have lots of time working at home all day". And who EVER heard of an eight hour work day when you work for yourself? Or a five-day work week? One thing we entrepreneurs often forget to do is take time out for ourselves. 1. Now, I'm not talking about "oh I hate to go to the post office so I'm going to quit doing that" (although most post offices these days WILL pick up, did you know that?). 2. This is my hardest nut to crack. 3. No one, and I mean NO ONE, is perfect. 4. Entrepreneurs never take vacations, it seems.
