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Becoming a growth mindset school

Becoming a growth mindset school
The idea of becoming a growth mindset school has been over a year in the making. Our Headteacher bought each member of SLT a copy of Mindset for Christmas, and it was the main agenda item at our annual senior team conference. Today I launched the idea of becoming a growth mindset school to all staff at our INSET day. Our INSET session was for all staff – teaching, support, administrative, catering, site, network, technicians – everyone! What is Growth Mindset? Professor Carol Dweck and “Mindset” Growth Mindset is the idea Professor Carol Dweck, the Lewis and Virginia Eaton Professor of Psychology at Stanford University. Dweck’s approach to mindset was sparked by her own experience of education. Even as a child, I was focused on being smart, but the fixed mindset was really stamped in by Mrs. The Science behind Growth Mindset I have previously blogged about my tentative first steps into neuroscience. This video really helps to visualise the learning process in the brain. Changing Mindsets Related: