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Two days ago I went to the zoo and saw two chimps 69ing a foot away from me A.S.B. & Who doesnt like a blonde joke? A blonde walks into a bank in New York City and asks for the loan officer. She says she’s going to Europe on business for two weeks and needs to borrow $5,000. The bank officer says the bank will need some kind of security for the loan, so the blonde hands over the keys to a new Rolls Royce. The car is parked on the street in front of the bank; she has the title, and everything checks out. The bank agrees to accept the car as collateral for the loan. The bank’s president and its officers all enjoy a good laugh at the blonde for using a $250,000 Rolls as collateral against a $5,000 loan.

not an insult Sitting in a hospital room waiting for my father to die (we took him off life support yesterday). I could sure use a good joke, Reddit... : AskReddit Application for a night out - hisnhers Funny Shit Funny Shit (home) → genderwar → Application for a night out - his'n'hers Application for a night out - his'n'hers → Check out more Funny Shit More: The Gender War Teefury make awesome shirts, you should check them out! Copyright/Disclaimer/Privacy I think my girlfriend ACTUALLY expects me to do this at a bar.. The Meaning of Life by Cliff Pickover The differences between men and women. This is my lastest book: The Book of Black: Black Holes, Black Death, Black Forest Cake, and Other Dark Sides of Life Easily read my latest tweets, for free, here. Return to Pickover's main web page.

There it goes.. Thanksgiving as a kid VS Thanksgiving as an adult - The Oatmeal - StumbleUpon All artwork and content on this site is Copyright © 2014 Matthew Inman. Please don't steal. was lovingly built using CakePHP All artwork and content on this site is Copyright © 2014 Matthew Inman. Please don't steal. was lovingly built using CakePHP 6 Life-Changing Uses for Binder Clips (That You Couldve Easily Thought Of)... Yes, it may seem like an ordinary binder clip. And it is. Make no mistake -- it will keep your papers organized with the best of them. The BEST. But it's so much more. 1. (via) 2. (via) 3. iPod Dock Just go to your local Apple Store, pretend like you're interested in all the MacBook Airs, and walk right out. (via) 4. (via) 5. (via) 6. (via)

The 5 types of programmers & Steven Benner's Blog In my code journeys and programming adventures I’ve encountered many strange foes, and even stranger allies. I’ve identified at least five different kinds of code warriors, some make for wonderful comrades in arms, while others seem to foil my every plan. However they all have their place in the pantheon of software development. Without a healthy mix of these different programming styles you’ll probably find your projects either take too long to complete, are not stable enough or are too perfect for humans to look upon. The duct tape programmer The code may not be pretty, but damnit, it works! This guy is the foundation of your company. The OCD perfectionist programmer You want to do what to my code? This guy doesn’t care about your deadlines or budgets, those are insignificant when compared to the art form that is programming. The anti-programming programmer I’m a programmer, damnit. His world has one simple truth; writing code is bad. The half-assed programmer What do you want?

5 Physical Details That Reveal Highly Personal Information #2. You Can Find Out What Sports You'll Be Good at With a Few Body Measurements Obviously, you can look at a big fat guy and tell that he's going to have a biological advantage at sumo wrestling, or at a dangerously underweight preteen girl and know that you probably shouldn't challenge her to a friendly round of uneven bars. But it's not so easy when it comes to regular sports, like swimming or running or lacrossing. Except, that is, if you know what to look for. Via Senseandnonsense.orgTheir giant, hat-looking hair? How? The position of your belly button can help determine whether you will be better at running or swimming. Via"Oh yeah, man. The first thing most of us notice about a navel is whether it's normal (an innie) or tragically deformed (an outie). Via"Does 'beer' count as a sport?" This is important, because a higher center of gravity gives you a competitive edge in running, while a lower one helps when it comes to swimming. #1.
