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3 Edtech Tools You Can Use To Gamify Your Classroom

3 Edtech Tools You Can Use To Gamify Your Classroom
Gamification is one of the buzzwords in education right now, and for a good reason: Gamification is empowering, exciting, and under the right circumstances can be the disruptive innovator many teachers desperately need in order to change the dynamics between knowledge and the learner. There is an explosion of EdTech tools destined to gamify the classroom, most of which are web-based, while others come in the form of an app. Understandably, a teacher might wonder what is the best way to navigate through this sea of new, and subsequently, not thoroughly tested activities and tools. Socrative The first, and probably the most popular game-based classroom platform is Socrative. Socrative supports multiple choice, true/false, and open response items. Here is a short introductory tutorial on Socrative Kahoot Kahoot takes a somewhat different approach than Socrative. Here is a short introductory tutorial on Kahoot FlipQuiz Here is a short introductory tutorial on FlipQuiz Some Final Thoughts Related:  QCM - outils, etudes, articlesGamification

Les QCM : les réponses à toutes vos questions 50 Education Technology Tools Every Teacher Should Know About Technology and education are pretty intertwined these days and nearly every teacher has a few favorite tech tools that make doing his or her job and connecting with students a little bit easier and more fun for all involved. Yet as with anything related to technology, new tools are hitting the market constantly and older ones rising to prominence, broadening their scope, or just adding new features that make them better matches for education, which can make it hard to keep up with the newest and most useful tools even for the most tech-savvy teachers. Here, we’ve compiled a list of some of the tech tools, including some that are becoming increasingly popular and widely used, that should be part of any teacher’s tech tool arsenal this year, whether for their own personal use or as educational aids in the classroom. Social Learning These tools use the power of social media to help students learn and teachers connect. Learning Lesson Planning and Tools Useful Tools

10 Specific Ideas To Gamify Your Classroom - 10 Specific Ideas To Gamify Your Classroom by Mike Acedo In today’s classroom, educators are constantly required to mold their teaching methods to give students the best opportunity to succeed. However, this can be difficult for some students, who may struggle in traditional, lecture-based class styles. We’ve talked about designing your classroom like a video game before. Though some teachers may use game-based learning, such as having students play games like Little Big Planet (featuring Sackboy, pictured above), Minecraft or Civilization to reinforce content, Gamification uses game elements such as challenges, feedback, levels, creativity, and rewards to motivate students to learn, and master concepts. How To Gamify Your Classroom: 10 Specific Ideas To Get It Done 1. Present the class syllabus as a form of Gamification. 2. Like in video games, students should be allowed second chances. 3. This one isn’t always easy, so you may need to use your noodle a bit. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Guide des caractéristiques et des usages des boîtiers - Éducation et sensibilisation à la sécurité routière Les boitiers de positionnement peuvent être utilisés pour différentes formes d’évaluation. Cet outil pédagogique peut être un moyen d’améliorer l’interactivité de séquences définies, de favoriser la motivation des élèves, de recueillir instantanément les réponses d’une classe et non de quelques élèves volontaires et d’informer rapidement le professeur sur les erreurs des élèves. Quels boîtiers, pour quels usages ? Les boîtiers de vote Les boîtiers de vote : un outil pédagogique pour interroger les élèves d’une manière simple sous forme de questionnaire à choix multiples (QCM). Ces boîtiers présentent souvent 4 ou 5 boutons indiquant un chiffre et/ou une lettre (1/A). Un écran simple permet de lire le numéro de la question. Il peut indiquer un score sous forme numérique ou avec un smiley. Les avantages : La simplicité et la rapidité de l’interrogation Certains boîtiers permettent de remplacer les chiffres ou les lettres par des couleurs. La correction est automatique. Les boîtiers de réponse

Créer des animations Flash ou Html5 gratuitement Vectorian Giotto est un logiciel simple mais puissant qui vous permet de créer des animations Flash de qualité professionnelle pour les sites Web et d’autres projets sans codage. Ce logiciel libre est livré avec plus de 50 effets personnalisables qui peuvent être appliquées aux deux formes et le texte. Il ya plus de 100 préselections d’effet qui affichent les différentes façons dont les effets peuvent être ajustés. SITE FERMÉ : En téléchargement ici (pour windows uniquement) : Tutoriel 1 : Tutoriel 2 : Tutoriel 3 : Pour aller plus loin : Animatron. Un autre outil abandonné Projet ROME : Projet ROME est un tout-en-un de création de contenu et de publication d'application qui permet de presque tout le monde au travail ou à la maison injecter la puissance du graphisme, photos, texte, vidéo, audio et d'animation dans les projets de tous les jours. Créer une animation et exporter au format swf :

Design Your Class Like A Video Game How Video Games Have Mastered Learning Engagement Terry Heick Agreeing on how to best establish what a learner understands isn’t simple — if for no other reason than understanding isn’t simple. Gamification and game-based learning (which are different, by the way: the former uses encouragement mechanics to promote engagement, while the latter uses video-games as core sources of learning material or cognitive action) is one response. By embedding diverse achievements into activities and assessments, learning progress can be refracted infinitely. But video games have even more to offer formal learning systems. To be able to do this before moving on to that. Stifling the Fun Hated tropes in video game mechanics include “training” sessions, where players must prove to the video game that they can perform a basic function before moving on. Not much different than school, then. Most game designers have learned, however. Climb a mountain or slay a robot enemy? Takeaways for Learning 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Des boitiers de vote pour évaluer - Usages du numérique éducatif Sébastien Vivier1 utilise dans certaines séquences un tableau blanc interactif et des boitiers de vote. Ce matériel lui permet d’évaluer en début, en cours et/ou en fin de séance ce qui a été mémorisé et compris. Ces tests dynamisent le cours : les réponses apportées à un problème sont observées et commentées par les élèves avant de l’être par le professeur. Ils apportent à l’enseignant des informations qui l’aident à adapter sa pédagogie aux besoins, et lui permettent d’apporter de l’aide ou de la remédiation (évaluation formative). Il peut réagir à bon escient, en prenant en compte le pourcentage d’élèves qui n’ont pas réussi le test. Le fait d’afficher ou pas les réponses individuelles sur le tableau blanc interactif dépend de la méthode pédagogique et de l’ambiance de la classe : dans un climat propice à la collaboration l’affichage des erreurs facilite la co-formation. Dans l’exemple détaillé ci-dessous, le professeur pose 14 questions pendant la séance. Pour en savoir plus :

Créer des screencast au format GIF Dans le langage courant, la magie désigne ce qui arrive sans que nous comprenions pourquoi. "Comme par magie", les choses arrivent. La magie réfère aussi, et d'abord, au surnaturel. Mais la magie, c'est aussi la tromperie, l'illusion : les magiciens de spectacles sont plus couramment appelés des "illusionnistes". En matière d'illusion, nul n'a attendu le numérique pour nous faire rêver. Illusion, convocation du surnaturel, roublardise ou innovation qui dépasse l'entendement : toutes les acceptations de la "magie" liée au numérique figurent dans ce dossier. Illustration : Lukiyanova Natalia / frenta,

30 Facts About Gamification in eLearning How Can Gamification Improve eLearning? What is the Future of Gamification in eLearning Industry? Judging by the following 30 Facts about Gamification in eLearning, the future of Gamification in eLearning is brighter than ever. eLearning Industry in numbersThe eLearning market is now more than 16 years old (the word “e-learning” was coined in 1998). At Fortune 500 firms, 73.6 percent of technology-delivered training comes through networked, online methods. (1)Corporations can save up to 70% by replacing traditional training with eLearning (IOMA 2002).Over 18,000,000 college students are taking at least one of their classes online. By 2019 half of all classes will be done online. (2)eLearning is $56.2 billion industry. Over 75% people are gamers (50% casually and 27% moderately to fairly often). (4) Learners recall just 10% of what they read and 20% of what they hear. Favorite Gamification Techniques (4) Progressing to different levelsScoresAvatarsVirtual Currencies References:

AMC - Conception et correction automatique de QCM - Accueil About AMC Auto Multiple Choice is a piece of software that can help you creating and managing multiple choice questionnaires (MCQ), with automated marking. AMC is a free software, distributed under the GPLv2+ licence. Features LaTeX formatting Answers sheets are formatted with LaTeX, allowing mathematical formulas and many other potential uses. Shuffled questions and answers AMC allows to shuffle randomly questions and answers within each question, so that each answer sheet is unique. Automated marking from completed answers sheets scans After the exam, scaned completed answers sheets can be marked automatically by AMC, using Optical Mark Recognition (OMR). Marking Even if a default scoring strategy is defined, very fine customization is available for each question.
