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Building your own CNC milling machine

Building your own CNC milling machine
Already at the age of 12 I was dreaming of making a machine which could make things! A machine which would give me the opportunity to create products for in and around the house. Two years later I stumbled ont the words 'Computer Numerical Control' or more specifically the CNC milling machine. After I found out people were able to build one themselves in their own shed, I knew it! I had to build one, I yearned to have it!! For three months I tried to find the proper parts (A dremeltool, drawer slides, pieces of wood, etc.), but I didn't really know how to build a CNC. In August 2013 the idea to build a CNC milling machine captivated me again. This Instructable will show you how I built my CNC milling machine. Related:  DIY

Whip Grafting Grafting is one of the oldest methods of plant propagation and is standard practice today for various types of fruit trees. Whip grafting is an easy technique for the beginner, and has yielded good results for me with apples, apricots, plums and cherries. There are several other grafting techniques - bud grafting, cleft grafting, and bark grafting being some of the common ones. Why is grafting important for the home orchardist? This is a useful technique for people with small backyards. When to do whip grafting? Compatibility We need to observe compatibility between the scion and the host branch. Different varieties of citrus (limes, lemons, mandarins, oranges, etc.) are highly compatible with each other, but different grafting techniques are followed for them, such as bud grafting, since citrus isn’t deciduous i.e. does not go dormant as the stone fruit do.

100% Homemade Lathe Although I know other people have built lathes themselves, after an enormous amount of looking on Google, I saw most homemade lathes involve casting and milling, as well as using off the shelf components like chucks and tapers. Being only a high school student, I wanted to experiment with a lathe without having to spend hundreds of dollars that I don't have. I ended up using almost all scrap materials from my basement, so there is no need to follow my materials choices. I managed to build this lathe in about a week, with not much more than a cordless drill, a drill press, a jigsaw, and assorted hand tools. Warning: This is a powerful device designed to spin stuff quickly.

Protei 011 "Optimist" Kit – Scoutbots Protei 011 "Optimist" kit is now available for anyone to buy as a commercial prototype . Protei 011 is the first wind-powered robot with a controllable shape-shifting hull. Most sailing boats have a centre board and a rudder ; Protei's entire hull can be controlled remotely providing amazing manoeuvrability and sailing behaviour. We believe that the controllable hull is the next step in the evolution of sailing science. Protei is also an extendable modular sailboat. If you buy from this page, you get the Protei 011 as a kit that you have to assemble yourself as an IKEA or LEGO kit but quit harder, and you will need a well equipped workshop. Protei 011 Limited Edition ready to sail in a corrugated paper box (840$)Protei 011 Limited Edition ready to sail with it's rugged travel box (coming soon)Do it yourself from scratch following our instructions on instructables. You are buying a cutting edge technology in that the science of the shape shifting hull is yet to be understood.

News | La Paillasse Juste avant l’été, Marine Royer, de l’école de design l’ENSCI-les-Ateliers, m’avait contacté afin que La Paillasse accueille les étudiants designers de son premier workshop “Biotechnologies” lors de leur premier journée, ceci afin de casser le mythe des laboratoires tout immaculés des films/séries B. La biologie pouvait se faire autrement, en toute indépendance et ouverture, dans un squat à vitry sur seine. Pari réussi :) Read more Du 3 au 6 octobre se déroulait à Rome la première grande édition européenne de la Maker Faire. - Cher tous, La Paillasse vous propose une aventure scientifique sans pareil ! Nous allons organiser une campagne unique de récupération de matériel de laboratoire à l’échelle nationale. Read more Le magazine Nature, référence absolu au panthéon des sciences, parle de La Paillasse dans un de ses derniers articles à propos du futur impact des biotechnologies indépendantes. Voici le lien de l’article écrit par Virginia Gewin: Read more A l’ordre du jour: Deroulement:

DIY Planet : Made in Fr DigitalSpirit Par hugo le mardi, septembre 29 2015, 15:21 - Format de la carte Comme je l'évoquais dans un article précédent, Seeedstudio qui produit les pcb, m'a demandé un surplus de 17$ à cause des demi-trous en bordure de la carte, vu le cout total de production des PCB (9$ pour 10), ça fait une belle surprise et de toute façon, je n'étais pas convaincu de l'utilité / praticité de ces demi-trous, j'ai donc résolu le problème en augmentant quelque peu la largeur de la carte qui passe de 16mm à 19mm, rien de bien méchant et surtout un gain appréciable en terme de place disponible sur le PCB. Améliorations par rapport à la version 1.0.0 : L'ouverture du port USB à été agrandie car ça coinçait un peu sur la première version.Certains composants ont été déplacés pour faciliter le montageLes broches de programmation ont été agrandis (voir plus bas) Comparatif visuel et à l'échelle entre un Funky v3, un OpenAlarm Node 1.0.0 et un OpenAlarm Node 1.5.0 : Vue de derrière : Entrées / sorties

DIY Pick and Place V2 Project Complete The DIY pick and place machine project is now finally running and is able to place the components for our Raspberry Pi expansion boards. This project started in July 2013 when we began to order the various components, bearings, motors, drive systems, frame materials etc and we started to build the machine in September. Various stages of this project have been posted in the DIY Pick and Place category on the blog and this post will be an overview of all the stages during the build and the problems and issues we had to overcome. This blog post is split into the following sections: You can click on any of the photos to view larger versions. Project Overview and aims Early in 2013 we found that the manual pick and place machine we had built to place the surface mount components on our Raspberry Pi expansion boards was too slow to build the number of boards we needed to sell on our online store. Main Frame assembly Bearings and Drive systems Picker Heads and Vacuum Control Vision system Software

Greffage | Ma passion du verger Le greffage est incontournable pour multiplier arbres fruitiers et plantes, qui conserveront toutes les caractéristiques génétiques de la plante mère. Bien que délicate à mettre en œuvre, mais passionnante, cette opération chirurgicale a donc pour mission de reproduire les différents végétaux en unissant deux espèces. Quelle satisfaction et quel plaisir de faire soi-même ses arbres fruitiers au lieu de les acheter, d’avoir réussi des greffes et de les voir pousser. (Cliquer 2 fois sur les images) Greffer est une technique de multiplication qui consiste à mettre en étroite union deux végétaux. Greffage bois de deux ans. J’ai appris à greffer lors d’une formation arboricole, chez mon ami moniteur Armand Lang, qui m’a transmis son immense savoir-faire et son virus pour l’arboriculture. Greffage de quetsche Stanley + quetsche d’Alsace + pruneau d’Agen et mirabelle sur la même branche. Le prix de l’Ouvrage envoyé par la Poste est de 32€, frais d’envoi compris, sous carton/poste. En couronne

Heavyduty Workbench / Shop Cart Good Afternoon y'all, Mrs. Gnome has been requesting that I do something with the garage. I suppose tools and jugs of used motor oil lined up against the wall are not cool enough for her? I have been tinkering on a salvaged wooden teacher’s desk in our utility room, but I need an actual workbench. Like most of my projects I tend to overthink them, and write it in a little notebook. I should warn you I went pretty picture heavy if anything brings a question to mind feel free to ask in the comments. ANSI rated safety glasses and a dust mask; you are only issues 2 eyes it is up to you to protect them. SALVAGE & Upcycle The Top is a 2.5x5’ steel case desk top 1.5 inch thick MDF with Formica From the same desk the center metal pencil/pad drawer 1 pair Heavy duty ball bearing, server rails Surge suppressor & 12 gauge heavy duty extension cord. Things purchased from Amazon Things purchased locally Things used from stock on hand #10 washers (for the wheel screws) Sandpaper Tools Used
