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The #PreziTop100 Online Resources Every Presenter Should See

The #PreziTop100 Online Resources Every Presenter Should See

productivité Kuidas tekst arvutisse saada Lõik Alguses oli lõik. Lõik (ingl.k. paragraph) on jupp teksti, mis arvutis lõpetatakse vajutades ENTER-klahvile. Näiteks võiksin ma siinkohal lõigu lõpetada: Nii, nüüd oleme uue lõigu alguses. Nagu näha pole tegemist sugugi mustkunstiga. Nimelt nii ja ainult nii? Arvatavasti juhtub üsna tihti, et pärast dokumendi prooviversiooni valmimist tuleb välja, et tekst sai pisut liiga väike või suur, keegi soovitab selle teil hoopis kolme lõiku jooksutada ja siis tuleb reklaamipealik, kes selgitab et ‘meie majas kasutatakse ju hoopis toda teist kirjatüüpi’. Aga taandrida? Nagu mainitud, kannatab hästivoolav lõik välja enamuse võimalikest katsumustest ja laseb ennast vormida vastavalt keskkonnale. Word’is on üleval, teksti kohal joonlaud ehk ruler, kus on ära märgitud lehekülje ning lõigu servad (ingl k. margin) ja, kui neid on määratud, siis ka tabulaatorid, veerud (ingl k. column) jms. Tabu-misasi? Tabulaator ehk tabu ei tähenda sedapuhku sugugi midagi keelatut. Kuidas tabu joondab? Kriipsud

procrastination for Education All of our RISE Award recipients are working with diverse student populations to increase access and interest in Computer Science. Google is proud to partner with the following organizations: 2014 North America Award Recipients Carver School of Technology | The GAETT Program | Atlanta, Georgia The GAETT Program will serve as an afterschool enrichment program to increase the number of African American females from underserved communities participating in STEM programs in metro Atlanta. URBAN Teens eXploring Technology | Los Angeles, CA URBAN Teens eXploring Technology (URBAN TxT) encourages inner city teen males to become catalysts of change in their communities. DiscoverE | Alberta, Canada DiscoverE is a non-profit initiative at the University of Alberta focused on delivering high-impact camps, workshops, and clubs. Globaloria | New York, New York HER Ideas in Motion | Cleveland, Ohio Institute for Computing Education (ICE) at Georgia Tech | Project Rise Up 4 CS | Atlanta, Georgia

Getting Things Done La « productivité sans stress »[modifier | modifier le code] David Allen prend soin d'emblée de préciser que la méthode GTD ne procède pas de la « gestion du temps », mais de la « gestion des actions afin d'obtenir des résultats ». GTD est une démarche d'organisation personnelle applicable par chacun à l'ensemble de ses activités, tant professionnelles que privées. Pratiquer la méthode amène à identifier avec sûreté ses priorités à tout moment, et à mieux se mettre en position d'agir immédiatement sur la priorité choisie. L'auteur montre que pour bien choisir sa priorité et s'y consacrer pleinement, il faut pouvoir s'appuyer en permanence sur un système que l'on sait fiable. on choisit à chaque fois en pleine connaissance de cause ce que l'on fait,on ne porte son attention que sur ce qui est actionnable maintenant,on est tranquille sur ce que l'on ne fait pas : soit que l'on ait délibérément choisi de ne pas y donner la priorité, soit ce n'était tout simplement pas faisable maintenant.

Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri. Estonian Journal of Education Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri. Estonian Journal of Education on eelretsenseeritav ja rahvusvahelise toimetuskolleegiumiga avatud juurdepääsuga ajakiri, mis avaldab eestikeelseid akadeemilisi originaaluurimusi ja teaduspõhiseid kaastöid kasvatusteadustest, haridusest ja õpetajakoolitusest kogu selle mitmekülgsuses. Ajakirja antakse välja Tartu Ülikooli ja Tallinna Ülikooli koostöös, Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastuse väljaandena ning avaldatakse avatud publitseerimise platvormil OJS (Open Journal Systems). Eesmärgiks on kindlustada eestikeelse haridusteaduse kestvus, arendada omakeelset erialaterminoloogiat ning toetada kõrgetasemelise ja rahvusvaheliselt tunnustatud Eesti peadagoogikateadlaste järelkasvu. Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri pakub eestikeelset avaldamisruumi haridus- ja piirneva valdkonna teadlastele. Oodatud on nii empiirilisi uuringuid tutvustavad kaastööd kui ka teoreetilised ülevaateartiklid. Ilmumissagedus on kaks numbrit aastas (mais ja novembris ). Announcements No 2(1) (2014)

5 applications pour votre système GTD 10 juin 2013 Ce que GTD n’est pas, c’est un outil clés en main officiel avec toutes les options. La réalité est dure : vous allez devoir fabriquer vous-même votre propre système, car il dépend complètement des outils avec lesquels vous êtes familier et auxquels vous avez accès. Le livre a été publié en 2001, à une époque où Internet n’était pas aussi omniprésent, où l’on ne stockait pas autant sa vie entière dans le Cloud ; il propose une approche plus matérielle, avec du papier et des dossiers. Cette solution est tout à fait valide, mais je sais que la plupart préfère un outil informatique, surtout dans notre milieu. Permettez-moi de vous présenter quelques applications pour intégrer GTD. GTD est un jeu de règles conçues sur le bon sens, qui établissent un système personnel auquel on peut faire confiance. Alors, comment choisir son système, au juste ? Un bon système doit être fiable : si vous y mettez des informations et qu’elles disparaissent, vous allez droit dans le mur. Evernote

Instructional Design Scaffolding helps to build a framework for the learners What is Instructional Design? Instructional Design is defined as “a systematic process that is employed to develop education and training programs in a consistent and reliable fashion” (Reiser, Dempsey, 2007). increase and enhance the possibility of learning makes the acquisition of knowledge and skill more efficient, effective, and appealing, encourages the engagement of learners so that they learn faster and gain deeper levels of understanding In a nutshell, instructional design can be thought of as a process for creating effective and efficient learning processes. While other models are aimed at specific learning processes, such as van Merriënboer's 4C/ID model, which is used when the learners must master complex problem solving. Learning can be quite complex, thus there is no one size fits all methodology. Differences Between Instructional Design and Instructional System Design Strategies of Instructional Design 1. 2. 3.

Instructional Design What does an instructional designer do? In the past few months, I’ve been asked by a number of different people what an instructional designer does and how to get into the field. I love instructional design because it is a field where I am constantly learning and I have a great variety in what I do. I use so many different skills—writing, web design, graphics, collaboration, planning, plus of course how people learn. Since this question has come up more than once, I thought it would be useful to collect all the information I have emailed people privately and post it here. This will be a series of posts over the week or so. So without further ado, here’s the first installation: What does an instructional designer do? I’m emphasizing “experiences” here deliberately, even though that isn’t always how others would describe the job. If all you’re doing is dumping content into PowerPoint slides or text to read, you don’t need an instructional designer. How do we do that? Update: Other Posts in this Series Free Subscription

IS UNIT WEB SITE - IPTS - JRC - EC Starting date: May 2009 Duration: 18 months Client: European Commission, Directorate General for Education and Culture, Unit Jean Monet, partnerships and relations with agencies (EAC A3) Objective: It is acknowledged by policymakers and researchers that a fundamental transformation of education and training throughout Europe is needed, not only to maintain existing levels of education and training in the population, but also to develop the new skills and competences required if Europe is to remain competitive and grasp new opportunities. Key findings: The central future learning paradigm is characterised by lifelong and life-wide learning and shaped by the ubiquity of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Key challenges: To illustrate and better understand how future learning strategies can address key challenges to learning and training, a number of "persona" were created (see below). Consultation and Dissemination Activities Related Publications: Related links: Contact

Background – Development Impact and You The Development Impact and You toolkit has been specially designed for practitioners to dive straight into action. Yet the tools presented here are grounded in existing theories and practices of innovation, design, and business development. This section offers a ‘bird’s eye view’ of the main pillars underlying the theory and management of social innovation and for each of these topics we have provided references for further reading. 1. Stages of Innovation Innovation is sometimes written about as an almost magical process. Although every real innovation is a complex story of loops and jumps, there are various stages that most innovations pass through. The seven stages are: Opportunities & challenges: These include all the initiating factors like a crisis, new evidence, inspirations etc. which highlight the need for change. Generating ideas: Most of the ideas you come up with at first won’t work. Developing & testing: New ideas are always helped by robust criticism. 2. 3. 4.
