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Mobile webapps made easy

Mobile webapps made easy

TideSDK | Create multi-platform desktop apps with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript 13个非常有用的jQuery模态插件_图范儿-设计|插画|新鲜的图片 在今天的集合,我们将呈现给你13个jQuery的模态的插件。目前许多网站都使用jQuery,这是很重要的,一个人应该知道什么jQuery插件可用,以保持最新的最新的网页设计趋势。借助jQuery插件,可以保持他的网站上的人群。 如果你想显示你的用户快速的信息,然后jQuery模态对话框将是你不错的选择。借助jQuery的模态对话框,您可以显示警报,通知,错误,模态弹出窗口,模态窗口或对话框。 Avgrund模态 Avgrund是一个jQuery插件,用于模态框和弹出窗口。 FancyBox FancyBox是一个工具,用于显示图像,HTML内容和多媒体的Mac风格的“收藏夹”漂浮凌驾网页。 简单的模式 SIMPLEMODAL是一个小插件创建模态窗口。 Lightview ,Lightview建改变的方式覆盖的内容在网站上。 jQuery.bPopup.js bPopup是模态弹出一个轻量级的jQuery插件(只有1.34KB gzip压缩)。 LeanModal.js 光秃秃的骨头模态对话框窗口。 jQuery的SuperBox! jQuery的Superbox! Highslide JS Highslide JS是一个图像,媒体和画廊浏览器JavaScript编写的。 GreyBox ,GreyBox可以用来显示一个美丽的网站,图像和其他内容。 显示:jQuery的情态动词的制造 揭示的是真棒,因为它很容易实现的,是跨浏览器兼容与现代浏览器(当然一些优美的退化),重量轻,只有1.75KB。 jQuery的灯箱插件 jQuery的灯箱插件是简单的,优雅的,不显眼,无需额外的标记,用于覆盖在当前页面上的图像通过jQuery的选择器的强大功能和灵活性。 PrettyPhoto是一个jQuery库。 prettyPhoto是一个jQuery的灯箱克隆。 Simplemodal SimpleModal是一个轻量级的jQuery插件,它提供了一个功能强大的界面模态对话框的发展。

AppGyver Responsive & Fixed One Page Nav Adtile Technologies wrote this on Today, we are open sourcing the JavaScript code and the assets we used to build the above functionality for our new website. The code and examples are hosted on GitHub and can be found from here. There’s a live example too, under our site, give it a spin. Below is a list of some of the features provided: Fixed Nav Features Fixed positioned, always visible navigation barUses vanilla JavaScript, no jQuery requiredSmooth animated scrollingRemoves 300ms tap delayAdds a mask over the content when navigation is openAuto highlights current location when scrolling the siteUses a tiny custom font for icons (only two characters included)Closes the navigation when user tap’s outside of itTapping a link changes the URL, so users can still copy/paste it from the address bar and link to different sectionsBuilt progressive enhancement in mindTested to be working in IE6 and up Fixed Nav on GitHub →

PhoneGap API Documentation Apache Cordova is an open-source mobile development framework. It allows you to use standard web technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript for cross-platform development, avoiding each mobile platforms' native development language. Applications execute within wrappers targeted to each platform, and rely on standards-compliant API bindings to access each device's sensors, data, and network status. Apache Cordova graduated in October 2012 as a top level project within the Apache Software Foundation (ASF). Through the ASF, future Cordova development will ensure open stewardship of the project. It will always remain free and open source under the Apache License, Version 2.0. Use Apache Cordova if you are: Basic Components Apache Cordova applications rely on a common config.xml file that provides information about the app and specifies parameters affecting how it works, such as whether it responds to orientation shifts. Cordova does not provide any UI widgets or MV* frameworks.

djyde/StoreDB Apple’s iOS7 Native JavaScript Bridge A Brief History of JavaScript Bridges in Mobile In 2009 Appcelerator’s Titanium 0.8 Version changed from a ‘Hybrid web container’ based approach similar to Phone Gap / Cordova to full ‘Native binding’. The change required Titanium developers to re-architect their code and remove HTML as the top-level implementation. Developers wrote their apps in pure JavaScript. The value to developers and Appcelerator is Titanium JavaScript applications running on iOS (and eventually Android) could get nearly all of the benefits of applications written in native Objective-C without having to learn Objective-C. Appcelerator did not redefine the native iPhone look and feel Titanium Apps leveraged Apples native Human Interface Guideline (HIG). The JavaScript Bridge strategy was then implemented on other mobile device’s (Android soon followed originally leveraging Rhino and then later V8, and later Blackberry and Tizen). Titanium SDK could be extended to support additional native features and components.

提升网站水平:12个最好的视差滚动教程 创建吸引各种游客的注意力和兴趣有很多种,其中之一是视差滚动(Parallax Scrolling)技术。在网页设计中,视差滚动是当下流行的网页设计技术,通过让多层背景以不同的速度或者不同的方向移动形成 3D 运动效果,有很强的视觉冲击力。 这里集合了20个最好的视差滚动教程,里面有详细的制作步骤的在线演示,你很快就能把这种流行的网站效果应用到自己的的网站中。 您可能感兴趣的相关文章 Prarllax Slider with jQuery 详细教程 效果演示 Fluid CSS3 SlideShow with Parllax Effect 详细教程 效果演示 Parllax Ccontent Slider with CSS3 and jQuery 详细教程 效果演示 Parallax Effect 详细教程 效果演示 Parallax scrolling website interfaces 详细教程 效果演示 Funky Parallax Background Effect Using jQuery 详细教程 效果演示 Building a Parallax Scrolling Storytelling Framework 详细教程 效果演示 Create Parallax Scrolling Website Using Stellar.js 详细教程 效果演示 One Page Website, Vertical Parallax 详细教程 效果演示 A Simple Parallax Scrolling Technique 详细教程 效果演示 The Parallax Effects with jQuery 详细教程 效果演示 Scrolling Parallax 详细教程 效果演示 本文链接:提升网站水平:15个最好的视差滚动教程 编译来源:梦想天空 ◆ 关注前端开发技术 ◆ 分享网页设计资源

mobilenode MobileNode is a tiny node.js-like environment for native mobile apps MobileNode is a tiny node-like environment for native mobile apps. Focus will initially be on iOS 7 using the JavaScriptCore framework, but it should be possible to get this thing can get rolling on Android some day. Currently, this only works with my locally hacked environment and is not published to npm. You write a node.js program (with package.json and npm dependencies, etc.). On the iOS side, the MobileNode framework will create a JavaScript execution environment, bootstrap it with hooks to call into and out of native code, and connect to our local WebSocket server. A standard library of native modules will already be made available to JS, but additional native functionality must be implemented using the rudimentary MobileNode extension interface (basically defining blocks that can be called from JS, and a method that can fire a method call into JS). UNDER CONSTRUCTION! [sudo] npm install -g mobilenode Lots.

Crumpet - A Deliciously Simple Framework What's in the ingredients? Everything is straight forward, all of the code is commented and gives you instructions on how to use Crumpet, so you can spend all your time in the code editor. Here are the few files that Crumpet comes with to get you going: A index.html that gives you a little demo. A settings.scss file which has the frameworks settings in. HTML Markup Make a container, add a row and then slap in a column. <div class="container"><div class="row"><div class="col super-fresh"> So fresh, so clean </div><div class="col super-dope"> I'm dope </div></div></div> Using The Grid All you need to do is @extend a placeholder selector into a class. .super-fresh { @extend %grid-5; @extend %tablet_grid-4; @extend %mobile_grid-2; } .super-dope { @extend %grid-7; @extend %tablet_grid-8; @extend %mobile_grid-10; } Notes

TooTallNate/NodObjC · GitHub 在网站开发中很有用的8个 jQuery 效果 - 资讯/编程 - 极思维 看看下面这些惊人的功能和效果,我相信你会发现一些很有用的东西。基于 jQuery 实现的 Ajax 异步分页 jPages 是一款非常不错的客户端分页插件,有很多特色,例如自动播放、按键翻页、延迟加载等等 源码下载 在线演示 老牌的响应式 jQuery 幻灯片效果 SlidesJS 是一款老牌的 jQuery 幻灯片插件,经过多年的发展,已经成为一款功能齐全,设计精巧的幻灯片插件。 源码下载 在线演示 模态窗口,工具提示和消息效果 jBox 是一个强大而灵活的 jQuery 插件,可以帮助实现模态窗口,工具提示,通知和更多的功能。 源码下载 在线演示 世界上最棒的 jQuery 图片轮播效果 Nivo Slider 号称世界上最棒的图片轮播插件,有独立的 jQuery 插件和 WordPress 插件两个版本。 源码下载 在线演示 视差滚动在图片滑块中的应用 视差滚动(Parallax Scrolling)已经被广泛应用于网页设计中,这种技术能够让原本平面的网页界面产生动感的立体效果。 源码下载 在线演示 制作一个很炫的网格动画效果 今天我们想与大家分享一个小的动画概念。 源码下载 在线演示 实现各种动感十足的文本动画 这个插件集成了一些非常好的 JavaScript 库,提供一个方便使用的文本动画插件,可以让你为网页中的文字运用各种动画。 源码下载 在线演示 动感的页面加载动画效果 这个效果的核心是让一个形状在页面窗口中动画显示并有展示活动的指示。 源码下载 在线演示
