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Glogster EDU - herramienta del siglo 21 multimedia para educadores, maestros y estudiantes

Glogster EDU - herramienta del siglo 21 multimedia para educadores, maestros y estudiantes
Benefits Expand Digital Literacy Glogster EDU creates a digital learning environment, where teachers and students learn technology in an easy to use and scalable format that simplifies the educational process and produces assessable multi-modal results across the curriculum spectrum. Enable Standards Mastery Glogster EDU enables public or private schools, districts, states, and education institutions of all kinds, to meet and exceed educational technology and content area standards for creativity and innovation, communication and collaboration, research and information fluency, critical thinking, problem solving and decision making, and digital citizenship. Promote Independent Problem Solving Glogster EDU creates an adaptable and innovative learning environment for all learners, regardless of age, gender, culture or learning style. Students are encouraged to be independent, inventive problem solving and lifelong learners. Features Glog Presentations!

La última guía para uso de Twitter en la educación Twitter seems to be here to stay. As one of the most popular ways for teachers, students, and the general public to communicate, it’s becoming a must-have tool in almost every teacher’s toolbox. However, numerous recent studies have shown that education in general has been slow to adopt social media. In an effort to speed up this adoption process, below you’ll find a boatload of resources on the past, present, and future of Twitter in education as well as some helpful guides to using the tool in the classroom. This guide is by no means exhaustive and is meant to be added to on a regular basis. Nomenclature Made Practical: Student Discovery of the Nomenclature Rules - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS Publications and Division of Chemical Education) Abstract The chemical nomenclature of inorganic compounds is typically introduced early in many introductory chemistry courses at both the university and secondary school levels. From the perspective of the student, chemical nomenclature is a series of complex rules and situations involving unfamiliar concepts, such as, transition-metal oxidation states and polyatomic ions.

Education Technology, Apps, Product Reviews, and Social Media – Edudemic 5 Ways To Be A Better Public Speaker 6.89K Views 0 Likes If you've been asked to speak at a conference or host a seminar, you may be shaking in your boots. Not only is the thought of speaking in public nerve-wracking, but being in charge of a seminar that no one wants to at...

Powerful tool for creating web surveys. Online survey software made easy! SurveyMonkey™ Thanks for completing this survey.Now create your own—it's free, quick & easy! Create free surveys in just a few minutes Ask questions in over 15 formats(configured for you and ready to go!) Buenos lugares para encontrar recursos educativos en español La comunidad de profesores y alumnos de todo el mundo está cada vez más conectada, buscando en conjunto herramientas, procesos y contenido en general que ayude a optimizar el proceso de distribución de conocimientos. Mi interés personal por el mundo académico es enorme, no hay día que no sea un tema protagonista de charlas, artículos o debates en las redes sociales en las que participo, motivo por el cual recibo cientos de recursos de este tipo cada día, por diversas fuentes, que filtro con cuidado para recomendarlos allí donde sea posible. Además de la categoría de Recursos académicos y Proyectos educativos aquí, en, hay muchas otras fuentes en las que se puede encontrar contenido que ayude a preparar clases, entender mejor ciertos conceptos y conocer lo que la tecnología puede ofrecer dentro y fuera de las escuelas. - Tiching: Uno de mis preferidos. - Wikisaber: Proyecto en el que he participado personalmente escribiendo artículos sobre el tema.

Molecules with Silly or Unusual Names Arsole Yes, believe it or not, there is actually a molecule called Arsole... and it's a ring! It is the arsenic equivalent of pyrrole, and although it is rarely found in its pure form, it is occasionally seen as a sidegroup in the form of organic arsolyls. For more information, see the paper with probably the best title of any scientific paper I've ever come across: "Studies on the Chemistry of the Arsoles", G. Template For Calling Or Emailing Students’ Parents Click Here to get $20 off of a Keurig Brewer (Coupon Code: 20DOLLARS) As a teacher, you shouldn’t be solely contacting students’ parents when they have done something bad, but rather, you should be calling or emailing the students’ parents in both instances when they have either done something good or bad. I have learned to make it a point to call or email each of the students’ parents at least once per month to report the positive actions and behaviours that they have exhibited during the classroom time. You will inevitably have to contact a few of the students’ parents throughout the year for the negative behaviours and actions that they have exhibited, so by having called multiple times for the positive actions, you will have already secured a “good” and trustworthy spot in their books. We also know that it is very important to “Cover Your Behind” and record any emails or phone calls that you direct towards a student’s parents.

Home Publicar gráficos de paises con Google Docs Si estamos trabajando con datos estadísticos de países puede resultar interesante y útil, insertar estos singulares gráficos que podemos crear de una manera muy rápida con Google Docs, puesto que reconoce los nombres de los países escritos en una hoja de cálculo sin ningún problema y puede representarlos en un mapa.Aquí el ejemplo que muestra Google. Aquí otro con el Top 10 de los países con mayores usuarios de Internet. Veamos con detalle como lo haríamos: 1º Como siempre, partimos de una hoja de cálculo que debe contener: Una columna con el nombre de los paísesDatos numéricos de dichos países 2º Seguidamente insertamos el gráfico:

Evernote para centros educativos Welcome to YouTube! The location filter shows you popular videos from the selected country or region on lists like Most Viewed and in search results.To change your location filter, please use the links in the footer at the bottom of the page. Click "OK" to accept this setting, or click "Cancel" to set your location filter to "Worldwide". The location filter shows you popular videos from the selected country or region on lists like Most Viewed and in search results.
