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Nio appar för pedagoger

Nio appar för pedagoger behöver din hjälp!Pinned: 6 Oct 2014 Sfipodd: gratis poddradiotjänst för sfi-studerande + intervju med projektledaren Olga Carlberg.Pinned: 14 Sep 2014 I detta inlägg presenterar jag ett urplock av de sfi-bloggar som finns ute på nätet (de flesta har jag hittat i olika Facebook-grupper). Det har blivit populärt att ha en klassblogg för att publicera all möjlig information till sina elever. Har du planer på att starta en egen blogg för er klass? Då kan detta inlägg vara bra, för att se hur andra byggt upp sina bloggar för att få idéer eller inspiration.Pinned: 4 Sep 2014 Två gratisverktyg för skärmdumpar och filmerPinned: 13 Aug 2014 I det femte avsnittet av Sfi-podden med livshistorier berättar Moe Asraei sin historia.

Understand what you read Why “Psychological Androgyny” Is Essential for Creativity by Maria Popova “Creative individuals are more likely to have not only the strengths of their own gender but those of the other one, too.” Despite the immense canon of research on creativity — including its four stages, the cognitive science of the ideal creative routine, the role of memory, and the relationship between creativity and mental illness — very little has focused on one of life’s few givens that equally few of us can escape: gender and the genderedness of the mind. In Creativity: The Psychology of Discovery and Invention (public library) — one of the most important, insightful, and influential books on creativity ever written — pioneering psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi examines a curious, under-appreciated yet crucial aspect of the creative mindset: a predisposition to psychological androgyny. Illustration by Yang Liu from 'Man Meets Woman,' a pictogram critique of gender stereotypes. Illustration from the 1970 satirical book 'I’m Glad I’m a Boy! Donating = Loving

Super Teacher Tools Memory Gym Series | :: BrainTrain - Changing the Way People Think :: Insurance coverage varies according to insurance company and state, but all major carriers now cover Cognitive Rehabilitation. It is billed in 15 minute units with fees paid at $35 to $55 per unit, depending on the region of the country. A treatment plan is required and progress must be documented. In addition, the patient needs to be qualified to show that he or she can possibly benefit from this form of treatment. Code: 97532: Development of cognitive skills to improve attention, memory, problem solving (includes compensatory training), direct patient contact by the provider, each 15 minutes. Code: 97533: Sensory integrative techniques to enhance sensory processing and promote adaptive responses to environment demands, direct patient contact by the provider, each 15 minutes.

Digitala lärresurser Allt material som är digitalt och till nytta i undervisning och lärande är digitala lärresurser. Det kan vara stort som en hel webbplats eller ett läromedel eller litet som en bild eller en ljudfil. Vi guidar dig i hur du kan söka, värdera, skapa och dela digitala lärresurser. Söka Det finns många användbara lärresurser på nätet men det kan vara svårt att hitta dem när man behöver dem. Tjänster och arkiv för digitala lärresurser Sök med Spindeln Sök med Creative Commons Värdera digitala lärresurser Skapa Du har säkert många gånger anpassat lektionsmaterial efter dina elevers behov. Skapa digitala lärresurser Dela Genom att dela dina digitala lärresurser hjälper du andra lärare att få idéer och material till sin undervisning. Dela digitala lärresurser Samla och sortera data om digitala lärresurser

train-working-memory What is Working Memory? Can it Be Trained? By: Dr. You have prob­a­bly noticed the increas­ing amount of research and media cov­er­age focused on “work­ing mem­ory”. Work­ing mem­ory is the abil­ity to keep infor­ma­tion cur­rent in mind for a short period, while using this infor­ma­tion for the task at hand. Let’s take a few con­crete exam­ples to under­stand in which sit­u­a­tions work­ing mem­ory is used. Brain Exercises for the Weekend By: Alvaro Fernandez Har­riet Vines, Ph.D., an expe­ri­enced author and retired col­lege pro­fes­sor, sends us a few fun brain exer­cises to train our atten­tion and work­ing mem­ory (the abil­ity to keep infor­ma­tion cur­rent for a short period while using this infor­ma­tion). Say the days of the week back­wards, then in alpha­bet­i­cal order.Say the months of the year in alpha­bet­i­cal order. PS: Enjoy these 50 brain teasers to test your cog­ni­tive abil­ity. Free give-aways: Sandra Bullock’s Premonition and our Brain Fitness Center Good luck!

100 Ways To Use Google Drive In The Classroom 100 Ways To Use Google Drive In The Classroom by Students and educators have a wealth of learning and productivity tools available to them online. Google offers some of the highest-quality resources on the web to meet all your study and teaching needs, and all you need to access them is an internet connection. The Google Docs collection provides a streamlined, collaborative solution to writing papers, organizing presentations and putting together spreadsheets and reports. But besides the basic features, there are lots of little tricks and hacks you can use to make your Google Docs experience even more productive. Ed note: This is an older post, so some of these features or links may be out of date. Keyboard Shortcuts Navigate your documents and screen a lot faster when you use these keyboard shortcuts for formatting and more. Productivity Hacks These hacks will make your Google Docs experience even more efficient and streamlined. Features & Tools Collaboration Organization

Body Language Basics From a flip of the hair to hands on your hips, how you move, gesture, and make expressions can say as much as what comes out of your mouth. Why do I need to register or sign in for WebMD to save? We will provide you with a dropdown of all your saved articles when you are registered and signed in. Angel Rose, 34, an assistant vice president at a bank in upstate New York, was interviewing candidates for a teller position, which required that a person have good people and communication skills, a professional presentation, and a strong focus on customer service, among other abilities. One candidate in particular stood out, but not in a good way. While she could have been very intelligent, her nonverbal communication and body language were way off. Recommended Related to Sex & Relationships Decoding Men's Oddball Love Signals By Ty Wenger Fifteen years ago, I found myself in a romantic pickle: Cheryl, a woman I had been dating for about three months, was nearing her 25th birthday. Handshakes.

Digitala verktyg för formativ bedömning @ Nordström Education Skrivet av Daniel Nordström Här hittar ni en sammanställning på olika digitala verktyg som man kan nyttja för att stödja arbetet med formativ bedömning. Sammanställningen kommer att uppdateras löpande. Här hittar ni en sammanställning på olika digitala verktyg som man kan nyttja för att stödja arbetet med formativ bedömning. De olika verktygen är inte direkt kopplade till en specifik nyckelstrategi eller olika metoder utan det finns en stor flexibilitet och valfrihet att anpassa användandet av olika digitala verktyg i undervisningen efter behov. Foton, bilder och illustrationer För att synliggöra lärandet och förstärka texter så kan lärare och elever använda sig utav olika foton, bilder och illustrationer från t.ex. Vilka regler som gäller för lärare och elever som vill använda upphovsrättsskyddade bilder kan du läsa på Skolverkets hemsida. För er som vill hitta gratis fria bilder på Internet rekommenderas följande sajter: Film

Body Language Signals: Eye Directions, Pupils Warning! Reading body language is like listening to someone. Listed here are the possible meanings of many different body language signs. To avoid getting it wrong, please start with the short section “How Can You Read What People Think?” at the bottom of this page. The Eyes (Part II) - Squint during a conversation –> showing interest - Looking away –> possibly shy –> curious about the surroundings (some people naturally observe their environment more than others) –> showing interest in your other movements. Otherwise, it may be a sign that this person is attracted to you… Basically, looking at other parts of your body is part of the unconscious assessment people make about how suitable you are as a mate… Whether you like it or not, we all do this. How To Read Eye Directions Without going too deep into neuroscience, let’s look at how a person’s eye directions can tell you what they are actually thinking. You have probably heard that there are two main parts to the brain: How can you use this? Why?
