Lorem Ipsum - All the facts - Lipsum generator Three Must-Have Plug-Ins One of the questions that I'm asked most often, both at my seminars, and by e-mail, is – what software tools do I use; particularly for noise reduction and sharpening. And, how do I do my B&W conversions. Over the past several years I have tried many of the programs and plug-ins to come to market, on both Mac and PC platforms. Below are brief looks at the ones that are my current preferred choices. The ones that I use every day, and that I count on when producing my commercial images and fine-art display prints. Are these the best programs available of their type? Please note that these are not reviews; simply descriptions of what I find to be the current best-of-breed in each category. Noise Ninja Digital cameras keep getting better and better. Noise Ninja is one of the newer kids on the block, but in the couple of years that it's been available it has gone through constant upgrades. Tribal Bonfire. Canon 1Ds Mark II with 24-70mm f/2.8L lens @ ISO 3200 Noise Ninja Plug-in used
How to Remove a person from a photo by using cs 5 Content Aware May 29 2010 With the launch of the new Adobe Suite of programs comes the long awaited Adobe Photoshop CS5. Packed with new features to speed up your workflow it truly is the most advanced edition of Photoshop to date. One of the new features we will be looking at today is called Content Aware. Before we begin, download the image that we will be working with. Using the content aware tool on different images produces different results. We are extracting the person on the left from this photo. Notice in the image below how far I am drawing the path from the subject. Once you complete the path around the subject, turn it into a selection. A dialog box will pop-up, make sure the feathering is set to 0px. Now we have an active selection around our subject. A dialog box will pop-up, make sure the Content Aware option is selected. You can cancel the selection at any time by making another selection or just clicking anywhere else on the page with any selection tool.
35 (Really) Incredible Free Icon Sets | Graphics Advertisement When it comes to icons, web designers and graphic artists have an excellent opportunity to showcase their craft, prove their experience and explore their creativity. A sweet, nice icon set is a perfect showcase of designer’s work and a powerful instrument to build up your reputation online. In fact, designers make use of it, creating absolutely amazing icon sets and offering them for free download. Below we present 35 incredible free icon sets which you can use for your web designs or your desktop to spice up your posts with some nice illustrations or enrich your desktop with outstanding dock icons. You might want to take a look at the following articles we’ve presented earlier: Please notice: not all listed freebies can be used for commercial projects, however you can use all of them in your private projects of for you personal purposes. Free Icons For Your Web Designs Bagg & Box Telecharger Icon Pack5 70 high-quality free icons released under a Creative Commons license.
Widescreen Wallpaper Wallpaper Details: Before The Storm October 12th, 2007 Shot this right before a torrential rainstorm outside of Rochester, New York. Quickly Download Every InterfaceLIFT Wallpaper! Build Your Own Bulk Wallpaper Download → Don't click on thousands of individual "Download" buttons. Get all of our wallpapers at the precise image size you need for your display, in one custom download. Comments from the Community Post a Comment Use the form below to post a comment about this wallpaper. Each comment can be rated by other InterfaceLIFT members and each user receives an overall score based on the sum of the ratings of all their individual comments.
Curvy Cross Processing in Photoshop CS3 | Layers Magazine This tutorial describes one of my favorite techniques for ‘spicing’ up a photograph. This method is adapted from the color darkroom of old. In those days, innovative photographers often processed film in a chemical solution intended for another type of film. For instance, they might process color slide film in C-41 chemicals. The result yielded a most unusual shift in color, which created a very retro look. To recreate this technique using the computer is both easy and fun. Begin with a processed image that has high contrast. Repeat this process by adding yet another curves adjustment layer, this layer will be used to create the cross processed look. The basic rule of thumb is to raise the red and green in the highlights, and to drop the red and green in the shadows. Drop the blue in the highlights and raise the blue in the shadows. Note as you work through the previous steps that much of the adjusting is based on your own personal preference.
Why It Sucks to be a Reporter Funny Videos, Free Games, & Funny Pictures Sign up | Login News Reporter Owned by Sled [+] A Canadian Global news reporter decides to cover a sledding race from the bottom of the hill. Great ... [–] A Canadian Global news reporter decides to cover a sledding race from the bottom of the hill. Tags: News, Flip, Sledding, Fail, Video <div class="highlightRed"><p>Please enable JavaScript. First Time TV Anchor Fail Anti-Aging Secret Revealed on N... Police Chase Surprise Reporter Stiff-arms Two Girls Bug in Mouth Brings Out the Str... News Reporter vs. Bill O'Reilly vs. Is Reporter the Suspect? Nancy Grace Owned by Control Ro... Shake Weight News Fail Reporter Owned by Snow Plow News Reporter Owned by Pole Comments (258) lolo amazing | Feb 24, 2009 | Reply Post reply | Sign up | Login Sep 7, 2010 fod2 | Nov 15, 2009 that idiot he dropped the timer Satchel | Apr 20, 2010 i bet off screen there were olympic judges with their score for him. jb | Dec 30, 2009 that was f***ing awesome Donald Dingdong | Jan 3, 2014 More
Best List of Free Adobe Photoshop Graphic Designing Tutorials an New HighTed-EDGE Expand the features of Photoshop with free plug-ins and effects downloads. Photoshop has clearly become the industry standard software for graphic design and digital photography. Those of you who are Photoshop savvy will know that plug-ins and filters can extend Photoshop capabilities by providing new functions and effects. For those of you who aren’t, perhaps its time to explore Photoshop’s expandable features. Click To Go Right To The Link to Free Plug-ins and Effects Available for FREE DOWNLOAD Here’s our pick of the bunch….. VirtualPhotographer virtualPhotographer lets you instantly apply high quality, professional photographic styles to your digital images, with just one click. Auto FX Mosaic Mosaic makes your photos look as if they were created out of a mosaic tile. Auto FX Dreamy Photo Dreamy Photo gives images a soft romantic feel. Telegraphics Telegraphics have a range of free plug-ins for Photoshop & Illustrator as well as other software. Xero Graphics HDR Soft Luce
Photoshop For Beginners: 6 techniques to extract anything from its background This is the second of a series of tutorials thought for Photoshop beginners. I’ll explain in depth those features that can result difficult to understand for a newbi. Today I’ll show you 6 techniques you can use to extract a person/object from its background. From now on extraction won’t have secrets for you! Extraction is one of the worst enemies for those who start using Photoshop. Do you want to learn Photoshop basics with simple yet effective tutorials? How to: Before we start: in the following exercises I take for grant you’ll unlock the background layer when you open a new image in Photoshop before start the exercise. For mac users: alt=options. ctrl=cmd. Exercise 1: How to extract simple form objects Objects with simple forms are easy to be extracted. Open the screw image in Photoshop. Now that it’s easier to find the center of the screw head, grab the elliptical marquee tool, hold down alt and shift, left click on the center of the screw and drag until you select the entire object.