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When is the social curation bubble going to burst?

When is the social curation bubble going to burst?
Related:  TémoignagesEquipe Pearltrees 2 SUCKS!

Pearltrees Hits Android, as it Prepares to Become a File Manager Pearltrees is a content curation startup that we’ve been tracking for some time now, and today it’s launching an app on Android. However, there’s a twist, as the launch points towards an expansion of exactly what this service is all about. As with the Web and iOS versions of Pearltrees, the Android app allows you to create, share and explore mindmap-style ‘trees’ of content. So, I could create a tree of articles, images and notes related to a particular theme and then if you searched Pearltrees for that theme, you’d find my tree and related ones by other people. It’s a highly visual, logical way of organizing and sharing ideas and information, and the Android app benefits from the OS’ built-in sharing capabilities. A ‘post-PC’ file manager? It’s fair to say that Pearltrees hasn’t found mainstream fame quite yet as an alternative to more traditional social bookmarking services. It’s easy to see how the service could be repositioned as a ‘mobile file manager for those who think visually’.

Pearltrees Social Media: Pearltrees Ha Rediseñado Radicalmente su Servicio de Curaduría en Línea para Llegar a un Público más Amplio Pearltrees, el servicio de curación en línea con sede en París que puso en marcha a finales de 2009, siempre fue conocido por su interfaz basada en Flash, bastante peculiar que le ha permitido organizar favoritos de Internet, fotos, fragmentos de texto y documentos en una estructura en forma similar a un mapa mental. Para los usuarios que recibieron esa metáfora, que era un servicio muy potente, pero su interfaz también presentaba una barrera de entrada para los nuevos usuarios. Hoy en día, la compañía está poniendo en marcha un rediseño radical que elimina la mayor parte del equipaje de Pearltrees 1.0. Esto es lo que en Pearltrees 1.0 aparecía: Y aquí está la nueva versión: Pearltrees tienes todavía la misión para permitirle organizar todo lo que quiera sobre el servicio (en ese sentido, casi compite con Evernote). La nueva "rejilla" definitivamente elimina muchos de los problemas de la versión anterior. En términos de funcionalidad, nada ha cambiado realmente en esta versión.

givealink /FAQ What is GiveALink? GiveALink is a social annotation, organization, recommendation, and navigation system for the Web. It is also a research project by the Networks and Agents Network in the Center for Complex Networks and Systems Research of the Indiana University School of Informatics. The project is funded by National Science Foundation (award IIS-0811994: Social Integration of Semantic Annotation Networks for Web Applications). However any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this site do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF. How is GiveALink different from Delicious? There are several great social tagging and social bookmarking systems and Web sites that provide many useful services such as sharing, tagging, syncing, searching, and recommendation. Why share bookmarks? OK, what can GiveALink do? Some functionality is already available on the GiveALink site. What are you working on next? Great, how can I help? Thank you for asking! Yes! Yes!

With 5 Million More Euros in the Bank, Pearltrees Gets Ready to Scale and Start Monetizing The Paris-based social curation platform Pearltrees just announced that it has raised a Series B round of 5 million Euros (about $6.62 million USD). The money is coming from Group Accueil, which had also invested in the service’s previous round. In total, Pearltrees has now raised 8.5 million Euros. The company, which launched its first alpha almost 3 years ago, aims to use this money to scale its product and – maybe even more importantly – implement a freemium business model for its service. The company did not publicly discuss what exactly this freemium model will look like. Pearltrees is probably best known for its highly visual interface to its collaborative curation service. Pearltrees, according to its own data, had about 1 million unique visitors in January, which accounted for about 30 million pageviews.

Pearltrees 2.0 Launches with a Brand New User Interface Today Pearltrees officially separated itself from its unique visual interface made of pearls and pearltrees, finally succumbing to the trend of Pinterest-like user experience. It might be more practical for the majority of users to sort and collect content with the new Pearltrees 2.0, however, some people might regret the innovative former interface that allowed to discover related content rapidly by browsing an “ocean” of Pearls. Users still have the possibility to go back to the “pearly” version accessible from the menu in the settings section. Now the Pearltree has been replaced by the “Collection” which is basically a “folder” (or a board) containing various types of content of a topic, for instance, you can collect web pages, images, and notes, just like you can do with Evernote and Pinterest. Unlike Evernote, you are able to browse the public content collected by other users, and if you feel the need to make your content private, the premium version offers the feature.

What problem does Pearltrees solve? Saviez-vous qu’il existe des perles de S.I.Lex ? (Pearltrees et le droit) Serait-ce une perle de silex ? (en fait, du silex rubané poli). Krzemień pasiasty kula. Dans la jungle foisonnante des services 2.0 et des médias sociaux, il en est vers lesquels on se tourne d’abord pour leur esthétique et leur élégance, plus que pour leurs fonctionnalités. Il faut dire que Pealtrees est un outil assez atypique, situé quelque part entre les bookmarks sociaux et la cartographie heuristique, qui propose de fournir aux internautes les moyens d’ « éditer » par eux-mêmes le web en construisant sous la forme d’arbres de perles des parcours de page en page. Pearltrees est une start-up française et je vous conseille d’aller faire un tour sur le blog de Patrice Lamothe, son CEO, où il développe la vision qui est à l’origine du projet et notamment la critique d’une certaine conception du web 2.0 : La démocratisation de la création n’a cependant pas entrainé la démocratisation de l’accès aux contenus. I Cartographier le droit en arbre de perles J'aime :

NodeXL: Network Overview, Discovery and Exploration for Excel - Home Pearltrees Raises $6.7M For Its “Collaborative Interest Graph” Pearltrees, a company offering a novel interface for sharing and finding content, has raised 5 million euros ($6.7 million US) in new funding. The basic unit of the Pearltrees service is the pearl, which is basically a bookmark. Users can assemble these pearls into trees based around a topic. Meanwhile, Pearltrees is using that data to determine how different topics and bookmarks are related, and allows users to find new pearls (related to whatever topic they’re exploring) through its “related interests” button. Following the lead from Google’s PageRank and Facebook’s EdgeRank, Pearltrees has named its technology TreeRank. Pearltrees launched in December 2009, and the company says it has been growing consistently at 15 percent per month, and that users have now created 15 million pearls which were assembled into 2 million trees. Previous investor Groupe Accueil led the new round.

Pearltrees releases a new version, without any pearls nor trees The Paris-based startup founded in 2009 once declared: “We focus on the visual potential of Pearltrees to let people dive deeply into their interests and nearly feel them”. Their product, offering a digital curation tool, was unique because of the visual interface voluntareely original: links and folders symbolized by rounded pearls attached together like the branches of a tree. Today, pearls and trees have disappeared to make room for a brand new and larger organisation tool. Two years ago, everyone wanted to build products around “curation” and “interest graph”. Today the keywords have shifted to “collaborative SaaS tool” and “organizing data”. The other main improvement lies in the shift from Flash to HTML5 technology, which will make a huge difference for all those who never update their Flash player – and those who think Flash is “so 2011”. Why giving up the core of the product, after 4,5 years of existence and 1,7 million users?

au secours pas de mode cartographie des proches Comment détruire votre communauté en 10 leçons Si vous avez le malheur de développer un projet « open source » au sein de votre entreprise alors vous courrez le risque de voir arriver une « communauté » qui peut à tout moment s’agréger autour du code source de votre logiciel et en menacer sa bonne gouvernance. Heureusement le développeur Josh Berkus est là pour vous expliquer point par point comment faire pour être certain de ruiner et dissoudre toute velléité communautaire (au cours d’une intervention donnée il y a un mois à la et relatée ici par Jonathan Corbet)[1] Un article évidemment ironique (qui détourne les howto), mais qui donne à réfléchir sur les relations subtiles et complexes qui peuvent exister entre les communautés et les entreprises qui œuvrent sur un même projet. Pas toujours facile de se comprendre en effet quand les uns disent plutôt « logiciel libre » et les autres plutôt « open source » (voire même parfois carrément « fauxopen source »). Comment détruire votre communauté : mode d’emploi 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

i agree with you s243a. my motivation to join pearltrees was not to import my bookmarks, but to have a useful and fun learning application. especially the web design developement content. of course, once hooked on pearltrees my motivations changed. i am an information junkie and a great place version 1 is for that addiction. haha. so yes, for me, the quality content of version 1's power curators definitely solidified my upgrade to premium membership. was that not a money hit for the power of quality curation and strickly in the version 1 format. and since then i have upgraded to a premium membership plan that allows me to offer premium membership to my husband, family, and friends if they choose. in my world that's called income generated via membership of quality curators . make sense? by ebbead Jun 2

Sur le "make money"; eh oui, les utilisateurs vont commencer à réfléchir sur ce qu'est un cloud. by reel Jun 1

> J'ai écrit ça moi ? ? ? On est le 26 avril 2023 sniff sniff je vais pleurer, sniff.
Presque ten years after, je me souviens du séisme de 1974 sur les squares.
Faudra demander de passer aux triangles dans un an; 10 ans après ! ! ;-))))
Cet article de presse, de 2012, cursif, était obnubilé par le côté interconnectivité "objets" de Pearltrees et n'avait pas anticipé le côté interconnectivité "sujets" (en train d'être créé en 2014).
La mise en contraste avec Pinterest (confondant personnalités et profils stats) est savoureuse... by reel Jun 1

This article gives some insight on what they mean by “democratize”. Essentially it suggests that they think that there may be more money in potential users than in their existing user base. The article claims that only 1% of people invest much time in curation. However. Isn’t there something to be said for quality content? Couldn’t quality content be a big driver of traffic for the site? by s243a Jun 1

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