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The 10 Algorithms That Dominate Our World

The 10 Algorithms That Dominate Our World
Related:  Science

Algorithmophobia On connaissait les "technophobes" et les les néo-luddites. On connaissait les nomophobes, phobie contemporaine capable de déclencher des crises d'angoisses à l'idée d'être séparé de son smartphone. On connaissait la FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out), qui n'est pas - encore - une phobie mais à tout le moins une crainte de passer à côté de quelque chose d'important, et l'on connaissait également les stratégies de remédiation mises en place par les acteurs technologiques (Wywa : While You Were Away). On sait que les algorithmes occupent une place de plus en plus centrale dans nos vies. Et que cette place centrale ne fera que croître. On sait que les rapports entre la loi et le code vont s'avérer de plus en plus tendus, de plus en plus complexes à l'échelle d'une population entièrement connectée. On sait enfin qu'il n'est de données que de la servitude volontaire et que le coeur de tout cela est lié à nos requêtes dans un monde où il n'y a pourtant déjà plus que des réponses. Algorithmophobia.

10 Comics That Can Help You Understand Mental Illness There are times when I feel as though Hyperbole and a Half literally saved my life. My depression never quite reached the depths that she described. But I came close. For many years I lived in denial because when I got divorced, the last words my ex-wife spoke to me was to tell me that I was depressed and I needed help. I would be damned if my ex-wife would ever be right about anything, and so I flatly refused her assertion. About halfway through reading her second blog post. I thankfully don't need medication. Flagged

The Reasonable Robot - AI and the Law | Author Ryan Abbott, professor of law and health sciences, speaking about his recent book “The Reasonable Robot: Artificial Intelligence and the Law.” Webinar hosted by the Center for Data Innovation, moderated by Daniel Castro, organization director. November 13, 2020. Overview The main argument by Abbott is that laws should hold humans and artificial intelligences to the same legal standards. [the law does not] differentiate between behavior done by a machine and behavior done by a person. – Ryan Abbott If we have law that becomes agnostic to humans or machines, we may have better social outcomes. – Ryan Abbott Currently machines are able to step into roles traditionally held by people. Abbott’s goal would be “legal neutrality” between AI and humans and would like to create more opportunities for transparency, fairness, and accountability when it comes to how AI is regulated. A distinction is made between humans inherently having moral rights and an AI having the same or any rights.

Passerelle - Porte des Landes The 14 Habits of Highly Miserable People Photo Credit: Most of us claim we want to be happy—to have meaningful lives, enjoy ourselves, experience fulfillment, and share love and friendship with other people and maybe other species, like dogs, cats, birds, and whatnot. Strangely enough, however, some people act as if they just want to be miserable, and they succeed remarkably at inviting misery into their lives, even though they get little apparent benefit from it, since being miserable doesn’t help them find lovers and friends, get better jobs, make more money, or go on more interesting vacations. So if you aspire to make yourself miserable, what are the best, most proven techniques for doing it? Here, I cover most areas of life, such as family, work, friends, and romantic partners. • When you’re miserable, people feel sorry for you. • When you’re miserable, since you have no hopes and expect nothing good to happen, you can’t be disappointed or disillusioned. Honing Your Misery Skills 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The Future of knowledge use in societal decision-making Wicked problems and the transformation of the information environment compel us to rethink how knowledge is used in societal decision-making. The improvement of the balance of information supply and demand and the strengthening of the position of scientific knowledge are important goals, but they alone are not enough. A new mindset, new ways of working at the knowledge-policy interface and structures that facilitate these new ways are required. The perception of decision-making as a process based on knowledge and expertise must be expanded. Decision-making must be able to simultaneously compile diverse knowledge and expertise, increase people’s engagement and make good use of the new opportunities offered by digitisation. Those responsible for preparing decision-making must be familiar with the different approaches to knowledge use and know how to plan knowledge use in a way which best suits each situation.

jeu_verger.pdf What Happens To Our Brains When We Exercise And How It Makes Us Happier Exercise has been touted to be a cure for nearly everything in life, from depression, to memory loss, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s and more. At the same time, similar to the topic of sleep, I found myself having very little specific and scientific knowledge about what exercise really does to our bodies and our brains. “Yes, yes, I know all about it, that’s the thing with the endorphins, that makes you feel good and why we should exercise and stuff, right?” is what I can hear myself say to someone bringing this up. Inspired by a recent post from Joel on what makes us happy I’ve set out to uncover the connection between our feeling of happiness and exercising regularly. What triggers happiness in our brain when we exercise? Most of us are aware of what happens to the body when we exercise. The line around our “endorphins are released” is more something I throw around to sound smart, without really knowing what it means. Now here is where it all gets interesting.

How to get started with AI(Artificial Intelligence) - Coding Security Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the study of computer science focusing on developing software or machines that exhibit human intelligence. A lot of people think that AI is just a sci-fi concept that’s being used in movies like Star Wars, Terminator or Lucy, but there is a lot more to it. AI is a very broad topic ranging from a simple calculator to self-drive technology to something that might change the future. Primary Goals and Applications of AI The primary goals of AI include deduction and reasoning, knowledge representation, planning, natural language processing (NLP), learning, perception and the ability to manipulate and move objects. Long-term goals of AI research includes achieving Creativity, Social Intelligence, and General (Human Level) Intelligence. AI has heavily influenced different sectors, that we may not recognize. Weak AI – Also referred as Narrow AI, a weak AI focuses on one narrow task. What now? Related

Cours d'Algorithmique - Christophe Darmangeat Partie 1 Introduction a l’Algorithmique « Un langage de programmation est une convention pour donner des ordres à un ordinateur. Ce n’est pas censé être obscur, bizarre et plein de pièges subtils. « C'est illogique, Capitaine » - Mr Spock L’algorithmique est un terme d’origine arabe, comme algèbre, amiral ou zénith. Ainsi, l’algo n’est pas « rythmique », à la différence du bon rock’n roll. Alors, ne confondez pas l’algorithmique avec l’agglo rythmique, qui consiste à poser des parpaings en cadence. Avez-vous déjà ouvert un livre de recettes de cuisine ? Plus fort : avez-vous déjà indiqué un chemin à un touriste égaré ? Comme quoi, l’algorithmique n’est pas un savoir ésotérique réservé à quelques rares initiés touchés par la grâce divine, mais une aptitude partagée par la totalité de l’humanité. Un algorithme, c’est une suite d’instructions, qui une fois exécutée correctement, conduit à un résultat donné. Complétons toutefois cette définition. Quel rapport me direz-vous ?

Researchers Draw Romantic Insights From Maps of Facebook Networks Photo It’s not in the stars after all. Instead, it seems, the shape of a person’s social network is a powerful signal that can identify one’s spouse or romantic partner — and even if a relationship is likely to break up. So says a new research paper written by Jon Kleinberg, a computer scientist at Cornell University, and Lars Backstrom, a senior engineer at Facebook. The paper, posted online on Sunday, will be presented at a conference on social computing in February. The pair used a hefty data set from Facebook as their lab: 1.3 million Facebook users, selected randomly from among all users who are at least 20 years old, with from 50 to 2,000 friends, who list a spouse or relationship partner in their profile. Their key finding was that the total number of mutual friends two people share — embeddedness, in social networking terms — is actually a fairly weak indicator of romantic relationships. “A spouse or romantic partner is a bridge between a person’s different social worlds,” Mr.

Un exemple introductif à l'algorithmique sur machine Table des matières 1.1 Objectif Le nouveau programme de seconde (en pré-version au mois de mai 2009) prévoit une partie intitulée Algorithmique et intègre explicitement le recours à des algorithmes pour résoudre des problèmes. La dernière version des programmes rend l'algorithmique transversale dans les programmes. Même un enseignant n'ayant jamais fait de programmation peut s'emparer du sujet et le traiter simplement. Cet exemple a donc un double rôle : Montrer à quel niveau on peut commencer, Permettre aux professeurs de se faire une idée sur plusieurs langages candidats à l'enseignement de l'algorithmique. 1.2 L'énoncé Le tour de magie. Le magicien demande à un spectateur de penser à un nombre et de l'écrire sur une ardoise. L'analyse de cet énoncé fait apparaître un algorithme de calcul en 5 étapes : Étape 1 : Choisir un nombre. Il comporte 3 phases : Voyons ce que cet algorithme produit avec différents supports. 2.1 Avec la calculatrice simple (non programmable) Cas de la TI-82 //saisie

Night Terrors: The Real Reasons Why You Wake Up Screaming While I've mercifully never had a night terror before, I *have* had plenty of bouts of sleep paralysis. DEAR SWEET GOD, those suuuuuuuuucccccck. Laying there, awake but not awake, unable to move, feeling like you can't breathe, yet hearing yourself scream as loud as you can inside your head to GET UP! GET UP! Thankfully, the incidence of those episodes is much reduced since I've lost (significant) weight (bye, bye, sleep apnea!). Still, if I'm a particular brand of "overtired" when I start drifting off to sleep, I'll launch right into sleep paralysis before I'm fully asleep, and then it's off to the races.

Initiation à la notion d'algorithme © Paul Gendrot Jeu de Nim, crépier psycho-rigide, baseball multicouleur... Quelle est la différence entre mon intelligence et celle d'une machine ? activité, fin primaire/collège Une activité familiale pour faire comprendre la différence entre mon intelligence et celle de la machine.On joue au jeu du «robot-idiot» en se mettant dans la "peau" d'un robot pour voir ce qu'il peut ou pas faire. Déconstruire l'informatique pour mieux la comprendre Une collaboration avec Makerspace nancéen avec le support de Cap'maths, permet de proposer des activités ludiques et participatives pour introduire la notion d'algorithme. Le jeu de Nim comme algorithme activité, collège/lycée Le Crépier psycho-rigide comme algorithme activité, mi-collège/lycée Le problème du plus court chemin activité, fin-collège/lycée Le baseball multicouleur comme algorithme
