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List of languages that compile to JS · jashkenas/coffeescript Wiki

List of languages that compile to JS · jashkenas/coffeescript Wiki
Related:  Javascript

Solitaire Solitaire and card scripts These scripts produce a game of solitaire (Klondike). The game is fully configurable with several features making it playable on a large range of browsers and devices. The CardGameCore script can be used as a base for many more games. This page demonstrates its use as a part of the solitaire script. To download the script(s), see the script license, and check details like browser compatibility, use the links on the navigation panel at the top of this page. Demonstration If your browser is capable of running this script, a game of solitaire should appear here. Playing the game The game follows the basic rules of Klondike solitaire. Features Runs on all major browsers, and some minor ones as well. Browser support This script is fairly heavily based on DOM, and should work in all browsers with a reasonable level of DOM support. Opera 7+. Known issues Some browsers may have some little problems: Opera 7.x (fixed in Opera 8+) cannot use the solitaire options. Creating a game

Emulating CSS Timing Functions with JavaScript By Ana Tudor On animation, JavaScript CSS animations and transitions are great! However, while recently toying with an idea, I got really frustrated with the fact that gradients are only animatable in Edge (and IE 10+). Yes, we can do all sorts of tricks with background-position, background-size, background-blend-mode or even opacity and transform on a pseudo-element/ child, but sometimes these are just not enough. Not to mention that we run into similar problems when wanting to animate SVG attributes without a CSS correspondent. Using a lot of examples, this article is going to explain how to smoothly go from one state to another in a similar fashion to that of common CSS timing functions using just a little bit of JavaScript, without having to rely on a library, so without including a lot of complicated and unnecessary code that may become a big burden in the future. This is not how the CSS timing functions work. #A few examples using a linear timing function #Emulating ease-in/ ease-out

tocca Super lightweight script ( ~1kB ) to detect via Javascript events like 'tap' 'longtap' 'dbltap' 'swipeup' 'swipedown' 'swipeleft' 'swiperight' on any kind of device. Demo Donations If this project helped getting your job done consider making a donation for all the time I spend to bring it to you Installation Npm Bower $ bower install Tocca.js -save Usage Include the script into your page: Once you have included Tocca.js you will be able to catch all the new events: elm; It works with jQuery as well: Tocca.js supports also the inline events! API and Examples Anytime you will use a Tocca.js event the callback function will receive a special event object containing the following properties Examples: Anyway you can combine Tocca.js with the default javascript touch events: touchmovetouchstarttouchendtouchcancel To disable the default touch behaviours (zoom on double tap, scroll on swipe...) on a certain element via javascript you can always use the following snippet: Configuration var SWIPE_THRESHOLD = 100

furf/jquery-ui-touch-punch: A duck punch for adding touch events to jQuery UI jquery-touch-events This jQuery plugin provides additional touch events that can be used when developing for mobile devices. The events are also compatible with desktop browsers to ensure ultimate compatibility for your projects. This plugin was created by Ben Major, but I have tweaked it to be compatible with browserify, allowing you to "require" it in your app. As explained, the events are each triggered by native touch events, or alternatively by click events. The plugin automatically detects whether the user's device is touch compatible, and will use the correct native events whenever required. It is hoped that these events will help to aid single-environment development with jQuery for mobile web app development. Table of Contents: 1. jQuery Touch Events, as the name suggests, requires only the jQuery library (version 1.7+) to run. var $ = require('jquery'); var loadTouchEvents = require('jquery-touch-events'); loadTouchEvents($); 2. The following code snippets showcase some basic usage with jQuery: 3. 4.

benmajor/jQuery-Touch-Events: A collection of mobile event plugins for jQuery. mattbryson/TouchSwipe-Jquery-Plugin mashable This series is supported by Rackspace, the better way to do hosting. Learn more about Rackspace's hosting solutions here. As smartphone sales continue to soar, more and more developers are focusing their efforts on building applications for mobile devices. Whether it is a native application or a mobile-optimized website, mobile innovation is taking place at a breakneck pace. Native applications still have their place, but increasingly, the number of different device types, operating systems, and screen sizes make developing optimized mobile web apps more and more enticing. Fortunately, a number of different frameworks are making it easier and easier for developers to create mobile web applications that look and feel more like native apps. 1. In June, Sencha, formerly Ext JS, launched its Sencha Touch HTML5 mobile framework. Sencha Touch combines a resolution-independent UI library, touch event management, support for geolocation and offline access, and special CSS and CSS3 capabilities.

jquery.mmenu The best jQuery plugin for app look-alike on- and off-canvas menus with sliding submenus for your website and webapp. It is very customizable through a wide range of options, extensions and add-ons and it will always fit your needs. Need help? Have a look at the documentation for demos, tutorials, documentation and support. Licence The jQuery.mmenu plugin is licensed under the CC-BY-NC-4.0 license. Dependencies jQuery 1.7 or higher Learn more Development This project uses Gulp to transpile, minify and concatenate the TS/JS and SCSS/CSS files.
