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John von Neumann

John von Neumann (/vɒn ˈnɔɪmən/; December 28, 1903 – February 8, 1957) was a Hungarian and later American pure and applied mathematician, physicist, inventor, polymath, and polyglot. He made major contributions to a number of fields,[2] including mathematics (foundations of mathematics, functional analysis, ergodic theory, geometry, topology, and numerical analysis), physics (quantum mechanics, hydrodynamics, and fluid dynamics), economics (game theory), computing (Von Neumann architecture, linear programming, self-replicating machines, stochastic computing), and statistics.[3] He was a pioneer of the application of operator theory to quantum mechanics, in the development of functional analysis, a principal member of the Manhattan Project and the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton (as one of the few originally appointed), and a key figure in the development of game theory[2][4] and the concepts of cellular automata,[2] the universal constructor, and the digital computer. . and

Logical Dilemmas: The Life and Work of Kurt Godel: John W. Dawson Jr.: 9781568812564: Kurt Gödel Kurt Friedrich Gödel (/ˈkɜrt ɡɜrdəl/; German: [ˈkʊʁt ˈɡøːdəl] ( ); April 28, 1906 – January 14, 1978) was an Austrian, and later American, logician, mathematician, and philosopher. Considered with Aristotle and Gottlob Frege to be one of the most significant logicians in history, Gödel made an immense impact upon scientific and philosophical thinking in the 20th century, a time when others such as Bertrand Russell,[1] A. Gödel published his two incompleteness theorems in 1931 when he was 25 years old, one year after finishing his doctorate at the University of Vienna. He also showed that neither the axiom of choice nor the continuum hypothesis can be disproved from the accepted axioms of set theory, assuming these axioms are consistent. Life[edit] Childhood[edit] Gödel automatically became a Czechoslovak citizen at age 12 when the Austro-Hungarian Empire broke up at the end of World War I. In his family, young Kurt was known as Herr Warum ("Mr. Studying in Vienna[edit]

The Frankfurt School Ludwig Boltzmann Ludwig Eduard Boltzmann (February 20, 1844 – September 5, 1906) was an Austrian physicist and philosopher whose greatest achievement was in the development of statistical mechanics, which explains and predicts how the properties of atoms (such as mass, charge, and structure) determine the physical properties of matter (such as viscosity, thermal conductivity, and diffusion). Biography[edit] Childhood and education[edit] Boltzmann was born in Vienna, the capital of the Austrian Empire. His father, Ludwig Georg Boltzmann, was a revenue official. Boltzmann studied physics at the University of Vienna, starting in 1863. Academic career[edit] In 1869 at age 25, thanks to a letter of recommendation written by Stefan,[1] he was appointed full Professor of Mathematical Physics at the University of Graz in the province of Styria. Ludwig Boltzmann and co-workers in Graz, 1887. Boltzmann was appointed to the Chair of Theoretical Physics at the University of Munich in Bavaria, Germany in 1890.

Writing on the Body Loi de Poisson Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. La loi de Poisson a été introduite en 1838 par Siméon Denis Poisson (1781–1840), dans son ouvrage Recherches sur la probabilité des jugements en matière criminelle et en matière civile[2]. Le sujet principal de cet ouvrage consiste en certaines variables aléatoires N qui dénombrent, entre autres choses, le nombre d'occurrences (parfois appelées « arrivées ») qui prennent place pendant un laps de temps donné. Si le nombre moyen d'occurrences dans cet intervalle est λ, alors la probabilité qu'il existe exactement k occurrences (k étant un entier naturel, k = 0, 1, 2, ...) est où e est la base de l'exponentielle (2,718...)k! On dit alors que X suit la loi de Poisson de paramètre λ. Calcul de p(k)[modifier | modifier le code] Ce calcul peut se faire de manière déductive en travaillant sur une loi binomiale de paramètres (T; λ/T). Il peut aussi se faire de manière inductive en étudiant sur l'intervalle [0; T] les fonctions On note Remarques : et

ReadySteadyBook - for literature... Andreï Kolmogorov Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Andreï Nikolaïevitch Kolmogorov Andreï Nikolaïevitch Kolmogorov (en russe : Андрей Николаевич Колмогоров ; 25 avril 1903 à Tambov - 20 octobre 1987 à Moscou) est un mathématicien soviétique et russe dont les apports en mathématiques sont considérables. Biographie[modifier | modifier le code] Enfance[modifier | modifier le code] Kolmogorov est né à Tambov en 1903. Kolmogorov fut scolarisé à l'école du village de sa tante, et ses premiers efforts littéraires et articles mathématiques furent imprimés dans le journal de l'école. Carrière[modifier | modifier le code] Après avoir terminé ses études secondaires en 1920, il suit les cours à l'Université de Moscou et à l'institut Mendeleïev. Après la fin de ses études supérieures en 1925, il commence son doctorat auprès de Nikolaï Louzine, qu’il termine en 1929. La même année, il devient directeur de l'Institut de mathématiques de l'université de Moscou. Contributions[modifier | modifier le code]

Games of Strategy, Second Edition: Avinash K. Dixit, Susan Skeath: 9780393924992: On Liberty On Liberty is a philosophical work by English philosopher John Stuart Mill, originally intended as a short essay. The work, published in 1859, applies Mill's ethical system of utilitarianism to society and the state.[1] [2] Mill attempts to establish standards for the relationship between authority and liberty. He emphasizes the importance of individuality which he conceived as a prerequisite to the higher pleasures—the summum bonum of Utilitarianism. Mill's marriage to his wife Harriet Taylor Mill greatly influenced the concepts in On Liberty, which was largely finished prior to her death, and published shortly after she died. Composition[edit] Overview[edit] Introduction[edit] John Stuart Mill opens his essay by discussing the historical "struggle between authority and liberty,"[6] describing the tyranny of government, which, in his view, needs to be controlled by the liberty of the citizens. J.S. The freedom of thought and emotion. Of the liberty of thought and discussion[edit] J.S.

The Horse in the City: Living Machines in the Nineteenth Century (Animals, History, Culture): Clay McShane, Joel Tarr: 9781421400433: Dreamland: Adventures in the Strange Science of Sleep: David K. Randall: 9780393080209:
