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Real time graphics about people thoughts

Real time graphics about people thoughts

40+ Visualization Tools for dashboards and social business There is so much data that it is an incredible task to actually comprehend it. Like looking at a TV screen full of static… trying to rationalize if one pixel means something. In order to make the data actionable we need to really focus on tools to clarify what we are looking at. We need to think about the process of tuning into a specific channelof segmenting dataof communicating the significance of that dataof doing SOMETHING with the data To that end I’ve collected another list of tools that specifically help with visualizing different types of information. Keep in mind that some of these tools just need ‘some play time’ where you trial and test different types of data until they begin to make sense to you, your audience, and your business. You should always keep in mind If you have a visualization tool we’d love to check it out. “Easy to Use” Visualization Tools Social Media Oriented Tools Google+ RipplesThis is a hidden gem, often overlooked by many. Charting Oriented Tools Word Based Tools

accueil Gallery · mbostock/d3 Wiki Wiki ▸ Gallery Welcome to the D3 gallery! More examples are available for forking on Observable; see D3’s profile and the visualization collection. Please share your work on Observable, or tweet us a link! Visual Index Basic Charts Techniques, Interaction & Animation Maps Statistics Examples Collections The New York Times visualizations Jerome Cukier Jason Davies Jim Vallandingham Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation Peter Cook Charts and Chart Components Bar Chart Histogram Pareto Chart Line and Area Chart Pie Chart Scatterplot and Bubble chart Parallel Coordinates, Parallel sets and Sankey Sunburst and Partition layout Force Layout Tree Misc Trees and Graphs Chord Layout (Circular Network) Maps Misc Charts Miscellaneous visualizations Charts using the reusable API Useful snippets Tools Interoperability Online Editors Products Store Apps

NOBU_LAB | Moogger Fogger NOBU_LAB e' il "laboratorio" del gruppo Moogger Fogger che si occupa delle performances di Audio Visual. Utilizzano sia strumentazioni elettroniche analogico/digitali che “field recordings”,per creare un’esperienza introspettiva nell’ascoltatore. Parte essenziale della loro ricerca è dedicata allo sviluppo di sistemi interattivi (in ambiente MaxMsp) in grado di fornire un controllo gestuale del suono attraverso l'impiego di accelerometri posti sul corpo del performer che, oltre a permettere un'immediata corrispondenza suono/movimento, forniscono una maggiore libertà improvvisativa all'interno della performance. Gli elementi chiave della loro performance sono: enfatizzare le qualità tattili dei suoni,ricreare ambienti reali che circondano lo spettatore e aumentare il lato percettivo dell’esperienza sincronizzando la musica con un’ esperienza visiva.

Solar Mate 3 - Kit d'éclairage solaire 18w (néon) pas cher Kit d'éclairage solaire SolarMate 3, 18W, 2 néons Solar Mate aborde le problème d'éclairage des zones reculées où aucune alimentation secteur existe : Solar Mate peut être installé facilement et en toute sécurité par n'importe qui, là ou vous n'avez pas de câble éléctrique. Son panneau solaire permettra de recueillir suffisamment d'énergie au cours de la journée (même en hiver dans le nord de la France) pour alimenter sa batterie et son ampoule pendant 7 heures, tous les jours de l'année. Le kit Solar Mate a une garantie de 10 ans, ce qui permet de rembourser son investissement de nombreuses fois. Fourni avec : » un panneau 18 watts cristallin,» le kit de fication mural, » deux néons (tubes fluorescents) à économie d'énergie 12V, avec leurs interrupteurs individuels » le régulateur de charge» un câble de 7 m, » les connecteurs et fusibles, » Les instructions détaillées Il faudra compter environ 1 heure et demie pour l'installation.

OVERNEWSED BUT UNINFORMED || STEFAN BRÄUTIGAM Overnewsed but uninformed – zum durchblättern Overnewsed but uninformed – anklicken, vergrößern und genießen Overnewsed but uninformed – Bonusposter ^ Beam me up OUTLIERS Open Energy: Visualización en Tiempo Real del Flujo Energético Marzo 2012 | Fran Castillo y Óscar Marín Proyecto premiado en Interactivos?’12 Dublin: Hack the City Open Energy propone desarrollar una plataforma para explorar nuevos sistemas de visualización del consumo de energía y poder optimizarlo en consecuencia, tanto en entornos domésticos como industriales. El sistema se estructura en torno a dos dimensiones: la primera, Energy Monitoring Device, investiga dispositivos open hardware con que monitorizar el consumo eléctrico, y una segunda dimensión, Open Energy Visualization (Data Visualization / Augmented Reality App), explora nuevas formas de visualización en tiempo real sobre el consumo eléctrico en entornos domésticos.
