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History of Europe - 6013 years in 3 minutes

History of Europe - 6013 years in 3 minutes

Parag Khanna: Mapping the future of countries | Talk Transcript Do we live in a borderless world?Before you answer that, have a look at this map.Contemporary political map showsthat we have over 200 countries in the world today.That's probably more than at any time in centuries.Now, many of you will object.For you this would be a more appropriate map.You could call it TEDistan.In TEDistan, there are no borders,just connected spaces and unconnected spaces.Most of you probably reside in one of the 40 dotson this screen, of the many morethat represent 90 percent of the world economy. But let's talk about the 90 percent of the world populationthat will never leave the place in which they were born.For them, nations, countries, boundaries, borders still matter a great deal,and often violently.Now here at TED, we're solving some of the greatriddles of science and mysteries of the universe.Well here is a fundamental problem we have not solved:our basic political geography.How do we distribute ourselves around the world? If you add it all up what do you get?

Historiska kartor - Lantmäteriet I våra digitala arkiv finns mer än en miljon historiska kartor och de sträcker sig så långt bak i tiden som 1628. Kartorna täcker stora delar av Sverige och är i många fall så välgjorda och rikt utsmyckade att det är frestande att kalla dem för rena konstverk. Inte konstigt kanske, att de ofta ges bort som presenter. Det är gratis att titta på kartorna och vi vågar lova att du hittar något intressant när du tar del av dem. Om du vill kan du även spara ner dem till din dator eller skriva ut dem. Önskar du beställa kartorna i en högre upplösning? Innan du börjar finns det några saker som du behöver göra: Kom igång med historiska kartor

Vikingatiden HT15 | höjdarna0506 Nu ska vi börja vårt arbete om Vikingatiden och då behöver vi veta vad vi ska lära oss så vi håller oss på rätt väg och det här är våra mål: Historia: Det allra första och största när det handlar om historia är att utveckla vårt historiemedvetande! Det gör vi genom att lära oss det här: Vi ska veta och kunna prata om hur vikingarna levde – barn, kvinnor och män. Vi ska ta reda på hur vikingarna reste och vad de gjorde på sina resor – historiska händelser. Vi ska kunna söka information på olika sätt och genom det förstå hur det var att leva på vikingatiden. Vi ska lära oss hur vi kan veta så mycket om vikingatiden, vilka källor som finns, och vad som lever kvar här hos oss. Religion Vi ska lära oss om deras tro, Asatron, och hur den påverkade deras liv. Vi väver även in svenska på olika sätt: Så vad ska vi göra? Jo vi ska använda Boken om historia, Kompass Vikingatiden, Fokus på vikingarna, Vikingarnas värld och Unga fakta för att hitta information. Se filmsnuttar på nätet – Odens rike t.ex.

What is a Nation? What is a Nation? (Qu'est-ce qu'une nation?)[1] is an 1882 essay by French historian Ernest Renan (1823–1892), known for the statements that a nation is "a daily referendum", and that nations are based as much on what the people jointly forget, as what they remember. Nationhood in antiquity and in Renan's time[edit] Renan begins his essay by noting that there is frequent confusion between the idea of nationhood and of racial or linguistic groupings, a form of confusion which he says can produce "the gravest errors". Renan noted that a unique element of the European nation-forming experience was the mixture of races, origins and religions, where conquering people often adopted the religion and manners, and married the women, of the peoples they conquered. Forgetfulness[edit] Renan then states what has become one of the most famous and enduring ideas of the essay. Now, the essence of a nation is that the people have many things in common, but have also forgotten much together.

Medeltiden 5. Imagining the Nation — Centre for the Study of Culture and Society What is a 'Nation'? When we cheer for a particular team and country in a cricket game, we rarely question what reasoning has gone into our idea of 'nationalism' at that point. The history of nationalism is now far enough in the past for us to take it for granted that all human beings have nations and that 'good' human beings profess a loyalty towards their own nations. Ernest Renan provided one of the earliest answers to the question, 'What is a Nation?' Though this was one of the first answers to the question and is more than a century old, this answer is far from obsolete. Memories of shared glory, great sacrifices and suffering are vital in creating a sense of solidarity. Thus, to deny the `sacred' bond of the nation then becomes almost to blaspheme against an order that is natural and higher than any that a human being has created. This is why cheering in a cricket match is an act charged with significance. • Activity: List out some of your own answers to the above question.

Hur de sju veckodagarna fick sina namn För bildmaterialet på SO-rummet gäller i allmänhet olika typer av licenser. Många av bilderna är upphovsrättsskyddade medan andra har Creative Commons-licenser eller andra liknande licenser. Några av bilderna är helt fria att använda. SO-rummet ansvarar inte för andras användning av webbplatsens material. Vi vill gärna att SO-rummet används som kunskapskälla, till exempel av elever och lärare i skolundervisningen. *För användning av texterna i avsnitten om Världens länder (hi, ge och sh) hänvisar vi till Landguiden som drivs av Utrikespolitiska institutet.

Nationalism 1. What is a Nation? 1.1 The Basic Concept of Nationalism Although the term “nationalism” has a variety of meanings, it centrally encompasses the two phenomena noted at the outset: (1) the attitude that the members of a nation have when they care about their identity as members of that nation and (2) the actions that the members of a nation take in seeking to achieve (or sustain) some form of political sovereignty (see for example, Nielsen 1998–9, 9). Each of these aspects requires elaboration. (1) raises questions about the concept of a nation or national identity, about what it is to belong to a nation, and about how much one ought to care about one's nation. (2) raises questions about whether sovereignty requires the acquisition of full statehood with complete authority over domestic and international affairs, or whether something less than statehood suffices. 1.2 The Concept of a Nation Second, the normative ones: 2. 2.1 Concepts of Nationalism: Strict and Wide 3. 4.

Tülays IKT-sida: Bästa verktygen för att skapa tidslinjer Timeline Maker TimeToast Timetoast, en molntjänst med gratis basversion som är enkel att använda. Man registrerar e-postadress och lösenord, sedan är tjänsten klar att använda. Popplet Det är enkelt att göra tidslinjer med hjälpa av Popplet. myHistro Titta och läs tusentals fascinerande tidslinjer eller skapa egna. Gör en tidslinje över ditt liv. Read Write Think Enklaste tidslinjen Appar Färdiga tidslinjer

What is a Nation-State? What is a Nation-State? In a nutshell . . . The terms nation, state, country and nation-state are used to refer to political, economic, social and cultural actors in the international system. The modern nation-state refers to a single or multiple nationalities joined together in a formal political union. What's the difference between these concepts? A nation-state differs from a "state" or a "nation" for a couple of important reasons: A nation refers only to a socio-cultural entity, a union of people sharing who can identify culturally and linguistically. A state refers to a legal/political entity that is comprised of the following: a) a permanent population; b) a defined territory; c) a government ; and d) the capacity to enter into relations with other states. This distinction is an important one because we, as political scientists, must be able to account for both political and socio-cultural factors in a political entity. What does the growth in the number of nation-states mean?

The Formation of Modern Nation States Video - Lesson and Example Europe Prior to the 1500s In today's modern world, the idea of nations and nationalities is widely understood. For instance, I'm an American, and so are these guys. These folks are not. To begin a nation state is a defined territory with a sovereign government, made up of people sharing a common culture, history, and language. The Decline of Feudalism After the Crusades, or wars fought between the Christian West and the Muslim East over the Holy Lands, European soldiers began returning home with tales of the wealthy East. Monarchs Emerge As feudal lords were losing their grip, a number of European monarchs seized the opportunity to consolidate power by allying themselves with the growing merchant class. Perhaps one of the best examples of a monarch bringing about a strong nation state through trade is Henry VII of England's Tudor dynasty. Feudalism not only fell due to the increase of cities and towns. Church Power Declines Lesson Summary

British values: article by David Cameron This week there has been a big debate about British values following the Trojan Horse controversy in some Birmingham schools – about what these values are, and the role they should play in education. The values I’m talking about – a belief in freedom, tolerance of others, accepting personal and social responsibility, respecting and upholding the rule of law – are the things we should try to live by every day. To me they’re as British as the Union Flag, as football, as fish and chips. Of course, people will say that these values are vital to other people in other countries. And, of course, they’re right. Our freedom doesn’t come from thin air. These are the institutions that help to enforce our values, keep them in check and make sure they apply to everyone equally. The question is: should we actively promote this? But there are 2 other reasons why we should promote these values. I strongly believe that our values form the foundation of our prosperity. The second is social.
