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Related:  Community Journalism

Hyperlocal Voices In our Hyperlocal Voices series we speak to hyperlocal publishers about their journey as they seek to build a successful hyperlocal offer. From time to time we also check in again on some of the more established players to see what’s changed and how their operation is evolving. One such example is Brixton Blog in South West London. Originally established by Zoe Jewell in 2010, the site has evolved considerably since, launching the Brixton Bugle newspaper in July 2012 (10,000 copies of which are distributed each month) and working with The Carnegie UK Trust as part of their Neighbourhood News initiative by providing structured work placements for local trainees. Boost Social Media Success Social media was born from the need and desire to share news and ideas (aka content) with lots of people as quickly as possible. Email and bulletin boards arguably served this purpose for a long time before early internet sites like GeoCities and Friendster. These new approaches emphasised personal interests and encouraged users to create profiles for themselves, including photographs.

International Statistics By Country Library Links Quick Links Quick Links Contact Lynne Rudasill Global Studies Librarian 303 International Studies Building MC-402 910 South Fifth Street Champaign, Illinois, 61820, USA (217) 265-6879 Simple Marketing Ideas Simple Marketing Ideas for Small business owners As the owner of a small business, you might think it is too hard for you get the word out about what you have to offer, but that’s not a solid excuse. You don’t need to throw in big bucks or use gimmicks to gain a market presence. Instead you can use these simple marketing ideas for small business to market your small business to your targeted audience.

Bringing Hyper-Local, Citizen-Driven News to South Africa Is hyper-local journalism interesting enough to engage its own audience? And is the prospect of being more “in the know,” and more connected and more involved in one’s community, attractive enough to inspire people to take the time out to do citizen journalism? The old adage that “all news is local” does hold a great deal of truth. News can be locally generated or outside news can be made local. The implications of any big news story – like H1N1 virus, a.k.a. swine flu – can almost always be localized to create stories about how this impacts on you, where you are right now. You might want to know about local stocks of anti-virals, and you would certainly be interested if the hospital near you started treating cases.

How To Improve Your Social Media Skills In 30 Minutes A Day Getting the most out of social media takes time and effort, right? Only if you let it. In fact, there’s a popular visual going around that was originally made for marketers but could just as easily be useful to teachers, students, and school administrators. Whether you’re a social media expert, beginner, or somewhere in between, this has some awesome tips to help you improve your social media skills and more. The tips are divided into particular social networks. Promote your Instagram photos on the web and Facebook Statigram offers various ways to increase exposure across the web Instagram feed Tab for Facebook Pages Used by over 150,000 brands.Offer your Facebook fans a great way to engage with your best Instagram content: Showcase your photos/videos Promote your current hashtag(s) Choose and switch between 3 layouts Moderate content to protect your reputation Need more?

Palestine: New discussion platform for Nablus citizens The portal went online late last year, initially with its own Facebook page and since January as a wordpress-based website. Dooz is a multimedia news and exchange platform focusing exclusively on local topics; it's also unique given that Palestinian media mainly focus on major international issues. "We report on topics that directly affect people, on topics that literally happen on their doorsteps," says Dooz editor Majdoleen Hassouna. "Citizens can also use the platform to voice their concerns." Majdoleen Hassouna is one of three editors in charge in the young Dooz team. Dooz is being supported by DW Akademie and is part of a larger project by the German development organization GIZ.

Principles Every Successful Social Media Marketer Follows We’ve all seen them, interacted with them and shared their content. But have you ever wondered what makes them so successful? What is it about the habits, personality and skill of a successful social media marketer that sets them apart? Is it their social media savvy, intellect, drive and passion? Or maybe their willingness to keep pushing forward, even amidst setback?
