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Ten Choices You Will Regret in 10 Years

Ten Choices You Will Regret in 10 Years
“If only…” These two words paired together create one of the saddest phrases in the English language. Here are ten choices that ultimately lead to this phrase of regret, and how to elude them: 1. Wearing a mask to impress others. – If the face you always show the world is a mask, someday there will be nothing beneath it. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Source: Marc and Angel via Why Don’t You Try This Image: Public Domain Comments:

12 Little Known Laws of Karma (That Will Change Your Life) What is Karma? Karma is the Sanskrit word for action. It is equivalent to Newton’s law of ‘every action must have a reaction’. When we think, speak or act we initiate a force that will react accordingly. This returning force maybe modified, changed or suspended, but most people will not be able eradicate it. This law of cause and effect is not punishment, but is wholly for the sake of education or learning. To stop being afraid and to start being empowered in the worlds of karma and reincarnation, here is what you need to know about karmic laws. - “As you sow, so shall you reap”. - Whatever we put out in the Universe is what comes back to us. - If what we want is Happiness, Peace, Love, Friendship… Then we should BE Happy, Peaceful, Loving and a True Friend. - Life doesn’t just HAPPEN, it requires our participation. - We are one with the Universe, both inside and out. – Whatever surrounds us gives us clues to our inner state. - What you refuse to accept, will continue for you.

Are You Ready To Communicate With Your Guides? Updated May 15, 2014 by in5d Alternative News * Visit in5D Connection where you can find your soul mate or join one of our amazing groups. EVERYONE is welcome! by Kellie Fitzgerald guest writer for Everyone has spirit guides, angels, familiars, elementals - whatever label you would like to attach to yours. I'm often asked how we go about communicating with these beings, and here is just one method I've taught others to do. Start by closely examining your pebbles, notice how they are different or how they are similar. pebble in your hand, is it a smooth or rough pebble? Once you've gone through this exercise choose a simple yes or no question to ask of your guides (or whatever you wish to call them). The first few times you try to communicate with your guides you may feel a little awkward and that is ok. beginning, and the first step to communicating with these beings is to center yourself and quiet your mind. Please enable JavaScript to view the <a href="

The Zen Float Tent – First Affordable Isolation Tank For Home Use The benefits of sensory deprivation tanks are no secret: relaxation, deep meditation, soothing chronic muscle pain, increased athletic performance, and an overall sense of well being, but until now these benefits came at a hefty financial cost. Zen Float has created an isolation tank that can be self assembled and is cheaper than its competition. Ideally it is paving the way for higher accessibility and lowered costs in the industry. Much lighter than traditional models, the Zen Float Tent will weigh a little more than a water bed once you add the epsom salt and water. Zen Float is running a Kickstarter to fund their idea, check it out for more details on the product. Uncovered Zen Float Tent In the last 40 years, the positive effects of floating have been scientifically documented and studied though hundreds of research studies. Typically float tanks are in the $10K-30K mark, with the least expensive costing $4,500. Zen Float Tent in the Wild Credits: KarmaJello

The Illusion Of Matter: Our Physical Reality Isn’t Really Physical At All Niels Bohr, a Danish Physicist who made significant contributions to understanding atomic structure and quantum theory once said: “if quantum mechanics hasn’t profoundly shocked you, you haven’t understood it yet.” Quantum physics has left scientists all over the world baffled, especially with the discovery that our physical material reality, isn’t really physical at all. “Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.” It seems philosophers of our ancient past were right, our senses really do deceive us. Again, our physical material reality really ISN’T physical at all. Scientific understandings change continuously throughout human history. The notion that the atom was the smallest particle in the universe fell with the discovery that the atom itself is made up of even smaller, subatomic elements. At the turn of the ninetieth century, physicists started to explore the relationship between energy and the structure of matter. What Does This Mean? Sources:

7 Reasons to Stop Proving Yourself to Everyone Else Sometimes we try to show the world we are flawless in hopes that we will be liked and accepted by everyone, but we can’t please everyone and we shouldn’t try. The beauty of us lies in our vulnerability, our complex emotions, and our authentic imperfections. When we embrace who we are and decide to be authentic, instead of who we think others want us to be, we open ourselves up to real relationships, real happiness, and real success. There is no need to put on a mask. There is no need to pretend to be someone you’re not. You have nothing to prove to anyone else, because… 1. In the long run, it’s better to be loathed for who you are than loved for who you are not. Ignore the comparisons and expectations knocking at your door. 2. Don’t lose yourself in your search for acceptance by others. Let others take you as you are, or not at all. 3. In every situation you have ever been in, positive or negative, the one common thread is you. 4. 5. 6. You are an ever-changing work in progress. 7.

How to Stay Sane and Sustain in the Wake of a Spiritual Awakening 14th May 2014 By Dr. Lissa Rankin MD Guest Writer for Wake Up World Earlier this year, I shared with you my personal story of a mystical experience that blew open my cognitive mind and left me reeling. Let me start with a disclaimer. Because more and more people are going through these kinds of spontaneous spiritual experiences, let me do my best to share my answers to these questions from readers, with the caveat that I’m still learning. Spiritual Awakening Q&A Q: In the wake of your experience, does anything feel different? A: Yes. That said, there’s a quietness to it all. But it’s not all roses and violets. It hasn’t been easy, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything… Q: What do you do differently now than before your experience? A: There’s a Zen saying, “Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. The one thing that has changed the most is that it’s as if whatever cosmic forces guide my life will no longer allow me to betray my own truth. A: That ecstatic feeling comes and goes. Dr.

25 Documentaries Everybody Should Watch Sans Soleil This is not your average documentary. It is a fleeting memory, a sudden remembrance of times long past, a meditation on time and culture, a touch of an emotional diary. The Corporation Corporate personhood is probably the elephant in the room when it comes politics. Watch The Corporation for FREE on Amazon Instant Video Cosmos: A Personal Voyage This list wouldn’t be complete without the documentary Cosmos. The Union: The Business Behind Getting High This is a must watch for everyone. Watch The Union on YouTube. The Century of the Self If I have to recommend one documentary to anyone, this is it. Life in a Day 1 day, 80.000 clips worth 4.500 hours of video, 192 nations and these three questions. Watch Life in a Day on YouTube. Food Inc. Where does your food come from? Watch Food Inc. for FREE on Amazon Instant Video Inside LSD Coined medicine for the soul by LSD inventor Albert Hoffman, this drug is back in the spotlights. Watch Inside LSD on YouTube. Taxi to the Dark Side Man On Wire

5 Strategies for Keeping Your Sanity in This Insane World Some of us have achieved a balance of sorts in these dark times, and have grown to be able to view the world as it is, honestly acknowledging all of its suffering, yet somehow maintaining a healthy connection to happiness and inner peace. In part, that’s really what this website is about, developing the grace and strength to ride out that often times thin line between terror and joy in a world that held hostage by chaos, confusion, fear, destruction and madness. The recent suicide of the renowned investigative reporter Michael C. Ruppert is a shocking reminder of just how thin that line can be at times. The earthly world is a cauldron for the soul, and the spiritual side of human kind is being sincerely put to the test these days. The last podcast that Michael Ruppert hosted, recorded just hours before he took his own life, can be listened to here. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I know there are many more things that can and should be added to this list, so, what do you recommend? About the Author

Can't Stand Meditation? This Technique is For You. A consistent meditation practice is a struggle for even the most experienced of meditators. For some reason it’s difficult to bring yourself to sit down and quiet the mind despite knowing that it’s the best thing for you. I was talking about this phenomenon with my good friend Phil Drolet of The Feel Good Lifestyle and he replied with a novel solution. “When you go to the gym, do you just do bench press the entire time?”Tweet I said “No, I do 5-7 different exercises depending on what muscles I’m working on.” “Exactly! The Method Instead of doing 20 solid minutes of meditation, Phil breaks it down into 5 4-minute intervals of different practices. 1-4 min — Breathing Focus 5-8 min — Your Favorite Mantra 9-12 min — Loving/Kindness 13-16 min — Gratitude 17-20 min — Intention Visualization This not only makes your session go by quickly, but also allows you to energize many different parts of your psyche and energy body. Is this a cop out? Yes and no. The Takeaway

What Happens After Death? New Theory Suggests Consciousness Moves To Another Universe | A book titled “Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness Are the Keys to Understanding the Nature of the Universe“ has stirred up the internet, because it contained a notion that life does not end when the body dies, and it can last forever. The author of this publication, scientist Dr. Robert Lanza who was voted the 3rd most important scientist alive by the NY Times, has no doubts that this is possible. Beyond Time and Space Lanza is an expert in regenerative medicine and scientific director of Advanced Cell Technology Company. But not so long ago, the scientist became involved with physics, quantum mechanics and astrophysics. Lanza points to the structure of the universe itself, and that the laws, forces, and constants of the universe appear to be fine-tuned for life, implying intelligence existed prior to matter. The theory implies that death of consciousness simply does not exist. Lanza also believes that multiple universes can exist simultaneously. Multiple Worlds Soul Sources:

Train Your Brain To Let Go Of Habits – 10 Methods For Creating New Neural Pathways When you understand how neural pathways are created in the brain, you get a front row seat for truly comprehending how to let go of habits. Neural pathways are like superhighways of nerve cells that transmit messages. You travel over the superhighway many times, and the pathway becomes more and more solid. You may go to a specific food or cigarettes for comfort over and over, and that forms a brain pathway. The hopeful fact, however, is that the brain is always changing and you can forge new pathways and create new habits. I used to drive with one foot on the brake and the other on the accelerator, and I wanted to train myself to drive with one foot only. Because of neuroplasticity, the brain’s ever-changing potentials, anything is possible. Whether you work with others on their habits or you work with your own (or both), you can apply these understandings to boost your success. Some Powerful Ways to Retrain the Brain 1. 2. 3. This is very important. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

What Happens After Death? New Theory Suggests Consciousness Moves To Another Universe A book titled “Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness Are the Keys to Understanding the Nature of the Universe“ has stirred up the internet, because it contained a notion that life does not end when the body dies, and it can last forever. The author of this publication, scientist Dr. Robert Lanza who was voted the 3rd most important scientist alive by the NY Times, has no doubts that this is possible. Beyond Time and Space Lanza is an expert in regenerative medicine and scientific director of Advanced Cell Technology Company. But not so long ago, the scientist became involved with physics, quantum mechanics and astrophysics. Lanza points to the structure of the universe itself, and that the laws, forces, and constants of the universe appear to be fine-tuned for life, implying intelligence existed prior to matter. The theory implies that death of consciousness simply does not exist. Lanza also believes that multiple universes can exist simultaneously. Multiple Worlds Soul Sources:

The Miracle of 528 Hz Solfeggio & Fibonacci Numbers Solfeggio tones create music to calm an overactive mind and send us towards connecting with the divine. According to Dr. Leonard Horowitz, 528 Hertz is a frequency that is central to the “musical mathematical matrix of creation.” The Love frequency is the “Miracle” note of the original Solfeggio musical scale. Math scientist Victor Showell describes 528 as fundamental to the ancient Pi, Phi, and the Golden Mean evident throughout natural design. 528 resolves to a 6, the icon for physical manifestation. 528 is known as the ‘Miracle’ tone which brings remarkable and extraordinary changes. 1. an extraordinary occurrence that surpasses all known human powers or natural forces and is ascribed to a divine or supernatural cause, esp. to God. 2. a superb or surpassing example of something; wonder, marvel [1125-75]; ME <L Miraculum=Mira(Ri) to wonder at. fr(French): sighting, aiming to hold against the light. The 528Hz tone alone is associated with ‘DNA Repair‘ Their results were certified by Dr.
