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Coursmos - Online short courses for generation distracted

Coursmos - Online short courses for generation distracted

Skilio Learn Something New Every Day with Online Video Lessons Partager son savoir via des vidéos Internet est un outil extraordinaire, un lieu d’échanges de savoirs mais également de savoir-faire. Bricolage, Sciences, Sport, Cuisine, Mode, Santé sont quelques unes des nombreuses matières qu’il est possible d’apprendre. Ce Vrai Plan vous étonnera sûrement et vous donnera peut-être envie de partager vous aussi vos savoirs et vos savoiors-faire. Comment ça marche Vous cherchez une vidéo pour savoir “comment vidanger son automobile”. Le savoir est à portée de clic “Poser un papier peint”, “tailler un rosier”, “charger un camion de déménagement”, “comment repasser une chemise”, “controler le niveau d’huile de sa voiture”, “pratiquer le massage du Hara”, “dessiner un visage façon Manga”, “fabriquer une pile avec un citron”, “comment allaité son bébé”, apprendre des dizaines de danses, comment repasser une chemise/un pull/un t-shirt, réaliser des centaines de formes en origami, apprendre des centaines de tours de magie, etc. Pour se coucher moins bête

What Being an "Authentic Leader" Really Means - Charalambos Vlachoutsicos by Charalambos Vlachoutsicos | 12:00 PM December 7, 2012 Being an effective manager requires that you behave authentically. “Why?” you might ask. “Maybe the ‘real me’ isn’t the most effective boss, but if I can just act the way an effective boss should act and get good results, what’s wrong with that?” In my experience, two things are wrong with that, and they both amount to the same thing: It almost certainly won’t work. Second, trying to act like a different kind of person than you really are won’t work because you yourself will not be able to keep it up day after day, year after year. Students are often worried — at first — about my emphasis on authenticity. Let’s imagine, for example, that you are running a brainstorming meeting and someone comes up with an idea that you think is pretty stupid. Now let’s imagine a different response to your subordinate’s idea. With that in mind, you control your impulse — authentic as it is — to snap at him.

“The Daily Show” blows up Fox News again!: Trevor Noah unloads on Rupert Murdoch’s vague racism In case you missed it, Fox News owner and conservative media mogul Rupert Murdoch, thinks Ben Carson would be a better black president than Barack Obama who isn’t quite black enough. The Daily Show’s Trevor Noah took issue with this on Thursday night’s show calling out Ben Carson’s continued insanity and Murdoch’s “vaguely racist” tweet in support of him. Carson has been making the rounds of all the talk shows saying the way he would have handled the shooting if he was in one is to rush the gunman like some sort of zombie. “Not a Popeye’s restaurant mind you, but a Popeye’s organization,” Noah laughed. It is easy to say you’re going to rush the gunman, but in practice, it is something else entirely. The Daily Show even acquired footage of this incident at the Popeye’s organization you’ll want to see below.

Open course on MOOCs Welcome to the free OpenLearn course on open education. This course runs over seven weeks and is focused around the subject of openness in education. The course is an adapted extract from the Open University Masters-level course H817 Openness and innovation in elearning55 [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip56)] (of which this is one of four blocks) and open, informal learners. This is the ‘stand alone’ version of the course, so you will be studying it independently of other students. The course operates an activity-based pedagogy, so within each week there will be approximately four activities: in these you will typically be expected to read some material (or view some other media), perform an activity and create a short blog post. The course is set out week by week as many learners prefer to structure their study this way and, particularly for an open course, it helps to coordinate discussion. The topics you will study in the coming weeks are:

Home +35 outils Web 2.0 sur 1 même interface (QCM, Vidéos, Sons, Diapos, Prezi, Flashcards, Quizlet, 3D…) Il peut faire concurrence à ChallengeU, notre préférence mais voilà un autre outil en version gratuit : Versal, très prometteur et qui annonce déjà des nouveautés rentrée 2015 comme le suivi des résultats. +35 outils Web 2.0 sur 1 même interface (QCM, Vidéos, Sons, Diapos, Prezi, Flashcards, Quizlet, 3D…) Après une inscription gratuite et par simple glisser/déposer, l'écran et en trois parties, en bas les gadgets, au-dessus votre espace création et à gauche l'arborescence de votre cours, vous pouvez intégrer dans votre leçon, exposé ou autre document 35 gadgets à l'heure actuelle qui vont du texte, image, vidéos, sons, questionnaire (4 types), pour les maths (formules), physiques, SVT (le corps humain 3D), simulation d'infection sur population, Timeline, Sketchfab, Apprendre la musique, intégration Quizlet, Flashcards, Prezi, Diaporama, Markdown ("Markdown" est un langage/code pour la mise en page), tous les docs Google docs et Skydrive, il cherche des développeurs Javascript.

Why We Need to Aim Higher - Tony Schwartz by Tony Schwartz | 7:00 AM October 17, 2012 We humans need to make an evolutionary leap. We’re in much deeper trouble than we allow ourselves to recognize. Thirty years ago, an ecologist named Garrett Hardin wrote an article in the journal Science titled, “The Tragedy of the Commons.” To illustrate, Hardin used the metaphor of an open pasture — “the commons” — to which herdsmen bring their cattle to feed. “Therein is the tragedy,” Hardin wrote. How different are the rest of us in our blithe assumption that we can draw down the resources of the commons — think oil, electricity, water, for starters — regardless of the consequences in the long term? The same is true of our own internal resources — our energy. The tragedy is that the more we myopically focus on our immediate gratification, the more we hasten our collective demise. How can rational human beings allow this to happen? The answer lies in the ways our brains work. So how can we aim higher? Widen your lens.

For Golovkin and Lemieux, Everyone Expects a Knockout — Inside HBO Boxing In the build-up to his October 17 HBO PPV main event against fellow middleweight titlist David Lemieux, however, there has been no such idle talk about hoping to be taken rounds, or to have the opportunity to show off his boxing skills. The reason for that, says Golovkin’s trainer Abel Sanchez, is simple. “This preparation has been different,” the trainer explains. If not quite on the scale of Golovkin, Lemieux too was once highly touted as the next big thing, an all-conquering middleweight with devastating knockout power. “Everybody has their path, everybody has their ways of doing things and their evolution and becoming a champion, you know,” he explains. Golovkin agrees, pointing to the fact that in the intervening years, Lemieux has surrounded himself with a new, confidence-building group of people – not just in the form of trainer Marc Ramsay but also promoters, and ring legends, Oscar De La Hoya and Bernard Hopkins.

UC Berkeley Webcasts | Video and Podcasts: Events by Category Kevin E. Healy The Graduate Group Introductory Seminar - An introduction to research in bioengineering including specific case studies and organization of this rapidly expanding and diverse field. Gary L. Firestone, Andrew Dillin, Jennifer A Doudna, Michael Meighan General Biology Lecture - General introduction to cell structure and function, molecular and organismal genetics, animal development, form and function. Michael Meighan General Biology Laboratory - Laboratory that accompanies 1A lecture course. Alan Shabel, George Roderick, Lewis J Feldman General introduction to plant development, form, and function; population genetics, ecology, and evolution. Daniel Garcia The Beauty and Joy of Computing - An introduction to the beauty and joy of computing. John Kubiatowicz Operating Systems and System Programming - Basic concepts of operating systems and system programming. Armando Fox Software Engineering - Ideas and techniques for designing, developing, and modifying large software systems. K.
