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Infegy - Enterprise Social Media Monitoring, Intelligence and An

Infegy - Enterprise Social Media Monitoring, Intelligence and An

Online brand reputation or social media listening software - a r SocialMiner - Products & Services Cisco SocialMiner is a social media customer care solution that can help you proactively respond to customers and prospects communicating through public social media networks like Twitter, Facebook, or other public forums or blogging sites. By providing social media monitoring, queuing, and workflow to organize customer posts on social media networks and deliver them to your social media customer care team, your company can respond to customers in real time using the same social network they are using. Cisco SocialMiner provides: With Cisco SocialMiner, your company can listen and respond to customer conversations originating in the social web.

Social Media Monitoring Tools | Brandwatch Best Tools to Analyze, Aggregate, and Visualize Twitter Data | T Twitter is a social networking and micro-blogging service that allows its users to send and read other users’ updates (known as tweets), which are text-based posts of up to 140 characters in length. Estimates of the number of daily users vary as the company does not release the number of active accounts. In November 2008, Jeremiah Owyang of Forrester Research estimated that Twitter had 4-5 million users. A February 2009 blog entry ranks Twitter as the third largest social network (behind Facebook and MySpace), and puts the number of users at roughly 6 million and the number of monthly visitors at 55 million. Find below a collection of the best tools to analyze, aggregate, and visualize twitter data. Twitterholic not only shows top 100 lists by number of friends, followers and updates, but it also shows detailed information for a Twitter user account. Twist Twitter Spectrum TweetVolume Twitt(url)y Retweetist Tweetmeme TweetLists

Segmenting Social Traffic in Google Analytics If you use Google Analytics, you've undoubtedly seen a report like this: The problem is, there's no breakdown of "social media" in this view of traffic sources, and with the dramatic rise of social media marketing, marketers need an easy way to segment and "see" this traffic separately from the rest of their referrers. We know it's mixed in with "referring sites" and "direct traffic" but luckily, there's a way to extract that data in just a few simple steps. Step 1: Create a Custom Segment Custom segments are the way to go for separating traffic into filter-able buckets for deeper analysis. From any of the "Traffic Sources" sections, just click the "Advanced Segments" in the upper-right hand corner and then the link to "Create a new advanced segment." Step 2: Add Social Sources This is the most crucial part, and requires that you have a full list of the sites/words to include. Step 3: Test & Name Your Segment Once it's complete and working properly, click "save segment." p.s.

Avoid selective hearing with 20 top social media monitoring tool You hear that? … What about that? … Still can’t hear it? Unconvinced? Chances are that if you work for a big brand, your PR agency is listening to what the media and big bloggers say about you. There are painless and time-efficient social media monitoring tools that you and/or your PR agency can use to learn about what people are saying about you. By one count, I’ve read that there are over 100 social media monitoring tools out there. Free tools: BoardTracker: This search facility allows you to effectively search forums and discussion boards. BlogPulse Conversation Tracker: Run by AC Nielsen, this tool allows you to search for a company name and see a threaded view of the conversational graph that emerges. BlogPulse Trend Search: “BlogPulse Trend Search allows you to create graphs that visually track “buzz” over time for certain key words, phrases or links. Google Video: Want to know when someone mentions your name or tag line in a video? Paid apps: Be Sociable, Share!

14 free tools to measure your social influence A screenshot of the TwitterPoster visual application. (Image by mil8) Are your online efforts getting traction? Target audience: Nonprofits, brands, businesses, foundations, NGOs, cause & community organizations, Web publishers, educators, individuals. Congratulations, you’ve jumped into the social media waters, and it feels pretty nice. Your social media plan — if you have one — should consist of goal-setting, implementation and measuring, among other things. Not all tools measure the same kinds of things, so you may find several of these useful for your efforts. We’ve condensed the list below into a one-page printable handout: 10 Free Metrics Tools for Actionable Analytics. Here, then, are 14 free tools to measure your organization’s impact in social media and on the Web. Woopra: How are your visitors behaving? 2We like what we’ve seen of Woopra, a Web analytics tool that provides real-time data about how users are interacting with your site. Klout: Scoring across three networks Related

Social Media Monitoring and Analysis with Alterian SM2 (Formerly Techrigy) Do you know the process your customers take to buy and connect with you? Their journey is often filled with many steps, stops and starts. What you do to help them along the way makes all the difference in gaining a competitive foothold. Too often customers don’t ask for what they want, and rarely do they behave in the way you expect them to; however, they are telling others directly in social media. Taking this view of your customer’s world lets you make better informed and faster decisions about value propositions, brand strategies, and, more importantly, how to engage customers.
