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Le hacking, ce n'est pas que pour les ordinateurs «Mieux vaudrait se demander ce qui ne sera pas affecté» par le hacking, estime le journaliste Steven Levy, auteur d'une Bible sur l'histoire du hacking. Un passage à Observe Hack Make (OHM), énorme festival de hackers qui a eu lieu du 31 juillet au 4 août aux Pays-Bas, suffit pour constater qu'il ne s'agit pas d'une assertion gratuite. publicité OHM est un peu l'équivalent des jeux Olympiques. En guise d'athlètes, des centaines de conférenciers, dont quelques légendes du milieu, et 3 000 personnes venus les écouter, contre vents et boue ou soleil de plomb, dans un camping improvisé. Une philosophie de vie Tout se hacke en effet, si l'on part du principe que c'est avant tout une démarche de déconstruction/reconstruction créative des systèmes, quels qu'ils soient. Le terme, dans son acception moderne, remonte aux années 50, au Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Il y a dans le hacking l’idée de détournement créatif, et cela implique aussi de faire soi-même. 1 La monnaie Faisabilité: moyenne.

15 Top Search Engines For Research After hours spent scrolling through Google and pulling up endless clickbait results, you’re frustrated with the internet. You have a paper to write, homework to do and things to learn. You know you won’t get away with citing Wikipedia or Buzzfeed in your research paper. Even the big news engines aren’t scholarly enough. You need reputable sources for your homework, and you need them now. With so many resources online, it’s hard to narrow it down and find ones that are not only reliable and useful, but also free for students. 15 scholarly search engines every student should bookmark 1. Google Scholar was created as a tool to congregate scholarly literature on the web. 2. Google Books allows web users to browse an index of thousands of books, from popular titles to old, to find pages that include your search terms. 3. Operated by the company that brings you Word, PowerPoint and Excel, Microsoft Academic is a reliable, comprehensive research tool. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Populated by the U.S. 9.

Editions Globe » L’Éthique des hackers Qui aurait cru qu’une poignée de hackers binoclards seraient à l’origine de la plus grande révolution du xxe siècle ? Le livre culte de Steven Levy, histoire vraie de l’équipe de geeks qui ont changé le monde. Précision : un « hacker » n’est pas un vulgaire « pirate informatique ». On commence par être un étudiant sérieux, on veut le tableau d’honneur, et puis on fait des découvertes qui relativisent l’importance de tout cela, on trouve une chose à portée de main pour laquelle l’enseignement académique ne sera d’aucun secours. Make Any Dead URL Work Again | RHIEN - Le Réseau d’Hébergeurs Indépendants et ENgagés 15 Great Mindmapping Tools and Apps Mindmapping is the process of drawing up diagrams that show relations between various ideas, tasks or information. For many of us this shows to actually be a way of taking notes that can be more useful than just writing down keywords or sentences like we do on a to-do list. By drawing mind maps you actually visualize your tasks and how each task can influence each other in a better way, making your brain remember more easily and/or come up with new ideas. The Tools There are various tools for mindmapping out there, both free and paid versions. In this article I will focus solely the free options. The ones that require any installation, can be run on all platforms that support Java unless something else is specified. Freemind ↓ I found the application quick to install and very easy to understand, – which is probably why it is one of the more popular. You can download Freemind here. Xmind ↓ Xmind has a more professional business-like look compared to FreeMind. You can download Xmind here.

Open Bidouille Camp 30+ Mind Mapping Tools We all need to organize our thoughts sometimes, and there seems to be no better way to do it than in a visual fashion. We've got 30+ mind mapping tools to help you do just that. And since we know some of you are on a budget, we've got free and paid suggestions for you. Don’t forget to check out our post where you can suggest future toolbox topics! (This list, for example, came from one of the suggestions.) Free - A flash based brainstorming tool that you can share with others and also embed in to your site. - A desktop-only app that runs on Windows XP or Vista. CmapTools - Free to universities, students, federal employees, and individuals for personal use. - A free mind mapping and brainstorming tool from the Open University. - A bit of a different mapper in that it focuses on mapping out debates, whether they be political or business. - Draw & share all sorts of diagrams and mind maps. - Free for personal use.

Geek Tonic Nessy du Loch See on - Open world J’étais en train d’esquisser cet article quand j’ai appris pour les attentats de Paris, je n’ai pu m’empêcher de penser à la forme que prennent les guerres dites asymétriques. Elles ne commencent pas par une déclaration, ne se terminent pas par un armistice. See on See on - environnement et santé L'Indonésie est en proie à d'impressionnant incendies incontrôlables qui perdurent pendant des mois. See on See on - environnement et santé Notre-Dame-des-Landes: la porte-parole du PS demande aux écolos de ne pas “pinailler” sur un “point de détail” See on See on - environnement et santé VOTEZ MAINTENANT ! See on See on - environnement et santé Bayonne, Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Toulouse, Nîmes, Chambéry, Marseille, Uzès, Charnay-les-Mâcons, etc. See on See on - environnement et santé See on See on - Infowar

Seeks Seeks is a websearch proxy and collaborative distributed tool for websearch. Content Seeks code provides: a web proxy,a websearch meta search engine that aggregates results and ranks them based on consensus.a plugin system and a set of default plugins, including websearch and ad blocking plugins.a P2P collaborative filter that enables decentralized collaborative searching and sharing. Installation Dependencies: libcurllibxml2libpcretokyo cabinetprotocol bufferslibevent (optional, 2.x preferred)opencv (optional)docbook2x-man (optionnal) From the root directory, run . Compilation options can be listed with . Running Seeks This is an early version of Seeks, it is recommended your run it from the repository you compiled it from. cd src . see . For example, by default seeks does not run as a daemon. Other important options can be modified in the configuration file, src/config By default, seeks runs as proxy on the local machine ( on port 8250. Troubleshooting

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