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Serie documental: Cocina2 'Cocina2' propone un viaje gastronómico a través de una quincena de localidades de España de la mano... Ver más En cada entrega, los gemelos Torres visitarán una ciudad diferente, siempre en busca de las mejores materias primas de la zona y para mostrar las riquezas de los mercados tradicionales. Su gira a través de la geografía española les llevará a Córdoba, O Grove, Ezcaray, Guadalajara, Segovia, Málaga, Logroño, Cuenca, Jaén, Castellón, Valencia, Santiago, Cambados, Jávea y Madrid. Cada destino supondrá una nueva aventura, tanto en los fogones como en lo referente a los ingredientes más típicos de la zona, siempre de primera calidad y adquiridos en mercados. Participarán Dani García, Francis Paniego, Óscar Velasco, Beatriz Sotelo, Xoán Crujeiras, Manolo de la Osa, Loles Salvador, Yayo Daporta, Javier Olleros e Ignacio Echapresto, entre otros, sumando 11 estrellas Michelin entre todos. Ocultar

Essential Egg Techniques Skip to main content Recipes Enlarge Credit: Penny De Los Santos Eggs are the quintessential brunch food. Whether scrambled, poached, fried, or gently folded into an omelet, they're the ideal Sunday morning food, preferably served with a side of home fries and some crispy bacon. If you're ambitious about your breakfast, you can cure your own bacon, but even the most hands-off cooks can master the art of properly cooking an egg. Save Print Email «Previous Post Lunch With the Samburu Warriors Next Post» Watch SAVEUR's Gabriella Gershenson Tonight on 24 Hour Restaurant Battle More from Related Links Your Comments Please log in to leave a comment. Forgot your user name or password? stay connected

Beignets de pomme de mon papi : Recette de Beignets de pomme de mon papi Temps de préparation : 30 minutes Temps de cuisson : 5 minutes Ingrédients (pour 4 personnes) : - 3 pommes (évidées et coupées en rondelles pas trop épaisses) Pour la pâte à beignets :- 300 g de farine- 3 cuillères à soupe de sucre fin- 1 paquet de sucre vanillé- 1 cuillère à café de levure chimique- 2 oeufs- 25 cl de lait Préparation de la recette : Mélanger les ingrédients pour la pâte dans l'ordre indiqué. Tremper chaque rondelle de pomme dans cette pâte et mettre à frire. Dégustez, c'est prèt. Remarques : Repas du pauvre du temps de mes grands-parents qui n'avaient pas ou très peu de viande et devaient se contenter pour leur dîner d'une soupe accompagnée de tels beignets; les pommes et les légumes étant un mets qu'on trouvait facilement dans nos vergers et jardins.

12 Foods With Super-Healing Powers As part of a healthy diet, whole foods play a significant role in helping our bodies function at their best. There are hundreds of extremely nutritious whole foods, but the dozen on this list do more than contribute healthy nutrients -- they help you heal. In fact, every food on this list boasts multiple healing effects, from fighting cancer to reducing cholesterol, guarding against heart disease, and more. Eat these super-healing picks and start feeling pretty super yourself. Brain Experts' 6 Best Memory Tricks Kiwifruit This tiny, nutrient-dense fruit packs an amazing amount of vitamin C (double the amount found in oranges), has more fiber than apples, and beats bananas as a high-potassium food. Kiwifruit is often prescribed as part of a dietary regimen to battle cancer and heart disease, and in Chinese medicine it's used to accelerate the healing of wounds and sores. How much: Aim to eat one to two kiwifruit a day while they're in season, for the best taste and nutrition. Tips: Cherries

CanalCandido Upload Subscription preferences Loading... Working... CanalCandido Presentación de 24,359 views 3 years ago López Cuerdo, nieto del Cándido que da nombre al afamado Mesón de Cándido, en Segovia, y responsable actual del mismo, nos presenta Canal Cándido TV. Read more Uploads Play Cremas Tanto frías como calientes, las cremas son una solución perfecta como primer plato. Recetas con huevo Los huevos ofrecen muchas posibilidades: en tortilla, revueltos, escalfados, cocidos, o los clásicos huevos fritos. Recetas de pasta Tanto la elaboración de la pasta fresca, como la cocción, la elaboración de recetas con pasta o de salsas para pasta, aquí lo encontrarás todo. Popular uploads How to Make Homemade Beef Jerky Beef jerky can be a nearly perfect snack nutritionally but it’s expensive and making your own requires special equipment like a dehydrator. Until now. We show you how to get great tasting beef jerky with the stuff you’ve already got in your kitchen. Growing up in Central Pennsylvania, I’m no stranger to homemade jerky. Jerky is one of the healthier foods you can snack on if you get a brand not loaded with preservatives and salt. And considering what we know about carbs , the importance of protein and the ‘undemonization’ of fats, it all adds up to jerky being a hell of a food. As much as I love jerky, it can quickly become expensive with a 3 oz bag easily costing $5 to $6 and the thought of making my own was tainted with tales of hours of prep and the aid of a high-priced dehydrator. So imagine my delight and skepticism when I ran across a small blurb in Men’s Health claiming jerky could be made at home simply and with no expensive tools. What you’ll need: How to Make Homemade Beef Jerky

MUSHROOM MOZZARELLA BAKE Very tasty, scalloped, fresh mushrooms! I was able to find them at a good price! Yay! This is one of my eldest son, Daniel’s favorite dishes. Mushrooms are normally quite expensive here. However, I was excited to find them at a good price this week and bought 2 containers. 1 lb fresh mushrooms, sliced (0.454 kg) 3 tbsp butter (45 mL) 3/4 tsp seasoning salt (3 mL)2 tbsp whipping cream (30 mL) 1 tsp dried parsley (5 mL) 1/4 tsp black pepper (1 mL) 3/4 cup grated Mozzarella cheese (175 mL) Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C). In large frying pan or electric frying pan with lid (slightly ajar), fry mushrooms in butter over medium heat until softening. Yield: 6 servings 1 serving 127.3 calories 4.6 g protein 11.0 g fat 3.1 g carbs For other great Low-Carb, Gluten-Free recipes by the team & me: Support your team, buy Low-Carbing Among Friends cookbooks at:

Juicing for Weight Loss | Reboot With Joe | Fat Sick & Nearly Dead
