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These Are The Surprising Jobs You'll Be Doing By The 2030s

These Are The Surprising Jobs You'll Be Doing By The 2030s
Related:  Skills for Future Jobs

The Future of Work: Quantified Employees, Pop-Up Workplaces, And More Telepresence For many people, especially those working at desk jobs, the workplace is very different than it was 20 years ago: there’s a computer at every desk, telecommuting is fairly common, and the traditional cubicle is giving way to more collaborative spaces. We’ve seen predictions about where we’ll go from here before; now PSFK, a popular blog that also happens to be a thriving consultancy, has come up with its own version of the future of work, described in a new 138-page report. It’s not as fantastical as many future-forward reports--it’s planted firmly in ideas that are already gaining a lot of traction. Here are our takeaways. Startup Training and Skills Marketplaces PSFK imagines that learning initiatives for young entrepreneurs, such as Enstitute, will become the norm. Office Feedback Culture You know the employee that keeps screwing up and eventually just gets fired without really understanding why? Quantified Workers Admit it: you secretly like watching your Klout score rise.

Garbage designer, robot counsellor among the predicted jobs of 2030 About 15 years from now, farmers will have made their way from the countryside to the city, counsellors will help ensure the right robot goes to the right family and garbage designers will lead the upcycling movement. Those are some predictions made by the Canadian Scholarship Trust Plan’s Inspired Minds initiative, which aims to give Canadians a sneak peek of the job market in 2030. Some of the more curious careers include: Nostalgist: A mix between a therapist, an interior designer and a historical researcher, a nostalgist will help the wealthy elderly of 2030 create a living space inspired by their favourite decade. Rewilder: The old name for this job was "farmer." But instead of growing crops, rewilders will be tasked with undoing environmental damage to the countryside. Farming will continue to take place, but in greenhouses located on skyscrapers, which will be known as vertical farms. Robot counsellor: In 2030, robots will play a big part in our day-to-day lives.

Amazing macro-photography of individual snowflakes [10 Pictures] Photographer Alexey Kljatov takes incredible close-up photos of snowflakes in his backyard in Moscow. "I capture snowflakes on the open balcony of my house, mostly on glass surface, lighted by an LED flashlight from the opposite side of the glass, and sometimes in natural light, using dark woolen fabrics as background." Source:

10 well paid jobs of the future Mr Bellini posited the idea of an elderly well-being consultant, who specialises in personalised care for older patients, or a memory augmentation surgeon who helps counter memory loss. He also saw big changes in farming as food resources became scarce, with genetically modified crops becoming common and crops grown vertically in areas resembling multi-storey car parks to save space. Ian Pearson, a futurologist who wrote You Tomorrow, sees job growth in the field of augmented reality, where the real world is overlaid with computer-generated images. “When you look at a building it’s constrained by planning laws, but in cyberspace you can make it look however you want,” he said. “A company with a high street presence could make their shop look like Downton Abbey, or set it in a post-nuclear apocalypse environment.” Mr Pearson also argued that the better technology gets, the more people will have to focus on their “human skills” to survive in the workforce. Best paid jobs of today

If Schools Don't Change, Robots Will Bring On a 'Permanent Underclass': Report Robots are taking all the jobs. But are we, the average, moderately skilled humans, screwed, or aren't we? Let me just get it out of the way now: We are, unless there are drastic, immediate changes to education and economic systems around the world. The dominant narrative going around today about Pew Research's new report on artificial intelligence and the future of jobs is that experts can't really decide whether automation is going to make working obsolete, that it's really a toss up whether robots will simply create new jobs in other sectors as they destroy ones in other. That's true, in one sense: The 1,896 futurists, CEOs, journalists, and university professors questioned for the report were split in half over robots will "displace significant numbers of both blue- and white-collar workers," with 52 percent of respondents agreeing that "human ingenuity will create new jobs, industries, and ways to make a living, just as it has been doing since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution."

Keeping It Up: The Science of Erections So, for the better part of the past forty years, doctors (men, I assume) have been working to understand erections, and how to treat the lack of such: meanwhile, we're no closer to curing cancer. I'm a guy, and even I think this is ridiculous. Many of the comments to my post site "quality of life," but when only 4% of men in their 50's, and 17% of men in their 60's; it's not like there's an ED Pandemic! And yes, not every scientist is out there concentrating on erections and ED; but how is our knowledge on the vagina and clitoris? And, what's more, the (largely male) scientific community was pretty much totally clueless about the clitoris until around 2009! Bakana, meet DanceoftheDreamMan. Yeah, why aren't more urologists practicing oncology?! In fact, I wish they would stop trying to practice oncology.And I refuse to feed the troll that started this thread. 4% of men over 50 is roughly two million men. Medical science doesn't work like that.

The 10 Most Important Work Skills in 2020 Share this infographic on your site! <a href=" src=" alt="Important Work Skills for 2020" width="500" border="0" /></a><br />Source: <a href=" The 10 Most Important Work Skills in 2020 Future Work Skills of 2020: Sources: LEGAL FUTURES Report: artificial intelligence will cause "structural collapse" of law firms by 2030 1 December 2014 AI: computers that ‘think’ spell doom for many lawyers Robots and artificial intelligence (AI) will dominate legal practice within 15 years, perhaps leading to the “structural collapse” of law firms, a report predicting the shape of the legal market has envisaged. Civilisation 2030: The near future for law firms, by Jomati Consultants, foresees a world in which population growth is actually slowing, with “peak humanity” occurring as early as 2055, and ageing populations bringing a growth in demand for legal work on issues affecting older people. This could mean more advice needed by healthcare and specialist construction companies on the building and financing of hospitals, and on pension investment businesses, as well as financial and regulatory work around the demographic changes to come; more age-related litigation, IP battles between pharmaceutical companies, and around so-called “geriatric-tech” related IP. The human part of lawyering would shrink. By Dan Bindman

Weekend Nightmare Fuel: The Biggest Crawling Animals on Earth Wow. io9, you should be ashamed for writing this. Biodiversity worldwide is threatened, and you make an article that is really little more than "big bugz r icky". I can see that you included factual information, but one of the largest problems on the planet regarding animals is that fact that the majority of people think that it's okay or cool to hate the ones with more than four legs and a chitinous exoskeleton (or just invertebrate animals in general). That does not help all of the teenagers 20-somethings that live "away" from natural spaces and do not know that centipedes are masterful at keeping pests out of gardens and homes, and that out of thousands of species, less than 10 cockroaches can become pests, and only 3 or 4 of those species are ever any good at being pests. Imgur has the same problem; anything that isn't furry and cuddly is immediately the butt of jokes involving gasoline and matches. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Really, did you read the article?

Future of Work: What Skills Will Help Us Keep Pace? From Elon Musk’s tweet that artificial intelligence may be more dangerous than nuclear weapons to the growing clamor of voices warning robots will take away our jobs, it is clear we are focusing more on the problems of AI, robotics, and automation than the solutions. While the problems are real and should be taken into account, social innovators around the world are already working to deliver solutions. It’s true that today’s technology is reworking the economy and our role in it. This is nothing new. During the Industrial Revolution, in the US, we demanded every child attend school and learn reading, writing and math. Throughout the 20th century, humanity poured tremendous resources into ensuring every human develop these skills as technologies advanced. Most of us have heard of STEM skills (science, technology, engineering, and math), but there is another lesser known skillset that will also be critical. Hierarchical systems of authority are increasingly struggling to keep up.

Low wages not education to blame for STEM skills gap -- ScienceDaily Low wages rather than inadequate training are to blame for the STEM skills gap, according to research from the University of Warwick. A new briefing paper suggests that the lack of workers with skills in science, maths, engineering and technology (STEM) and 'soft' communications skills is not due to problems with the education system, but to employers being unwilling to offer higher wages to suitably skilled workers. The research was conducted by Dr Thijs van Rens associate professor in the Department of Economics. He said: "It is often taken for granted that the skills gap and skills mismatch is a supply problem and appropriate training is not available to workers. However US data shows that market wages do not reflect the relative demand for different types of skills. "Businesses complain about the lack of workers with STEM skills but are unwilling to raise wages for these workers -- or reduce wages for workers with skills that are less in demand."

The Strange Symbiosis Between Sloths and Moths A few years ago when I went to the Sloth Sanctuary in Costa Rica, they mentioned that "scientists had no idea why 3 Toed sloths poop on the ground". Even this article states that scientists are "dumbfounded". But as someone who has visited Central and South America frequently since a child, I never thought this was any sort of a mystery. They don't actually cover their poop with leaves. I remember being told this probably when I was 7 by a guy who owned some sloths in Colombia. The adult sloth moths don't lay their eggs in the sloths, they lay their eggs in the sloth droppings. From what I've read (and I could be wrong about this), the sloths that wear onesies in sanctuaries are only prone to infections because they weren't raised on their mothers' milk, not because they aren't being cleaned by moths.

AI will foster an era of 'superhuman' workers, says Google X founder Reddit Tweet Share Email During the 2018 World Government Summit in Dubai this week, Google X co-founder Sebastian Thurn stated that artificial intelligence innovations would usher in an era of “superhuman” workers who are capable of doing far more work than what is conventionally possible. Thurn asserted that AI-based solutions, no matter how advanced, are tools designed to augment the productivity of humans. “AI is a tool and what AI can do really, really well is getting rid of repetitive work. Thurn, however, did admit that some trades in the workforce are bound to be adversely affected by the incoming AI revolution. “Now, that means that some jobs will go away, very repetitive work, of course. The Google X co-founder’s optimistic outlook mirrors that of futurist Ray Kurzweil, who issued equally optimistic expectations for AI during a discussion held at the Council of Foreign Relations last November. “My view is not that AI is going to displace us. Interested in solar?

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