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E-Learning 24/7 Blog
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e-Learning Acupuncture SlideSnack | Upload & Share Presentations Online E-Learning Curve Blog Winter Solstice at Newgrange, Ireland 5,000 years ago, an extraordinary people lived in Ireland. They were farmers, hunters and builders. Newgrange – exterior (image courtesy I don’t spend all my time involved in learning and development. No, no, no. Among my more arcane, but nevertheless very satisfying interests is in the culture of the Neolithic (New Stone Age), and particularly the culture of the Beaker People of Western Europe. At ten minutes to nine on the morning of the shortest day of the year, a pale and weak sun slowly rises above a ridge in the Boyne River valley in County Meath, Ireland. Newgrange is best known for the illumination of its passage and chamber by the winter solstice sun. Light Enters the Tomb at Newgrange (image courtesy Irish Times) At dawn, from 19th to 23rd December every year, a narrow beam of light penetrates the roof-box and reaches the floor of the chamber, gradually extending to the rear of the passage. The senior civil servant elaborated:

The Best Websites On The Internet It's seriously hard to keep track of which sites have the greatest content and resources. So to help make things easier, we've compiled this comprehensive list of over 100 of the best websites on the internet. The sites on this list are those that we consider to be genuinely useful, top-of-the-line websites (not apps) where you'll find what you need. We update this list regularly, so check back occasionally, and be sure to tell your friends! Books Project Gutenberg Own an e-reader but hate paying for e-books? GoodReads What could be better than large social network for book enthusiasts? Audible The internet's home of audio books, Audible has an insanely-sized catalog featuring most classics, many new releases, and a host of quality audio courses to keep you learning for years. If you're anything like me, your list of books to read is literally never ending. Book Riot You can be a book lover without being pretentious. Pixel of Ink WhichBook Browsing Instapaper Pocket Google Translate JustPaste.It Tor

Online Learning Update Employers like MOOCs — if they know what one is April 15th, 2014 By Jake New, Editor, eCampus News MOOCs-employers-studentsEmployers are fans of massive open online courses (MOOCs), according to a new study by researchers at Duke University and RTI International. Share on Facebook An E-Portfolio With No Limits By David Raths, Campus Technology Students at the University of Mary Washington build their academic identities on their own personal Web domain. Share on Facebook Is Google Eyeing a Satellite Startup? By Rumor has it that Google Inc. is looking to acquire Skybox Imaging, a startup that manufactures satellites and deploys data analytics services to companies. Share on Facebook In conversation with: Sebastian Thrun, CEO, Udacity April 14th, 2014

Best Content Curation Software | Free Content Curation Tool | Aggregator Software for blogs & Wordpress | CurationSoft Harold Jarche The Growth of Content Curation Sites Content Curation Sites became huge in 2013. Buzzfeed, Distractify, UsvsTh3m, Worth a Share and many more provide curated content of the trending web stories, images and videos. For a number of years, niche blogs have been publishing curated topics that help with inspiration and education; Art blogs, design blogs, software blogs and now the most inspiring, funny, shocking, cute and plain odd internet content has been curated into carefully themed blog posts. The Rise What fuelled the growth of these sites, especially Buzzfeed? Social Media The growth of Facebook and Twitter enables more sharing of our own content and content that users have found across the internet. Smartphones and Tablets Without the mobile device revolution these websites may not have made it big. Video and Photo Hosting Much of this media is posted to Facebook but sites like YouTube, Flickr and other photo hosting sites allow for more content to be published on the web. Demographics The Positives Engaging Content Huge Reach

Mobilemind | Thoughts on mobile computing and elearning Pinterest is now more useful for sharing articles Pinterest has been enhancing its pins with more and more contextual information since earlier this year, and today the company is adding even more detail into the mix. Pins that link back to full stories will now include context about the linked article, including its headline, author, and description — rather than just an image and little more as they did before. Not all articles will work at launch, but so long as the source article has the right data attached to it, Pinterest says that it'll be able to pull it in. More details could mean more interest Though pinned articles already include a link out to their source, Pinterest's users have tended to stay within the site, rather than clicking through to stories that pique their interest. This new update could begin to change that.
