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Fantastic Fungi: The Startling Visual Diversity of Mushrooms Photographed by Steve Axford

Fantastic Fungi: The Startling Visual Diversity of Mushrooms Photographed by Steve Axford
Marasmius haematocephalus To think any one of these lifeforms exists in our galaxy, let alone on our planet, simply boggles the mind. Photographer Steve Axford lives and works in the Northern Rivers area of New South Wales in Australia where he spends his time documenting the living world around him, often traveling to remote locations to seek out rare animals, plants, and even people. But it’s his work tracking down some of the world’s strangest and brilliantly diverse mushrooms and other fungi that has resulted in an audience of online followers who stalk his work on Flickr and SmugMug to see what he’s captured next. Axford shares via email that most of the mushrooms seen here were photographed around his home and are sub-tropical fungi, but many were also taken in Victoria and Tasmania and are classified as temperate fungi. The temperate fungi are well-known and documented, but the tropical species are much less known and some may have never been photographed before. Panus fasciatus

emmas designblogg - design and style from a scandinavian perspective Bruxelles : Instinct de Liberté - MILK DECORATION Initialement trouvée à l’abandon, la maison bruxelloise de Lionel Jadot, architecte d’intérieur et réalisateur, est aujourd’hui un lieu de partage et de convivialité, où chacun et chaque chose trouvent naturellement leur place. Un parti pris de liberté sur fond de créativité. Nous vivons dans cette maison depuis dix-sept ans. Nous l’avons choisie une nuit, de retour d’Italie, après quatorze heures de route. Texte : Julie Boucherat.Photos : Karel Balas / Style : Isis-Colombe Combréas.

ihearttrains For the unacquainted, modern, major (class 1) railroads are made up of the mergers of many smaller lines. Norfolk Southern received a large delivery of locomotives last year, each in a paint scheme inspired by by one of the railroad’s predecessors. They are called HERITAGE UNITS and people get excited. Really excited. Until recently, Norfolk Southern operated outside New England and it’s previous lines don’t evoke any nostalgic feelings for me. Normally, I’d blow off one of these Norfolk Southern HUs (as Heritage Units are know among the rail fan community) but when I got a email staying that 1071 was in my neighborhood, I looked it up. The train lead by this locomotive normally comes through between 7 and 9pm. Normally, the Pan Am Southern sends several trains through each night. Early in the morning hours, one train ran through.

Provocative Portraits Of Extreme Plastic Surgery by Phillip Toledano (NSFW) For A New Kind Of Beauty, London-based photographer Phillip Toledano photographs individuals who have invested in numerous plastic surgeries. His sitters, having built their bodies in the image of some unknowable, personal ideal, are perhaps signifiers of a new dawn of physical expression. The subjects of the work, some of whom have gained national celebrity for their appearances, exude an intense eroticism, one that is alternately uncomfortable and exhilarating. Toledano, inspired by the 16th century painter Hans Holbein, is drawn to the sculptural, highlighting the sensuous curves of the body in luscious reds, blacks, and creamy nudes. Toledano views beauty as a sort of currency; if all can afford to surgically alter the exterior self, are we no longer reliant on our genetics, and do we then begin to have a more democratic society?

Le portfolio de la semaine : "Captured Youth" par Steve Davis "Un des garçons est venu vers nous, l'air fier, se vantant d'avoir quelque chose sur lui qu'il ne partagerait avec personne. Les autres détenus lui ont dit de dégager, qu'ils s'en foutaient. Mais toutes les cinq minutes, ce jeune garçon revenait à la charge, en répétant « allez, demandez-moi ce que c’est, demandez-moi… ». Ce qu'il avait de si précieux, c'était une photo de famille, où il est cajolé par ses deux parents." De 1997 à aujourd'hui, Steve Davis photographie des détenus mineurs, à travers les quatre coins de l'Etat de Washington aux Etats-Unis, avec un leitmotiv précis : attirer l'attention du public sur ces garçons qu'il qualifie d'invisibles. Pour Snatch, Steve Davis parle de ces adolescents qu'il -lui- n’oubliera pas. Cette photo date de 1997, ou 1998, je ne sais plus exactement. Je me souviens très bien de lui. J’ai pris cette photo en 2000, dans un établissement appelé la Greenhill School. L'adolescent sur la photo est le même que sur la photo précédente, porte #12.

9 Portraits of Butch Women Proving "Masculinity is a Trait, Not a Gender " In an effort to both allocate space for and document the existence of masculine women, photographer Meg Allen created a powerful series of portraits for an exhibit at Cafe Gabriela in Oakland, Calif. Entitled BUTCH, Allen's series not only represents genderqueer women for a broader, heteronormative audience, but reaffirms butch identity within the queer community at a time when "butch flight," or gender transitioning, is arguably becoming more and more commonplace. It is, as Allen says on her website, "an homage to the bull-daggers and female husbands before me, and to the young studs, gender queers and bois who continue to bloom into the present." Even the New Statesman asked, "Do we need a better word for 'butch'?" proposing that "masculine-of-center" be used in lieu of the maligned, culturally "irrelevant" term. A self-described "butchish hapa queer chick," Allen took her inspiration from acclaimed queer artists like Catherine Opie and Del LaGrace Volcano. Marcie Bianco Dr.

Human | Michael Ostermann La Patrimoine 2013 Ma bécanePhotography2014 Shooting the bug Truth be told, I’ll always be a car guy. Deep deep down, I have a draw to them. They can stir the soul, get you excited, some people even think that they can get you laid. They make noises, they move, they light up, they shoot stuff out, they have personalities. Automobiles are form and function cohering. This post is focused on the images I recently shot for a project (They can be viewed in the Wheels section of my site) of a 1950 VW split window coupe that has been impeccably restored. Let me preface by stating a couple of notable things I think about the VW beetle. Fast forward 30 years to the making of the images you see here of this particular bug and I will give you a bit of the story behind the shoot. I was approached to do this project for an award that was going to be given to the top finishers in a concours show for the Central Jersey Volkswagen Society. I thought about it for a while and then asked that the car be moved out from the garage into the driveway. Oh yeah….
