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Les promenades Les promenades avec nos compagnons sont trop souvent négligées. Il n’est pas rare par exemple de croiser dans la rue des propriétaires totalement absorbés par leur téléphone portable, ou par leurs pensées, pendant qu’à l’autre bout de la laisse « toutou » erre mécaniquement d’odeur en odeur… Cependant, un chien n’est pas qu’une usine à crottes ! Le chien est un animal social, il a besoin de communiquer avec ses congénères, ou par défaut son propriétaire humain, pour son propre équilibre mental. Parlez-lui pendant la promenade, même s’il ne vous comprend pas. La laisse n’est pas un canal de communication ! Modulez également la vitesse de marche de la promenade. Tous ces conseils (non exhaustifs) ne doivent pas être pris au pied de la lettre, mais ils devraient vous aider à ne pas subir les « promenades du chien » qui usent toute la famille. Et si vous vous sentez totalement dépassés par l’attitude de votre chien lors des promenades, n’hésitez pas à faire appel à un professionnel…

Santa Clarita Custom Shirts - Screen Printing Online Learning: A Bachelor's Level Computer Science Program Curriculum (Updated) Introduction [Update: See also the follow-up post to this piece, An Intensive Bachelor's Level Computer Science Curriculum Program.] A few months back we took an in-depth look at MIT’s free online Introduction to Computer Science course, and laid out a self-study time table to complete the class within four months, along with a companion post providing learning benchmarks to chart your progress. In the present article, I'll step back and take a much more broad look at com-sci course offerings available for free on the internet, in order to answer a deceptively straightforward question: is it possible to complete the equivalent of a college bachelor’s degree in computer science through college and university courses that are freely available online? The former question is more difficult to answer than it may at first appear. Yet, this does not mean that all the necessary elements for such a curriculum are not freely accessible. Our hypothetical curriculum will simplify this model.

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What the Color of Your Logo Says About Your Company (Infographic) If you are building a company that depends on making people feel sexy and sophisticated, it’s probably going to confuse your consumers if you your logo is bright green. That’s because different colors are associated with different feelings. Green conveys organic growth, the earth, nature, or feelings of caring. Meanwhile, black communicates feelings of sophistication, authority or seduction. Not convinced? Consider the green logo for Starbucks or Greenpeace and the black logos of Chanel or Sony. Related: The Incredible Way Your Brain 'Sees' a Logo (Infographic) Color isn’t the only design element that communicates with your customer about your brand. Have a look at the infographic below, compiled by Canadian plastic-card maker Colourfast, to get a sense of whether your logo is conveying the right message. Click to Enlarge Related: 5 Examples of Stellar Logo Design and Packaging

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Understanding Learning Theory Understanding Learning Theory Approved for 9 CEUs through CCPDT and IAABC This course is designed for those preparing to sit for the CPDT exam, as well as those just beginning to study learning theory and those wanting a deeper understanding of how animals learn. All sessions are live, so you’re able to ask questions to clarify any fuzzy areas or concepts you have a hard time with. Hi Sue -I took your Learning Theory webinar several weeks ago in preparation for the CPDT examination. Kirsten Rose, CPDT-KAProfessional Dog This course has been designed for maximum flexibility. This webinar WILL NOT be recorded or available as an audio webinar. I am preparing for the CPDT and this course was awesome – a great overview of all the terms and acronyms and types of learning. Susan, you explained things in the most simple manner. For sure I will recommend this class – especially if sitting for the CPDT. Prairie LeeRocking K9 Companions, LLCChoteau, MT Wow!
