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Relaxing music - Sacred Chants of Shiva (full album) - Yoga meditation

Relaxing music - Sacred Chants of Shiva (full album) - Yoga meditation

Black Sabbath - Solitude 108 Ways to Heal Your Chakras. Time is— Love is— Death is— And the Wheel turns, And the Wheel turns, And we are all bound to the Wheel.~ Paul Edwin Zimmer A chakra is a “wheel,” an energy center in the body. Nadis are the ethereal tubes that allow prana to move through the body, just as blood moves through blood vessels. Chakras are located at points where nadis intersect; there are said to be 72,000 nadis throughout the body and thousands of chakras. Both the upward current and downward current of energy must be open and flowing for us to be optimally healthy and whole. There are seven major chakras in tantric yoga philosophy. If you are a beginner (and aren’t we all?) 1st Chakra 2nd Chakra 3rd Chakra 4th Chakra Location: Heart/center of chest Sanskrit: Anahata/”unstruck sound” Color: green Element: air Issues: love, friendship, kindness, forgiveness, devotion, generosity Associated with: thymus gland, lungs, hands, heart, blood; immune and endocrine systems. 5th chakra 6th Chakra 7th Chakra Relephant read: Photo: Flickr

Интераура Нейронастрой - это звуковая дорожка в формате wav с позитивными утверждениями, формирующими положительную установку, необходимую для развития нужных качеств и достижения целей. Регулярное применение нейронастроев помогает человеку изменить свою жизнь к лучшему, достичь выдающихся результатов в саморазвитии и полностью раскрыть внутренний потенциал. Разработка технологии нейронастроев заняла более 2 лет. Нейронастрои создаются на основе уникальной схемы нейроволновой стимуляции, которая позволяет сделать открытые внушения значительно эффективнее скрытых. Официальный сайт: Show less

Bob Marley "Rastaman Chant" LIVE (Smile Jamaîca) A Quickie Guide to the Chakras. I like to think that an increasing interest in the chakra system is a positive sign of our evolving society. That taking interest in our own health and what we can do personally do to increase our own emotional, physical, spiritual and mental well-being is a powerful development for the human race and that an understanding of the chakras will take us a long way in a healing direction. In her book Intuitive Self Healing, Marie Manucheri explains: “Each chakra has its own color and unique role in maintaining vitality in your body, mind, and spirit. Here is a quickie guide to the seven major Chakras: The Root Chakra The Root Chakra is located just below the pelvis and governs our sense of survival. The Sacral Chakra The Sacral Chakra is located just below the belly button and is our pleasure center. The Solar Plexus Chakra The Solar Plexus Chakra is located just below the rib cage and is responsible for our self-esteem, self-love and self-acceptance. The Heart Chakra The Throat Chakra Relephant:

Jane's Addiction- Classic Girl Frankie Miller - After All (Live My Life) TesseracT - Of Matter
