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Izitru Trusted Photos

Izitru Trusted Photos
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Un calamar géant radioactif échoué en Bretagne Un calmars de 49 mètres échoués en Bretagne sur une plage près du Cap d'Erquy (Côtes d'Armor) ! Pour la deuxième fois en quelques mois, une créature marine géante s'est échouée en Bretagne. Et quelle créature ! Car c'est en effet un calmar géant mesurant la bagatelle de 49 mètres de la tète à la pointe des tentacules qui a été retrouvé sur une plage des Côtes d'Armor . Les experts envoyés sur place pensent que le gigantisme des deux monstres marins est imputable à la pollution de l'eaux de mer par les lisiers déversés par les éleveurs porcins de la région Bretagne nord (ceci a été confirmé par les résultats des analyses d'échantillons d'eau de mer prélevés sur zone). Les scientifiques pensent que les déversements de lisiers porcins doivent cesser immédiatement pour que cesse cette anomalie, et qu'il est probable qu'il se passera plusieurs année avant que la faune marine retrouve sa vrai nature. Actualites Partage cette news ou crée en une à ta sauce!!

Why I Hate Flow Posing for Weddings... [Editor's Note: Today's guest contributor is Mike Allebach. Hailed by a Rock n Roll Bride as “the Original Tattooed Bride Photographer” Mike has crafted one of the most distinct niches in photography. His photos and videos have been featured in over 100 blogs, newspapers & magazines.] Pin It Throughout my wedding photography career, I felt like I struggled with “posing.” Flow posing involves quick direction and touching clients to place their heads in the correct orientation. During the flow posing workshop, I was taught that I must keep talking in order to maintain control of my clients. While flow posing is efficient, the results I saw weren’t pleasing to the eye. [RELATED: Natural Light Couples Photography Workshop DVD] Over the past few years I discovered my lack of “posing skill” actually was an asset. Pin It After eight years as a wedding photographer I finally feel really good about how I “pose” clients. 1. At the core posing is the ability to read body language. Pin It 2. Pin It 3.

PICASA mypachmail One account. All of Google. Sign in to continue to Picasa Web Albums Find my account Forgot password? Sign in with a different account Create account One Google Account for everything Google Top 10 reverse image search engines 2014 November Reverse image search is different kind of search where one does not provide keywords and instead provides an image and the search engine searches for images of similar kind. This kind of search is not yet very famous as many are not even aware of this kind of search options available and also for the reason that many are not in requirement of this kind of a search. At times different engines use different algorithms and parameters while making the search. Top 10 reverse image search engines are : 1)TinEye : Is a reverse image search engine that also has a addon for Firefox which is very helpful. 2)Byo Image Search : It seems that this search is based on the color palette uniformity primarily but does include theme based algorithm. 3)Gazpopa : A recently launched search tool which allows you to upload a base image already in your computer or even allows you to draw one. 4)RevIMG : Is a reverse visual search engine which works opposite to the older style of searching images from text.

Comment vérifier l'authenticité d'une vidéo publiée sur les réseaux sociaux - CLEMI Collège Français Cycle 4 - Classe de 4e "Informer, s’informer, déformer ? - Découvrir des articles, des reportages, des images d’information sur des supports et dans des formats divers, se rapportant à un même événement, à une question de société ou à une thématique commune - Comprendre l’importance de la vérification et du recoupement des sources, la différence entre fait brut et information, les effets de la rédaction et du montage Histoire et géographie Cycle 3 "S'informer dans le monde du numérique" - Trouver, sélectionner et exploiter des informations dans une ressource numérique - Identifier la ressource numérique utilisée - Identifier le document et savoir pourquoi il doit être identifié Cycle 4 - Utiliser des moteurs de recherche, des dictionnaires et des encyclopédies en ligne, des sites et des réseaux de ressources documentaires, des manuels numériques, des systèmes d’information géographique - Vérifier l’origine/la source des informations et leur pertinence Lycée Français 2de Bac pro

Flash Photography with Canon EOS Cameras - Part I. Flash Photography with Canon EOS Cameras - Part I. Copyright © 2001-2013 NK Guy Version 1.8. 12 December, 2010. The invention and subsequent automation and miniaturization of electronic flash revolutionized photography. If you’re a photographer you’re no longer tied to available light. A reliable and portable light source is immediately at your disposal if you choose. Table of Contents Part I - Flash Photography with Canon EOS Cameras . 1 - My camera already has a built-in flash. Flash metering systems used by Canon EOS . Controlling flash exposure . EOS system compatible flash units . Internal flash . Part II - EOS flash photography modes . Subject and Background in flash photography . EOS flash photography confusion . Program (P) mode flash . Flash terminology . Strobe and flash . Part III - Common EOS flash features . Bounce flash - swivel and tilt . Accessories . Extension cords . Flash tips . Quality of light . Existing documentation. Maybe.

Computer-Assisted Facial Image Identification System by Yoshino, Matsuda, Kubota, Imaizumi, and Miyasaka (Forensic Science Communications, January 2001) Research and Technology Computer-Assisted Facial Image Identification System Paper presented at the 9th Biennial Meeting of the International Association for Craniofacial Identification, FBI, Washington, DC, July 24, 2000 Mineo Yoshino Section Chief Hideaki Matsuda, Satoshi Kubota, and Kazuhiko Imaizumi Research Biologists Sachio Miyasaka Senior Scientist First Medico-Legal Section National Research Institute of Police Science Chiba, Japan Introduction | Equipment and Operation Method Experimental Study | Results | Discussion | References Introduction Facial image identification is becoming an important theme in forensic anthropology because surveillance cameras are used as a silent witness in crime scenes such as convenience stores, banks, and parking garages. In order to assess two facial images, the video superimposition technique has been applied to facial image comparison (Kubota et al. 1997; Maples and Austin 1992; Vanezis and Brierley 1996; Yoshino et al. 1996). Top of the page

Débusquer les photos mensongères et les fausses infos sur internet : Conseils pratiques et méthodologiques Le quotidien Suisse Le Temps a lancé en décembre 2016 une série de vidéos thématiques gratuites consultables en ligne sur la vérification des sources et les photos mensongères sur le Web. 2 vidéos sont déjà disponibles avec analyse, conseils et outils par Catherine Frammery, journaliste qui expose clairement une méthodologie pour exercer son esprit critique sur Internet et dans les productions médiatiques (photos, vidéos, textes…). Des vidéos pour comprendre, apprendre et agir! 3 conseils pour débusquer les photos mensongères sur Internet Vidéo de 3 mn 40 s. 1. 10 conseils pour débusquer les fausses informations sur internet Vidéo de 5 mn 07 s. 1. Licence : Contrat spécifique : merci de prendre contactGéographie : International Tags: actualite, education au numerique, information, pédagogie, Suisse, video

"The Ultimate Guide To Neutral Density Filters" by Peter Hill COPYRIGHT WARNINGThis Journal is subject to copyright. You do not have permission to copy it, in part or whole, and re-publish it. It is for information purposes only. Currency Statement: Last updated on 12 November 2012. Introduction This Guide explains and demonstrate the use of extreme neutral density filters, with particular focus (groan) on the Hoya 9-stop ND x400 Filter, the Lee “Big Stopper” 10-stop ND Filter, and the 10-stop B+W #110 ND Filter, with some discussion of neutral density filters in general. There has been a world-wide shortage of those particular filters as they’ve gained popularity with DSLR users, with Hoya, Lee and B+W being caught out by the sudden upsurge in demand. I have included at the end of this Guide a Resource List, including a rough price guide. I want to be upfront and say I am not recommending one over the other of anything. Contents Terms used in this GuideWhat is a Neutral Density Filter? Terms used Rather dark, isn’t it?! What is a Neutral Density Filter?

Blog - Enhance – no, really In our first blog entry we posted a funny video montage of the familiar (and somewhat silly) way in which Hollywood portrays digital image and video enhancement. Not surprisingly, much of what is shown on television and movies is complete fiction. Advances in digital forensics, however, do allow us to do some pretty amazing things. Shown below, for example, is an image of a license plate that is photographed from such a grazing angle that it is nearly impossible to reliably read the plate number. In general, a photograph is the result of projecting a 3D scene onto a 2D sensor. The Vanishing Point feature of Adobe Photoshop allows you to define perspective planes within a 2D photo so that you can clone and manipulate areas while maintaining realistic perspective. Shown below is a undistorted view of the license plate. [Photo credit: Hany Farid]

Les Fake News, c'est quoi ? Comment s'en prévenir sur les réseaux sociaux Fake News ou fausse nouvelle, une expression qu’on entend beaucoup dans les médias. Mais, qu’est-ce que cela veut dire ? Et comment s’en prévenir ? [article publié le 1er mars 2017 et mis à jour le 7 juin 2018] Rumeurs, théories du complot, fausses informations, manipulation médiatique… Depuis quelques mois, notamment depuis la dernière campagne électorale américaine et l’élection de Donald Trump, un nouveau terme a débarqué dans les médias et a fait l’objet de nombreux débats, les « fake news » ou fausses informations en français. La difficulté de définir la fake news Sous cette expression sont réunis des informations qui sont volontairement fausses et qui ont pour but de tromper le lecteur. Romain Pigenel, co-fondateur de et ex directeur de la communication numérique de l’Elysée et du Gouvernement de François Hollande propose une analyse intéressante du phénomène fake news. Comment se prévenir des fake news sur les réseaux sociaux ? A lire aussi : – Fake News ou pas ?

Noise Reduction By Image Averaging Image noise can compromise the level of detail in your digital or film photos, and so reducing this noise can greatly enhance your final image or print. The problem is that most techniques to reduce or remove noise always end up softening the image as well. Some softening may be acceptable for images consisting primarily of smooth water or skies, but foliage in landscapes can suffer with even conservative attempts to reduce noise. This section compares a couple common methods for noise reduction, and also introduces an alternative technique: averaging multiple exposures to reduce noise. Image averaging is common in high-end astrophotography, but is arguably underutilized for other types of low-light and night photography. Image averaging works on the assumption that the noise in your image is truly random. The above plot represents brightness fluctuations along thin blue and red strips of pixels in the top and bottom images, respectively.

Blog - Photogrammetry 101 As I described in two previous posts (“Enhance – no, really” and “Optical teleduplication”) Photoshop can be used to un-distort planar surfaces such as a license plate or the surface of a key. The intuition behind this is that planar surfaces are inherently two-dimensional and therefore no information is lost when they are imaged from a 3D world into a 2D image. Kevin recently pointed out to me that the same Photoshop tools that allow for these distortions to be removed can be used to measure the size of objects/people in an image. In the absence of any other cues, measuring a person’s height from only a single image is impossible because there is an inherent ambiguity between the size of the person and their distance to the camera. In the figure below, the image recorded by the camera on the left could be that of a short person standing close to the camera or a taller person standing far from the camera. Note that this 3D measurement can only be made in Photoshop CS4 or CS5 Extended.

Vive les illuminati ! | Stop Intox On nous cache tout, on nous dit rien, qui n’a jamais entendu ça ? Une petite élite gouvernerait le monde, accumulant la richesse, le pouvoir, ayant infiltré les gouvernements, les grandes entreprises, le show bizz et les media. Loin devant les francs-maçons, les juifs, les banquiers ou les reptiliens, les Illuminati sont les plus populaires sur Internet. Un film réalisé par Christophe Tisseyre et Thibault Pomares Produit par John Paul Lepers
