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Learn Spanish 100 most used adjectives in Spanish

Learn Spanish 100 most used adjectives in Spanish
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MI SEMANAL - Le seul hebdomadaire d’actualité en espagnol pour les enfants qui s’initient à l'espagnol, à lire et à écouter ! - Play Bac Presse Le supplément en espagnol de Mon Quotidien et de l’actu, à lire et à écouter chaque semaine. Vous êtes abonné au supplément Mi Semanal ? Entrez le mot de passe reçu à l’adresse mail que vous nous avez communiquée pour accéder au numéro de cette semaine (version audio incluse)*. VOUS N'AVEZ PAS REÇU VOTRE MOT DE PASSE ? Si vous ne recevez pas Mi Semanal, découvrez toutes nos offres d’abonnement sur ou directement ici: Avec Mon Quotidien et L'actu, le supplément Mi Semanal c’est 1€ de plus par mois seulement ! Profitez-en ! * Si vous n’avez pas encore donné votre e-mail à Play Bac Presse, merci de nous la communiquer dès à présent en cliquant ici (en précisant votre numéro d’abonné).Nous vous adresserons chaque semaine le nouveau mot de passe pour continuer à lire votre journal.

100 Incredible Lectures from the World's Top Scientists Posted on Thursday June 18, 2009 by Staff Writers By Sarah Russel Unless you’re enrolled at one of the best online colleges or are an elite member of the science and engineering inner circle, you’re probably left out of most of the exciting research explored by the world’s greatest scientists. If you’re looking for even more amazing lectures, check out our updated list for 2012 with more talks from great minds. General Let the world’s top scientists explain exactly how they do their job when you listen to these lectures. Science and Engineering From materials science to the study of thermodynamics, learn more about the science of engineering here. WTC Lecture – collapse of WTC Buildings: Steven E. Biology and Medicine From drug research to evolution to writing the genetic code, watch these lectures for the latest developments in biology and medical research. Chemistry These chemistry scientists discuss the atomic theory of matter and other mind-boggling principles in the following lectures.

Séquence 3 : contar - Site Jimdo de hispacasa34! — le lexique des vêtements 10 TED Talks Perfect For the eLearning Industry Does eLearning kill creativity? Bring on the eLearning revolution! What do you believe about open-source learning? What eLearning developers can learn from kids? Would you teach at the 100,000 student classroom? What have you learned from online education? The idea behind TED is in the power of inspirational talk that will change attitudes, lives and ultimately, the world. Which one is your favorite talk and why? 1) Daphne Koller: What we're learning from online educationDaphne Koller is enticing top universities to put their most intriguing courses online for free -- not just as a service, but as a way to research how people learn. 2) Salman Khan: Let's use video to reinvent educationSalman Khan talks about how and why he created the remarkable Khan Academy, a carefully structured series of educational videos offering complete curricula in math and, now, other subjects. 10) Sir Ken Robinson: Bring on the learning revolution!

50 olika sätt att redovisa en bok Jag hittade ett gammalt papper hemma bland mina gamla skolböcker. Det var en lista som vi fick från vår svenska lärare när jag gick i grundskolan. Det var någon gång under 90-talet men det går fortfarande att använda dessa idéer till redovisningar, så nu delar jag med mig av listan till er. Uppträd som en av personerna i boken - berätta om dig själv och din roll i berättelsen.Gör en intervju med en av personerna i boken.Spela upp en scen ur boken.Gör en beskrivning av en av personerna, muntligt eller skriftligt. Vill du ha fler tips på hur man kan redovisa en bok?

33 Digital Tools for Advancing Formative Assessment in the Classroom I came across a great blog post the other day – Formative Assessments Are Easier Than You Think – that told the firsthand account of a teacher, Steven Anderson, who implemented formative assessment in his classroom. He used a sticky-note version of an exit ticket to elicit evidence of student learning and in his words, “what a difference that made.” Formative assessment is ‘easier than you think’ and with all the digital tools and apps now available for mobile devices it’s even easier. A few of Steven’s discoveries: Lino – A virtual corkboard of sticky-notes so students can provide questions or comments on their learning. Poll Everywhere – Teachers can create a feedback poll or ask questions. Socrative – Engaging exercises and games that engage students using smartphones, laptops and tablets. A recap of those we’ve previously blogged about: AnswerGarden – A tool for online brainstorming or polling, educators can use this real time tool to see student feedback on questions. Pick Me!

The Best 8 Web Tools for Doing Formative Assessment in Class February 25, 2015 Formative assessment, as we have agreed elsewhere, is assessment for learning which is completely different from summative assessment, which is assessment of learning. The insights gained from formative assessments are usually used to decide on the next instructional steps and also inform teachers as to the additional opportunities needed to ensure students' success. Examples of formative assessment include: assigning projects and performances, giving writing assignments, and asking questions. There are a variety of ways to do formative assessment in class and this post features some interesting examples of formative assessment techniques. You can also draw on technology to formatively assess your students and gather feedback from them. Here are some of the best web tools to use for in-class formative assessment, for more tools you can check this page. 1- Today’s Meet 2- Socrative Socrative is one of our favourite tools for getting feedback from students. 4- iClicker

Seven Tech Tools for Fast Formative Assessment by Curtis Chandler You and I would be hard-pressed to find a teacher who’s against formative assessment. We would have better luck finding someone who hates whales or pizza. In theory, every teacher is regularly designing and deploying a variety of outcomes-based learning activities that help the teacher determine where students are in the learning process. But in practice, formative assessment is more like proper diet and regular exercise—just another one of those things that we all know is important, but few of us have the time and focus to achieve. In education, there is nothing—not even technology—that is a silver bullet. That’s why I’m always on the hunt for free tech-tools that help me engage students, track their individual achievement, and provide them with opportunities for improvement. 1. Self-assessment and other metacognitive strategies are some of the most effective ways to improve student learning (Hattie, 2012). 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Make Time for Formative Assessment Dr.

20 useful ways to use TodaysMeet in schools TodaysMeet is an easy-to-use, versatile digital tool. It can enhance discussions, provide a place for ideas and more. TodaysMeet is so simple yet so versatile that it has become one of my go-to digital tools. It’s designed as a backchannel — the conversation behind what’s going on. TodaysMeet creates personal chat room that you can set up and invite people to. TodaysMeet is literally the easiest website to use I’ve ever come across. That’s it. You can immediately share the URL to the room (in our DitchThatTextbook example, the room we would create is and start the conversation. Each message has a 140-character limit, so be concise. I already use TodaysMeet in a number of ways in my classroom and can see so many other possibilities. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Which of these ideas sounds the most useful? For notifications of new Ditch That Textbook content and helpful links: Related April 2, 2013 In "Screencasts"
