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The Yvestown Blog

The Yvestown Blog

Dispatch From LA Found, now home No Roll Sushi Is it possible to bastardize the art of sushi making and get away with it? Okay so this is like some kind of sushi lasagna- I don’t know what to call this..sushi cake..sushi it whatever you want! It’s all about stacking ingredients horizontally without rolling anything (something I don’t like to do-not so great at rolling sushi though if I apply a lot of effort into it I can do it) Very easy summer dinner idea, and it is perfect for guests too. I flavor the ground tuna with sesame oil, mayo, hot sauce, and soy sauce. Some toppings I like for this; this is a very versatile recipe, you can create your own version completely from scratch. These are actually soy wrappers, I didn’t want to use dried seaweed sheets for this because I don’t think it goes with the overall concept… I started out by cutting out a round circle to create to base. Spread out rice on the wrappers. Tuna mixture that sat in the freezer to stay really cold… I love love love shiso leaf. I’m off!

Rachel Ashwell Shabby Chic Couture I am so very grateful that my god given talent and my chosen path is that of an artist. However a vital component to creating and evolving is being mindful that we must restore our souls and refuel the creativity bucket…I try to prioritize at the start of the year by taking a few days to focus on quietening my mind, while giving my whole body some still time. This helps me create a new stage for the year, for new story telling. With with my creative button refreshed I went on a quick buying trip to San Diego. Here and there i had my babysitting duties of SADIE (lilys dog)………. And then my travels started. I have found that another way I can get my creativity to flow is to follow the seasons. My next stop was home to LONDON for some dreary English whether. SInce i moved my DAD to Los Angeles the UK has been off my circuit recently, but the moment i step foot on English ground and specifically in my Nottighill Store, i feel home….. This was my first sighting at the fair…..

Right Brained Gal My Mom has been dead thirty four years, and today I miss her more than ever. I am going through a devastating emotional time, and I need her arms around me to tell me that I matter and deserve so much better. They say that God never gives you more than you can handle, but right now the pain that I am being dealt is so debilitating, I am afraid that I won't be strong enough to outlast the hurt. I just don't understand how people can be so cruel. I never thought that after battling cancer, I would have to battle keeping my sanity and my will to live. But being a survivor, I get up, move on and take advantage of the many angels that were put in my life for a purpose. So today is a bittersweet day for me as always, and I allow myself the privilege of crying. My tears: for the mother who left me when I needed her the most, but left behind a life time of love. for being a burden on my children when I got sick, but knowing I will never allow that to happen again. Then there are the tears of joy:

About FIMBY | FIMBY FIMBY is a memoirist blog. My name is Renee Tougas and FIMBY is where I write our family story, with a fountain pen. This is a blog about the Fun in My Back Yard. My mission for FIMBY is to encourage others to live their own healthy, adventurous and creative life - with beauty and intention. Especially mothers, homemakers and homeschoolers. I started blogging the fall of 2004 with no clear purpose or strong intentions except to keep in touch with family. Eight years later, looking back on thousands of posts and pictures, and tens of thousands of words written and published, FIMBY reads a little like a book. If FIMBY were a book, these might be the chapters. Eight years, eight chapters. My life is a tapestry of diverse and colorful threads, many chapters and many stories. Through these many years of blogging things have changed in my home and in my back yard but there are definitely common threads. It's about the Fun in My Back Yard.

oh, hello friend: you are loved. happy mundane Punto Rojo Libros - Publica tu libro Mejoramos cualquier presupuesto publicado por la competencia. Si tienes un presupuesto de otra empresa mándanoslo. En igualdad de calidades sencillamente no tenemos rival en el precio. Cada libro es un mundo. Las tablas de tarifas mostradas en esta página son orientativas. Distintos ejemplares con distintas características, tales como un excesivo número de figuras o tablas, puede aumentar el precio de la maquetación. Los precios mostrados en esta página son de referencia. Compara nuestros precios y contacta con nosotros desde esta web, por correo electrónico en o por teléfono en el 902.918.997. Melissa Loves Taylor Made designs Ok, maybe not the world...but you'll save @ $190 in a year by not buying plastic baggies + juice boxes. How's that? Myself, I hate the concept of plastic baggies and packaging in general. Just today I was in Trader Joe's and they had these delicious peaches and I wanted to buy them, but the packaging was unbelievable. So, I hit the internet in search of an alternative lunchbox for the kids. The lunchboxes come in a variety of fantastic colours, with and without ears {to aid in opening and closing} and most importantly, they come with a bunch of dishwasher safe stickers for the kids to decorate their boxes with. We've been using the Goodbyn for almost three weeks now + we have had no problems. The customer service at Goodbyn is awesome. Oh, no one asked me to write about this product... it's just when I come across a product as good as this, I believe in sharing :)

10 alimentos que -imprescindiblemente- deberíamos consumir biológicos 10 alimentos que -imprescindiblemente- deberíamos consumir biológicosDisfruta de una vida Bio La inversión en productos orgánicos a la larga resulta en un ahorro en medicamentos y en una mejora del bienestar, nuestro y el del planeta. Los alimentos ecológicos cumplen las normas establecidas, que incluyen, entre otros requisitos, no proporcionar a los animales antibióticos ni hormonas de crecimiento. Mientras, los agricultores no pueden utilizar abonos químicos ni pesticidas. Estas toxinas pueden contaminar la comida y se transmiten a las personas cuando la consumen. 10. El brote de la enfermedad de las vacas locas en la década de 1990 dio un gran impulso a la carne orgánica. El ganado y las aves de granja deben alimentarse con granos que se cultivan sin fertilizantes químicos ni pesticidas. La etiqueta ecológica también significa que el animal diariamente tenía acceso al exterior por algún tiempo. 9. La leche no ecológica puede contener trazas de pesticidas. 8. ¿Huevos blancos o morenos?

Making it Lovely | A design blog about living a stylish life and transforming the so-so.
