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Homemade Twix Bars Recipe

Homemade Twix Bars Recipe

How To Make Perfect Brownies | How To Cook Like Your Grandmother I’ve tried lots of brownie recipes: Boxes, scratch, frosted, plain, nuts, chips, fudge … Each of them has something to like, but depending on my mood I might want a change of pace. Not any more. My wife found this recipe, and it’s perfect. I’m done looking. This is the brownie recipe that I’ll use from now on. Ingredients 1½ cups sugar ¾ cup flour ¾ cup cocoa powder (see note below) 3 eggs ¾ cup butter, melted ½ teaspoon salt (if using unsalted butter) ¾ cup semi-sweet chocolate chips (see note below) Directions A NOTE ON CHOCOLATE: You’ll notice the list of ingredients is very short. The assembly is about as easy as you can get. Do this by hand, until the dry ingredients are just incorporated into the wet, and stop. Stir in the chocolate chips. Line a 9×13 baking dish with parchment. Pour the batter and spread it out. Bake at 325° for 20-30 minutes. Very carefully lift the parchment out of the baking dish. Peel the edges and let cool for a few minutes before slicing. Like this recipe?

The Ultimate Sandwich Recipe: Feast your eyes on this! First things first, the CellarVie Wines team cannot lay claim to being responsible for the making of the ‘Ultimate Sandwich’. This remarkable feat of culinary engineering, complete with the beautiful pictures displayed below, arrived in our inbox courtesy of an anonymous email chain on Tuesday afternoon. Jamie Oliver would undoubtedly and perhaps quite correctly, not endorse this as a healthy meal, and it certainly isn't for the faint-hearted but we thought it was a bit of fun nonetheless. So feast your eyes on the ‘Ultimate sandwich’… Ingredients (a guideline) 1 hard crusted Italian bread 3 rib eye steaks 500g mushrooms 1 onion 8 rashers of unsmoked back bacon Swiss Cheese slices Worchester Sauce, Dijon Mustard, horseradish or condiments of your choosing. Salt and pepper to season. Method [See images below] Line up the ingredients and brace yourself for something very special indeed. Hollow out the hard-crusted Italian bread. Rare cook the steaks [they will continue to cook whilst in the sandwich].

Warm Toasted Marshmallow S'more Bars | Flickr: Intercambio de fotos Cinnamon Sugar Pull-Apart Bread I’m sorry. I know it’s Monday morning and you probably came here for some pretty pictures of food that you could glance at, and then move on with your day… and here I go thrusting warm, soft cinnamon sugar bread in your face. It’s not fair. I know it’s not fair. I know that now you’re craving cinnamon rolls, and cream cheese frosting and chili fries and hot dogs. I am too… and I already ate half of this warm bread. You don’t deserve this sort of torture. This bread hits all the comfort spots in my soul. I’m sorry and you’re welcome and I love you. Let’s start at the beginning. I did this all without the use of a stand mixer and dough hook. This dough can be made and left to rise , then refrigerated overnight for use in the morning. This is the dough just before it’s left to rise. After the dough has rested and risen for an hour, I knead it in a few tablespoons of flour. This is the part in the bread process where you can wrap the dough and place it in the fridge to rest overnight.

Cinnamon Roll Pull-Apart Loaf Recipe I like butts. Bread butts, that is. More formally put, these are the end-most pieces of a loaf. Most people probably don’t like them. After all, who wants to eat bread butt sandwiches, bread butt toast, or bread butt pudding? Many bread consumers buy loaves and avoid the bread butts altogether. In fact, this habit of nibbling away at bread butts has earned me the nickname of “mouse.” Here’s my logic. Perhaps it’s a quirk. Amazingly, though, I didn’t scavenge a single crumb of this particular bread butt. As soon as my family smelled the cinnamon roll pull-apart loaf being removed from the oven, the bread – butts and all – didn’t stand a chance. You don’t even have to be weird like me to enjoy these bread butts. Cinnamon Roll Pull-Apart Loaf Dough: 1/2 cup skim milk 3 Tablespoons butter 1/2 cup water 1 large egg, lightly beaten 3-1/4 to 3-3/4 cups unbleached all-purpose flour 1/2 cup granulated sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 packet (0.25 ounces) instant yeast Filling:

Chocolate Chip Cookies Can a day have a mood swing? Imagine a Monday with no boss, no rushing to work, no crowded morning commute, no alarm going off. I woke up, rolled over, stretched and decided to take a morning walk past the house with the toy train tracks built around it (with two working trains), the house built to resemble a Piet Mondrian piece, and the flock of pink flamingos that migrates around the neighborhood in a roving prank. I returned home from my leisurely stroll just in time for my 'best ever chocolate chip cookie' dough to have aged 36 hours, baked cookies, watched a little 30 Rock while drinking cucumber water. Can it get any better? I went to work at noon, spent some time on accomplishing "important" tasks, such as convincing a good friend what is and is not considered a date. I left work to head to a Whisked tasting, and the debacle continued via blackberry. We began enlisting outside sources to take sides in our what-constitutes-a-proper-date squabble. Ohm. RelatedPerfection? 1. 2. 3. 4.

Italian Grilled Cheese Who doesn’t love a good grilled cheese? And, I know it’s totally Ameeeerican to make the classic: American cheese, mayonnaise and bread. But, why not change it a bit and use REALLY fresh and natural ingredients?!?!? Love it! There’s nothing more delicious than fresh and homemade ingredients. Soooo, go to your farmers market and get the freshest tomatoes and basil you can find, grab some mozzarella balls, and assemble this amazing meal. Basil & Oregano Pesto Ingredients 1 cup fresh basil leaves1/4 cup fresh oregano leaves (or just more basil leaves)1 garlic clove1/4 cup of walnuts1/8 teaspoon salt1/4 teaspoon pepper2-3 tablespoons olive oil How-To Put all of the ingredients in a food processor, blend and set aside. Basil & oregano pestoMozzarella cheese, slicedTomato, slice. Put your griddle (or panini press) on medium heat.Spray with cooking spray.Assemble your sandwiches.Cook until lightly browned and the cheese has melted.Cut in half and serve right away. Servings: 3 sandwiches Related posts:

Cheesy Chicken, Bacon and Avocado Quesadillas What is it about bacon & avocado that I absolutely love?? And these quesadillas… with their buttery, crispy, heavenly tortilla shells… are seriously yum. Don’t let the green scare ya, avocados have a really delicious taste. Let’s start with the bacon. Now take about a tbsp of the bacon drippings and add to a skillet over medium heat. Add bite-sized pieces of chicken in a single layer, season with salt & pepper, and cook for about 5 mins or until chicken is golden and cooked through, flipping just once during cooking. Remove the chicken & scallions to a plate and rinse out the skillet. Then add a little butter over medium heat… And when foamy, add a tortilla and swirl it around to get it nice and buttery. Now we can start layering with the good stuff. Bacon. Avocado. Do you know how to pick out a good avocado? A little cheese.. Now use some tongs to flip the other side of the tortilla over. And pat down in place. Oh my stars. Super easy. Cheesy Chicken, Bacon & Avocado Quesadillas

the art of recipe organisation + solve your dinner dilemma [fresh ideas] Ever cooked something amazing and then struggled to find the recipe next time you wanted to make it? I certainly have. Actually one of the reasons I decided to start this blog back in 2005, was because I wanted to keep a record of what I’d been cooking. I was reminded of this recently when I was contacted by a Stonesoup reader, looking for help with keeping her recipes organised. So today I thought I’d share my current recipe organisation system. the art of recipe organisation – 3 easy steps 1. Feel free to adopt Stonesoup as your own free recipe resource or signup to the Virtual Cookery School to get access to ALL my recipes. 3. Get yourself an evernote account and you won’t look back. Anything I come across online, I clip into my evernote recipe file. But that’s not all! I also have the Evernote app for my iphone so when I read a recipe in a cookbook, or magazine or on the back of a packet, I just take a photo and upload it into my Evernote account. And it gets even better. Be warned. 1. 2.

Oreo Cookie Cupcakes I did tell you guys that I got Martha Stewart's cupcakes book, right? Now I'm making cupcakes and more cupcakes. In our family when it comes to dessert we used the democratic voting system. Lucky for him his older brothers love him a lot, and let him win ( they do most of the time). Here are the official winers of the democratic election (dessert edition). Ingredients 21 oreo cookies, 15 left whole and 6 coarsely chopped 1/2 cup of sugar 2 large eggs room temperature lightly beaten 1/2 cup sour cream 1 pound cream cheese ( I used 2 packages of light philadelphia cheese) 1 tsp of pure vanilla extract. pinch salt Preheat the oven to 275˚F. Place one whole cookie in each paper lining. In a large mixing bowl, beat the cream cheese on medium high speed until smooth. Stir in the chopped cookies by hand. Divide the batter between the cookie filled cups, filling each almost to the top. Transfer to wire rack to cool completely.
