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Edublogs – education blogs for teachers, students and schools

edWeb: A professional online community for educators finds a place in the classroom Twitter has place in classroom A Los Angeles teacher has found Twitter to be an important teaching tool Students can chime in with questions and answers using the Web service Twitter is integrated into 2% of college lectures, says one study Los Angeles (CNN) -- Students tap away at their cell phones, laptops and iPads during Enrique Legaspi's high-tech history lesson. In some grade schools, pulling out these devices during class would result in a one-way ticket to the principal's office. But Legaspi encourages this behavior, as long as the kids are using Twitter. A technology enthusiast, Legaspi learned how to incorporate the social network into his 8th-grade curriculum while attending the annual Macworld convention in San Francisco earlier this year. "I had an aha moment there," he said. Teachers across the country have been incorporating Twitter into classrooms for a few years, but the site's adoption by educational institutions appears to be limited. Still, Legaspi is hopeful.

Crea tu Página Web Gratis con How Learnopia Works for Teachers Course Description This course reviews all of the features of Learnopia from the perspective of a teacher. By the end of the course you will be comfortable with building, publishing and running a course. Enroll in this Course Course Materials This chapter will review some of the features that should be considered before you start building your course. This chapter will review the process of building a course and having it published. This chapter focuses on the features available once a course has been published. Adam Thomas is an online learning community that allows teachers, students and affiliates to collaborate. Author's Profile Page Contact Story Starters: Creative Writing Prompts for Kids If you’re looking to inspire your students’ writing and creativity, turn to these fun and exciting writing prompts. Perfect for overcoming writer’s block or even starting a brand-new short story in a different narrative, creative writing prompts can help students begin a new piece with confidence. Plus, these story starters can also encourage students to explore different genres while honing their writing skills. Reading a book in a genre, then having students use a story starter in that same genre. Take inspiration from classics like Treasure Island and newer popular series like The Bad Guys to explore how to write thrilling adventure stories. You’re part of a pirate crew in search of a long-lost storied treasure trove. Get students excited about adventure stories with these great books: If you’re looking to inspire your students’ writing and creativity, turn to these fun and exciting writing prompts. You’re part of a pirate crew in search of a long-lost storied treasure trove.

Students Speak Up in Class, Silently, via Social Media Stacy Brown Erin Olson, an English teacher in Sioux Rapids, Iowa, uses Twitter-like technology to enhance classroom discussion. Now, Erin Olson, an English teacher in Sioux Rapids, Iowa, is among a small but growing cadre of educators trying to exploit Twitter-like technology to enhance classroom discussion. The poet “says that people cried out and tried but nothing was done,” one student typed, her words posted in cyberspace. “She is giving raw proof,” another student offered, “that we are slaves to our society.” Instead of being a distraction — an electronic version of note-passing — the chatter echoed and fed into the main discourse, said Mrs. “When we have class discussions, I don’t really feel the need to speak up or anything,” said one of her students, Justin Lansink, 17. With Twitter and other microblogging platforms, teachers from elementary schools to universities are setting up what is known as a “backchannel” in their classes.

5GBFree - Free hosting Ms. Cassidy's Classroom Blog Wikispaces Crear Páginas Web | Gratis y en Español | Webnode - Webnode Blackboard Learn Today's active learner expects to be able to easily connect online with their different communities – including their education community. However, they want to keep their academic and personal lives separate. So we worked with students, educators, and administrators to develop a global learning network for Blackboard Learn. This network connects users at Blackboard Learn institutions around the globe and enables them to learn from each other through social, informal means – complementing the more formal classroom and online course experiences. This network connects learners at Blackboard Learn institutions around the globe and enables them to learn from each other through social, informal means – complementing the more formal classroom and online course experiences.

New Jersey Educator Resource Exchange Crea un sitio web y un blog gratis “ Es una forma de que nuestros clientes puedan conocernos y ver nuestra cultura sin visitar físicamente la tienda. No podía creerme que tuviera el sitio en marcha y funcionando en una semana.” “ He sido un emprendedor durante muchos años, pero de repente mi licencia artística está avanzando mucho y necesito una forma de declaración simple y llamativa sobre mi arte. Mi sitio Weebly me ofrece esa visión.” “ Me sorprendió la rapidez con que se montó el sitio. “ Creé un sitio porque hice público mi estudio doméstico de costura. “ Decidí crear un sitio web porque dirijo una empresa paralela exclusiva sobre la cual la gente suele tener muchas preguntas. “ Para nosotros fue importante poder expresar nuestro sentido del diseño en todo lo que hicimos, incluyendo cómo organizamos, disponemos y presentamos nuestro sitio web. “ Ha sido impresionante poder actualizar y cambiar el sitio con tanta facilidad.

Edublogs is a website dedicated to classroom blogs. Blogs can be created by students and monitored by teachers. Students are also able to link to one another’s blogs and comment on their peer’s blogs
• Use edublogs for students to create blogs about their favorite books.
• Use edublogs for students to create blogs critiquing a recently read book.
• Use edublogs for students to make book recommendations to peers. by cheryllr5 Oct 11

avantages: permet la communication entre les apprenants et le formateur, permet la collaboration et l'apport d'aide entre les apprenants, facile à naviguer et à lire les commentaires car ils sont en ordre chronologique.
désavantages: peut prendre beaucoup de temps à mettre à jour, pour garder l'attention des apprenants les formateurs doivent participer et poster des commentaires intéressants. by melgag Nov 12

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