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Latest news India,World,Business,Cricket,Sports,Bollywood,Education

INTELLIGENT INDIA Réalité augmentée : Google rachète des brevets à Foxconn pour ses Glass par Margaux Duquesne, le 26 août 2013 12:13 La société Google vient de racheter des brevets à Foxconn : ces derniers protègent une technologie de réalité augmentée et devraient très probablement servir à développer les prochaines Google Glass. Nul ne peut affirmer que ce brevet servira bien aux futures Google Glass mais il ne serait pas très risqué de le parier. Bon nombre d’observateurs pensent que ces brevets devront être utilisés pour les Google Glass qui sont actuellement au stade de prototype et devraient sortir officiellement l’année prochaine (la sortie prévue auparavant fin 2013 a été repoussée). Ce ne sont pas les premiers brevets acquis par Google pour ces lunettes intelligentes : en effet, en juillet dernier, le moteur de recherche avait racheté 6,3 % du capital d’Himax Display, un fabricant taïwanais de composants.

The people who choose to be alone at Christmas Christmas Day is traditionally seen as an event to be spent around loved ones. But what about those who want to spend it alone, asks Ross Davies. Some would say there is no more poignant festive moment than to hear of a Christmas spent alone. Take last year's story of James Gray, the London-based Irish pensioner who placed an advert in the Irish Post in a bid to find someone to share the holiday with, having spent nine consecutive Christmases on his own. Or the report earlier this year of an unnamed widow, who hired an entire Devon pub so as to host a Christmas lunch for herself and 50 strangers also expecting to spend the day alone. Christmas can be a difficult time for many, especially in the face of ubiquitous reminders that it is the season to be jolly - not to mention the financial pressures that come with it. Last December, the Samaritans are said to have received 244,000 calls from people suffering from depression and stress across Britain and Ireland. Alone at Christmas...

Google Glass Security, Privacy Worries Complicate Wide Adoption As a Google Explorer, Anthony Pettenon wears his enthusiasm for technology on his face. A member of Google's program to expose its always-on Glass devices to the real world, the sophomore at the University of Tampa in Florida regularly wears the devices to class and out around the city. People are not worried about being around an always-on device, while the convenience and connectedness of the device is just cool, Pettenon says. At the Black Hat security conference in July, for example, security researcher Brendan O'Connor showed off an inexpensive system of wireless sensors and analysis algorithms that could allow anyone to track the movements of a large number of people around a city by listening for signals from their mobile devices.Dubbed CreepyDOL, the system highlights how much information people leak into the digital world just by walking around with a smartphone or tablet.

Latest News, News Today, Breaking News India, Live News - Firstpost This is How Google Glass Works [Infographic] Ready for the semi-scientific breakdown of the inner workings of Google Glass laid out in a simple infographic? Here you go. In short, the engineers behind Glass have created a mini-projector that blasts info into a prism that redirects imagery directly toward your retina, much of which depends on the placement of Glass on your head. This graphic also shows off the hardware setup behind Glass, including the location of the battery, CPU, speakers, microphone and camera in case you were wondering. Via: Brille Kaufen | Gizmodo

The Logical Indian™ | Efforts For Good interieurgeek : #GoogleGlass : Comment Ça... Sunderlal Bahuguna, the defender of Himalayas, turns 89: Some facts on Chipko movement : Listicles: Microfacts "Embrace the trees andSave them from being felled; The property of our hills, Save them from being looted." Sunderlal Bahuguna, one of the people behind the start of the Chipko Movement, was born on January 9, 1927. The man who has been fighting for the preservation of forests in the Himalayas, and the first person to join the Chipko Movement, celebrates his 89th birthday today. Bahuguna is also known for coining the Chipko slogan 'ecology is permanent economy'. On his 89th birthday today, let's know what the Chipko Movement or the forest conservation movement was: The Chipko movement had started in the early 18th century in Rajasthan. Interested in General Knowledge and Current Affairs?

Découvrez les nouvelles fonctionnalités des Google Glass Mercredi 11 septembre Matos - 11 septembre 2013 :: 09:34 :: Par Setra En attendant une commercialisation auprès du grand public probablement dans le premier trimestre 2014, la nouvelle mise à jour des Google Glass fait le part belle à la photo, la vidéo et la musique, entre autres. Revue de détail. Grâce à la nouvelle mise à jour des Google Glass, les quelques privilégiés qui testent déjà ces lunettes intelligentes vont pouvoir profiter de quelques nouvelles fonctionnalités incluant la vignette (pour la prise de photo), la présence des vidéos YouTube dans les résultats de recherche et la reconnaissance musicale. La vignette Bien que simple, cette fonctionnalité peut être amusante. Les vidéos YouTube dans les résultats de recherche Cette nouvelle fonctionnalité vous permet tout simplement de plus facilement accéder aux contenus de la plateforme de partage de vidéo YouTube. La reconnaissance musicale Google Glass et Google Apps (Source) Crédit Image : Capture d’écran sur Google Plus
