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7 Ways to Better Listen to Your Intuition

7 Ways to Better Listen to Your Intuition
Elizabeth Renter, | Have you ever been in a situation where your “gut feeling” told you one thing, but your rational mind said another? If you went with your brain rather than your intuition, there’s a good chance you ended up regretting your decision. Your intuition is the subconscious leader that many people fail to give proper respect to. But learning to listen to this internal compass could help you make better decisions and live a more fulfilling life. “I define intuition as the subtle knowing without ever having any idea why you know it,” explains Sophy Burnham, bestselling author of The Art of Intuition, to The Huffington Post. It’s unconscious reasoning, the guidance that compels you to turn left when all signs may be pointing right. Intuition is commonly associated with New Age mysticism or a metaphysical way of thinking, but it doesn’t have to be so. The good news is that your intuition is still there, you merely have to learn to hear it again. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Indigolifecenter's Weblog | Mission: To assist in the healing and education of Indigos & their families! 10 Signs You Have Found Your Soulmate “Your soul mate makes you feel entirely intact, like no piece is missing from the puzzle. A life partner, on the other hand, can be a great supporter and long-time companion, but is limited in his or her capacity to enrich your spirit.” ~ Dr. Carmen Harra Soul Mates. Soul Reminders. Soul Connections. Soul mates differ from life partners. You see, in life, we have no control over timing and sometimes less control of circumstance. Chances are if you are open, ready and blessed enough to meet a Soul Mate in this life time it will happen unanticipated and unexpected. There are no words or explanations that can clearly articulate such a connection. Actually, timing and way are quite often terrible. It is raw and it is so damn real you want to run away just to soak it up and take it in. When you finally settle into the WOW, you see the beauty, the rarity, and eventually the clarity. “Have you ever met someone for the first time, but in your heart you feel as if you have met them before?” 1.

If I’m Waking Up, Why Don’t I Feel…Better? Last updated on April 28, 2014 Posted on November 17, 2012 at 12:00 am EDT by in5d Alternative News * Visit in5D Connection where you can find your soul mate or join one of our amazing groups. EVERYONE is welcome! by Max and Lana Countless times now, very talented, intelligent, and wonderful people have asked us if they are doing something wrong because they have been 'waking up' for a while, but still feel so lost, confused, and frustrated in many areas of their lives. The truth is that waking up to consciousness-- while still living in this 3D world-- inevitably involves feelings of sadness, anger, disappointment, and/or being overwhelmed. Being a light worker today means being a pioneer—one who can envision the beautiful possibilities for the human species and for our world, but who has the daunting, uncharted task of paving the way. Listed below are just some of the more common observations, complaints, and frustrations that are often felt by those who are awakening to consciousness.

This 8 year old kid uses crystal grids to transmute negative energy and explains how it works The children of today are rumored to be far more consciously adept than our previous generations. If thats true this might be a piece of supporting evidence of that. In this video, 8 year old Adam introduces his latest crystal grid, which he calls a “web” grid. Check it out : It took Adam about 10 minutes to build this grid which is full of various crystals – Amethyst, Apophyllite, Celestial Smoky Quartz, Clear Quartz points, Vogels, and several Lemurian Seed Crystals. Adam didn’t pull the pattern of the grid out of a book or research it on the internet. How to Get “High” Without Drugs Binaural Beats are the products of two different sounds in harmony; they produce sounds that are only heard by the brain. The effect of this can be quite calming, relaxing and meditative. There are many different types of binaural beats that can suit your specific mood and also help with various ailments. Physicist Heinrich Wilhem Dove first discovered binaural beats in 1839. “The measurement of binaural beats can explain the processes by which sounds are located — a crucial aspect of perception. To read Oster’s paper titled: “Auditory Beats in the Brain” click HERE. How to Use Binaural Beats Now that we have learned about some of the benefits and history of binaural beats, it’s time we learned how to use them. The Finer Details It is important to note that you need to have a pair of stereo headphones, particularly good quality ones that can pick up low frequencies and sounds. I have been enjoying this one, and have yet to try too many others. Hope you have a good trip! Much love! Sources:

10 Powerful Phrases of Wisdom From Gandhi Mahatma Gandhi was a man that left man powerful messages to humanity before his time here was complete. Here is a list of 10 powerful phrases of wisdom he left to us all. One thing I wanted to add to this to help make it very practical is that for each one, try to see how it may relate to a certain instance or aspect of your life so you can truly begin incorporating this into your life. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Some powerful words Gandhi left for us in his time. Much Love

The Effects Of Negative Emotions On Our Health Joe Martino, Collective Evolution, Guest | Humans experience an array of emotions, anything from happiness, to sadness to extreme joy and depression. Each one of these emotions creates a different feeling within the body. After all, our body releases different chemicals when we experience various things that make us happy and each chemical works to create a different environment within the body. For example if your brain releases serotonin, dopamine or oxytocin, you will feel good and happy. Convexly, if your body releases cortisol while you are stressed, you will have an entirely different feeling associated more with the body kicking into survival mode. What about when we are thinking negative thoughts all the time? Positive vs. Is there duality in our world? Cut The Perceptions As Much As Possible After thinking about it for a moment you might realize that there are in fact no positive or negative experiences other than what we define as such. Mind Body Connection You Have The Power

38 Awesome Crystals for Spiritual Growth Crystals have always been rather appealing to me. There is something special about what they are, what they represent. They are more concentrated than regular rocks, they have more crystalline geometric patterns in their atomic structure than the cells in the human body do (sure, it may not be as fluid and moving, but that’s yin and yang for you) On my journey, I came across an old dusty book about crystals with a little piece of paper slipped inside. It was old and tattery, and hardly readable. This is an X-Ray of the Atomic Structure of a Beryl Crystal Crystals operate much like a magnet, but think about it in relationship to energy beyond the 3rd dimension. You see waves, pushing and pulling on the energy all around it. All of the vibrations of these crystals are important, and sometimes the crystal you think you need the least, is the one you need the most To learn more about Crystals, check out this short movie we put together all about them Article Source

10 Scientific Studies That Prove Consciousness Can Alter Our Physical World Nikola Tesla said it best, “the day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence. To understand the true nature of the universe, one must think it terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Swami Vivekananda was Tesla’s mentor, an Indian Hindu monk and chief disciple of the 19th century saint Ramakrishna. Science works best when in harmony with nature. If we put these two together, we can discover great technologies that can only come about when the consciousness of the planet is ready to embrace them, like free energy. I want to make it clear that my intention of presenting this information is to demonstrate that thoughts, intentions, prayer and other units of consciousness can directly influence our physical material world. Sending thoughts of love, healing intent, prayer, good intention, and more can have a powerful influence on what you are directing those feelings towards. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The Tao Te Ching Explained In Depth The Tao Te Ching, also known as the Dao De Jing, is an ancient attempt to point us toward our true nature written by the Chinese Sage, Lao Tzu, in 6th century B.C. Dao De Jing is best translated as "the Way and it's Power". The Dao cannot be revealed or explained adequately in words and yet this beautiful poem was made in an attempt to do so. Chapter 1 The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao The name that can be named is not the eternal name The nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth The named is the mother of myriad things Thus, constantly without desire, one observes its essence Constantly with desire, one observes its manifestations These two emerge together but differ in name The unity is said to be the mystery Mystery of mysteries, the door to all wonders Thus the governance of the sage: Empties their hearts Fills their bellies Weakens their ambitions Strengthens their bones Let the people have no cunning and no greed So those who scheme will not dare to meddle

Why Awaken Kundalini? Everybody should know something about kundalini as it represents the coming consciousness of mankind. Kundalini is the name of a sleeping dormant potential force in the human organism and it is situated at the root of the spinal column. In the masculine body it is in the perineum, between the urinary and excretory organs. In the female body its location is at the root of the uterus, in the cervix. To awaken kundalini you must prepare yourself through yogic techniques. Although kundalini is said to reside in mooladhara chakra, we are all at different stages of evolution, and in some of us kundalini may have already reached swadhisthana, manipura or anahata chakra. Once the multipetalled lotus of sahasrara blossoms, a new consciousness dawns. How man discovered Kundalini Right from the beginning of creation, man witnessed many transcendental happenings. In the course of his investigations, man came to understand that within every individual there is a special form of energy. Petty, A.

10 Surprising Things That Benefit Our Brain That You Can Do Everyday Our brains are by far one of our most important organs. Here are 10 of the most surprising things our brains do and what we can learn from them: 1. Here’s how it breaks down: If you’re a morning lark, say, you’ll want to favor those morning hours when you’re feeling fresher to get your most demanding, analytic work done. On the other hand, if you’re trying to do creative work, you’ll actually have more luck when you’re more tired and your brain isn’t functioning as efficiently. If you’re tired, your brain is not as good at filtering out distractions and focusing on a particular task. This Scientific American article explains how distractions can actually be a good thing for creative thinking: Insight problems involve thinking outside the box. 2. I bet you didn’t know that stress is actually the most common cause of changes in brain function. I also found some research that showed signs of brain size decreasing due to stress. 3. 4. Improved Memory What Happens in the Brain During a Nap 5. 6.

The Indigo Evolution – Full Length Documentary Are Indigo Children only a fanciful notion of a few individuals, or is there real evidence that they truly do exist? And perhaps more importantly, what is the purpose of these children, what are they here to create? Are you an Indigo? If you are watching this, the answer is likely yes, even if you don’t believe it. In this documentary, what you’re about to see are a collection of interviews with some of the most incredible children on the planet today, combined with discussion with those who have become masters in their fields of medicine, psychology, education, philosophy, and even religion – who will draw on their fields of expertise to provide information to you to answer these questions for yourself. The Indigo Evolution is a documentary about the shifting human race, and the evolution beyond the 5 senses into senses in the realm of thought, emotion, and vibration of all kinds beyond the physical realm. Check it out, and decide for yourself how you feel :) With love, jdp
