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Elizabeth Gilbert on nurturing creativity

Elizabeth Gilbert on nurturing creativity

Incommunion Innovation Alone Won't Lead to Prosperity by Robert Montenegro There's a great Chris Rock standup bit from the 90s in which he talks about failing a Black History course because he doesn't really know anything about Black History. For every question asked ("What's the capital of Zaire?") his answer is always "Martin Luther King." That bit came straight to my mind when I read Rod Hunter's recent article on innovation in the Wall Street Journal. Hunter argues that innovation has become a meaningless buzzword. "Yet there is ample evidence that the greatest benefits from innovation can’t be captured by state policies. Hunter employs the example of the World Wide Web, invented in 1989 in a Swiss lab. "Rather the companies throughout the world that learned to harness its power for many different uses. So Hunter's point here is that funding innovative research isn't enough on its own. What's your take on Hunter's opinion? Read more at The Wall Street Journal Photo credit: balein / Shutterstock

Obama Creates Foreign Jobs How did the president become the Outsourcer-in-Chief? Recently, the administration authorized a $1.2 billion loan guarantee to Mexico’s state-owned oil company, Pemex. The loan guarantee supports Pemex’s plans to place risky wells at depths over 8,000 feet just south of the maritime border with the United States. Just two years after the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster, the Obama administration is entrusting the Gulf of Mexico to Pemex – a company with no experience drilling at such extreme depths and with a track-record that includes the second largest Gulf spill in history. But, this isn’t the first time that the Ex-Im Bank guaranteed loans to Pemex. And, unfortunately, Pemex is more like the rule, rather than the exception. In return for the $10 billion, the U.S. gets a whole lot of nothing. Let’s dredge deeper into the rabbit hole. But, Petrobras does employ over 300 workers in the U.S., bringing the Ex-Im Bank’s loan to $33 million per employee.

Giancarlo Zema on Behance The Present Tense in Spanish c > zc in the yo form: This is the usual pattern for verbs whose infinitive ends in -cer or -cir: acontecer (happen), agradecer (thank), amanecer (dawn), aparecer (appear), conducir (drive, conduct), crecer (grow), enflaquecerse (get thin), enriquecerse (get rich), envejecerse (get older), establecer (establish), merecer(deserve), nacer (be born), obedecer (obey), ofrecer (offer), padecer (suffer), parecer (seem), permanecer (remain), producir (produce), reducir (reduce), and traducir (translate). appearance of g in the yo form: *These are also stem changing verbs. other types of yo form changes: Design Thinking for Social Innovation - Featured Topics - Community - TakingITGlobal This month we asked ourselves the question, what fuels effective social innovation? We are pleased to present our featured topic on Design Thinking (DT). Consider this a crash course in the concepts and processes behind DT, as well as in-depth resources that include relevant literature, media, and toolkits for its effective implementation. This article also provides case studies and examples of DT in action to inspire you towards affecting positive social change in an innovative and engaging way. Big Ideas Summary "Design Thinking draws upon logic, imagination, intuition, and systemic reasoning, to explore possibilities of what could be, and to create desired outcomes that benefit the end user (the customer). Design Thinking… What is it, and how is it different than Design? In order to understand how DT works, we need to differentiate it from what we traditionally call Design. DT is an emerging field that originates from the principles of traditional design disciplines. Cross, N. (2011).

Weight Loss and Healthy Living Into Your 40s And Beyond Introducing Design Methods This guide is for anyone who wants to understand the methods designers use and try them out for themselves. We’ve grouped 20 design methods into three categories: Discover, Define and Develop. These are based on the first three stages of the Double Diamond, the Design Council’s simple way of mapping the design process. Methods like these are used all the time in our work with clients. Discover Creating a project space Observation User diaries Being your users Brainstormin Fast visualization Choosing a sample Quantitative surveys Secondary research Hopes and fears Define Assessment criteria Comparing notes Drivers and hurdles Focus groups Customer journey mapping Develop Character profiles Scenarios Role playing Blueprinting Physical prototyping 1. What is it? Creating a dedicated area to organise project materials, work and meet. What is it useful for? How can I do it? Find - or make - a dedicated project zone. 2. Pick your scenario and record your observation with photos or video. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Aquarius Sign - Aquarius Astrology Sign Information Aquarius Strength Keywords: - Witty - Clever - Humanitarian - Inventive - Original Aquarius Weakness Keywords: - Stubborn - Unemotional - Sarcastic - Rebellious - Aloof Aquarius and Independence: Aquarius personality is very independent, any attempt to hold them down or restrict them will cause them, to flee. Aquarius and Friendship: Beneath the detached, unemotional exterior lies a kind hearted friend that will go out of their way to help another. They are very unconventional and always full of excitement, an Aquarius friend always makes life fun. Aquarius and Business: Aquarius likes to do something useful with their lives, mixing that with their amazing way with people, they make excellent politicians and social workers/psychologists. Aquarius one downfall in the business world is the attention to detail, they like the grand ideas and massive plans and can make them happen, but the mundane day to day repetitive details causes them to procrastinate. Aquarius and Temperament:

How to Improve Your Critical Thinking Skills As an entrepreneur, you make decisions every day that affect the success of your products, the loyalty of your employees, and the overall health of your business. To make the best decisions possible, you need to think critically and quickly to pick out any flaws in your processes that might harm your business. When you think through a problem, your thought process is naturally colored by biases, such as your point of view and your assumptions about the situation. Each of those biases affects your reasoning. "Critical thinking is a way to intervene in your thought process," says Linda Elder, an educational psychologist and president of the Foundation for Critical Thinking based in Tomales, Calif. Related: How to Sharpen Your Decision-Making Skills Try these three strategies to help you think through a problem effectively. 1. Once you identify your purpose, it should inform every step of your decision process. 2. To do that, articulate your own viewpoint. 3.
