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Six Emotional Leadership Styles - Leadership Training From MindTools

Six Emotional Leadership Styles - Leadership Training From MindTools
Choosing the Right Style for the Situation Find out how emotional leadership styles can affect your team's happiness. © iStockphoto/Kuklev Imagine that you work with a positive, charismatic leader. She's excited about the future of the organization, and she shares this excitement with her team. She makes sure that people understand how their efforts contribute to this future, and this inclusion sparks loyalty and intense effort in the team. Generally, morale and job satisfaction are high, because team members feel that they're making a difference. However, some people in her team don't respond well to this style of leadership. She could be more effective by varying her approach to leadership, depending on the situation; and she could do this by using "six emotional leadership styles," each of which is useful in different circumstances. In this article, we'll look at these six emotional leadership styles. The Six Emotional Leadership Styles Note: We'll now examine each style in more detail. 1. 2. Related:  Self ActualisationHow to Be an Emotionally & Socially Intelligent Leader

how-to-be-productive_530adf38cc928_w1500 When Power Goes To Your Head, It May Shut Out Your Heart Neuroscientists have found evidence to suggest feeling powerful dampens a part of our brain that helps with empathy. Vladgrin/ hide caption toggle caption Vladgrin/ Neuroscientists have found evidence to suggest feeling powerful dampens a part of our brain that helps with empathy. Vladgrin/ Even the smallest dose of power can change a person. So here's a question that may seem too simple: Why? If you ask a psychologist, he or she may tell you that the powerful are simply too busy. But if you ask Sukhvinder Obhi, a neuroscientist at Wilfrid Laurier University in Ontario, Canada, he might give you another explanation: Power fundamentally changes how the brain operates. Obhi and his colleagues, Jeremy Hogeveen and Michael Inzlicht, have a new study showing evidence to support that claim. Obhi and his fellow researchers randomly put participants in the mindset of feeling either powerful or powerless. Then, everybody watched a simple video.

The New Leadership is Horizontal, Not Vertical Several decades ago, when “leadership” became a Big Thing, it was heavily personality-based. It posited Leadership as something done by Leaders, who had learned the art of how to Lead. As a consultant friend of mine, Renee Wingo, put it, “It’s a subject whose proponents can’t figure out whether it’s a noun, a verb, or a gerund.” Leaders were thought of as those who were followed by others. Finally, this distinction between leaders and followers fed a natural assumption that those roles were vertically related within an organization. Warren Bennis was (and still is) the [leading] guru of leadership. Leadership development, in this personality-based view of the subject, was something that companies offered to elite groups – those with “high potential,” who had the inner capabilities to become leaders of others. Away from Personality-based Leadership That was then; this is now. This is not just a function of web-based aggregations, or faddish vocabulary. Enter Horizontal Leadership

25 Killer Websites that Make You Cleverer It’s easy to forget that we have access to a virtually limitless resource of information, i.e. the Internet. For a lot of us, this is even true at our fingertips, thanks to the ubiquity of smartphones and an ever-increasing push for online greatness by tech engineers all over the world. As a result, there are countless websites out there that are geared to make you smarter and more brilliant for either a low or no cost. Here are just 25 killer websites that may just make you more clever than ever before. 1. This isn’t the first time I’ve recommended this language-teaching website (and app), and it certainly won’t be the last. 2. Have you ever wanted to pick up a subject you’re not well-versed in, but you didn’t have the money to invest in a college course? 3. Guitar is one of the few instruments out there that’s actually pretty easy to learn if you’re a little older, making it one of the most accessible instruments. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.

untitled Les 8 styles de leadership | PerCo Les 8 styles de leadership Après une étude littéraire approfondie, mission fut donnée en 2006 à un certain nombre de chercheurs de réaliser une étude sur le leadership dans le but de créer un instrument de mesure sérieux. Quelles hypothèses ont été confirmées par le biais de l’étude empirique ? On peut observer 8 styles de leadership au lieu de 6.Ces 8 styles de leadership forment ce que l’on appelle le circomplexe interpersonnel (circumplex signifie que le comportement humain interpersonnel peut s’illustrer mathématiquement sous la forme d’un cercle), ordonné autour de deux facteurs principaux qui sont représentés sous la forme de deux axes (agency et communion). Le circomplexe du leadership répond aux exigences sévères d’une structure de circomplexe. Dans la période de 2008 à 2012 il y a eu une collaboration avec l’Université Libre de Amsterdam (Redeker, DeVries, Van Vugt). Ci-après vous trouverez l’aperçu visuel du « circomplexe du leadership». Le style inspirant Le style coachant

How To Motivate Yourself: 3 Steps Backed By Science You make goals… but then you procrastinate. You write a to-do list… but then you don’t follow through. And this happens again and again and again. Seriously, what’s the problem? Why are we so good at thinking of what to do but so terrible at actually doing those things? The problem is you’re skipping an essential step. The Mistake Every Productivity System Makes Productivity systems rarely take emotions into account. We can’t ignore our emotions. And we can’t fight our feelings. Via The Antidote: Happiness for People Who Can’t Stand Positive Thinking: …when experimental subjects are told of an unhappy event, but then instructed to try not to feel sad about it, they end up feeling worse than people who are informed of the event, but given no instructions about how to feel. So what does the unavoidable power of feelings mean for motivation? In their book Switch, Chip and Dan Heath say that emotions are an essential part of executing any plan: Focus on emotions. 1) Get Positive It’s optimism.

The Emotion Which Drives People To Work The Hardest People prone to this emotion work the hardest. People prone to feeling guilty are amongst the hardest workers, a new study finds. Not only that but people prone to feeling guilty are also highly ethical and are less likely to take advantage of other people’s skills to get paid more. The results come from research published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, in which psychologists carried out 5 studies to test the effects of feeling guilty on work performance (Wiltermuth & Cohen, 2014). Dr. Scott S. “Because of this concern for the impact of their actions on others’ welfare, highly guilt-prone people often outwork their less guilt-prone colleagues, demonstrate more effective leadership and contribute more to the success of the teams and partnerships in which they are involved.” Set against these advantages, though, guilt-prone people may avoid working with others they see as more competent than themselves. Dr. Dr. Image credit: SalFalko

6 styles de leadership et leurs effets | Coaching de dirigeant Le leadership, ce qui fait un bon leader, c’est un ensemble de qualités personnelles et de compétences relationnelles. Nous avons vu celles répertoriées par Goleman, Boyatzis et McKee dans l’article Leadership : quelles sont vos qualités de leader. Restons avec Daniel Goleman pour voir quels styles de leadership il a identifiés, et décrits dans la Harvard Business Review*. Cet article inaugure une série sur le Leadership. Voici ces 6 styles de leadership, 6 approches différentes : Leader Directif (Coercive) Leader Chef de file (Pacesetting) Leader Visionnaire (Authoritative) Leader Collaboratif (Affiliative) Leader Participatif (Democratic) Leader « Coach » (Coaching) Précisons d’emblée que ces styles ne sont pas des types exclusifs, mais au contraire des tendances à combiner pour être un bon leader. Leader Directif (Coercive) C’est le style le plus autoritaire. Le leader directif laisse peu de place aux initiatives : il impose les actions à mener, sans expliquer la vision globale. A vous !

News - Is it good for people to fail occasionally? 2 March 2014Last updated at 19:47 ET By Lucy Wallis BBC News In our highly competitive world, we prize success and hate it when things go wrong, but is there actually a value in failing? When Irish author Flann O'Brien submitted the manuscript for his second book, The Third Policeman, to a London publisher in 1940 it was rejected. But rather than admit this lack of success to his friends, he pretended the manuscript had accidentally blown out of the boot of his car on a trip to Donegal and had been lost forever. "This was a ruinous thing to say because he couldn't then turn around and say, 'Oh I've found it again,' so the manuscript sat very openly on his sideboard until his death," says Booker Prize-winning author Anne Enright. She has selected O'Brien's story to appear in an exhibition entitled Fail Better at the Science Gallery at Trinity College, Dublin. "The year after [O'Brien's] death, his wife got it published to a keen reception." Continue reading the main story “Start Quote
