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Main Page ExtremeWikiposter - The Ultimate Wiki Posting Tool Welcome to Wikispaces - Free Wikis for Everyone The Benefits & Pitfalls Of Wikis : Performancing 3 Pressing Questions Facing the Future of Social Media Soren Gordhamer is the organizer of the Wisdom 2.0 Conference, which brings together staff from Google, Facebook, Twitter and Zynga along with Zen teachers and others to explore living with awareness and wisdom in our modern age. He is SorenG on Twitter. The conversation about social media in our society is shifting significantly. We're no longer asking questions like, “Will people use social media?” or “Are sites like Facebook and Twitter simply trends that will soon lose steam?” The emerging conversation is not if we will be connected but is instead, “How can we effectively and productively connect?” New paradigms are beginning to emerge as user habits shift toward greater relevancy. 1. How do we live continually connected without being continually distracted? A recent survey from social email software provider found that individual employees are burning an average of $10,375 in productivity each year. 2. How do we filter the stream to get what is most essential? 3.
