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Stem cell 'major discovery' claimed

Stem cell 'major discovery' claimed
29 January 2014Last updated at 06:52 ET By James Gallagher Health and science reporter, BBC News Stem cell researchers are heralding a "major scientific discovery", with the potential to start a new age of personalised medicine. Scientists in Japan showed stem cells can now be made quickly just by dipping blood cells into acid. Stem cells can transform into any tissue and are already being trialled for healing the eye, heart and brain. The latest development, published in the journal Nature, could make the technology cheaper, faster and safer. The human body is built of cells with a specific role - nerve cells, liver cells, muscle cells - and that role is fixed. However, stem cells can become any other type of cell, and they have become a major field of research in medicine for their potential to regenerate the body. Embryos are one, ethically charged, source of stem cells. Acid bath He told the BBC: "I thought - 'my God that's a game changer!' 'Revolutionary'

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Human Cells have Electric Fields as Powerful as Lighting Bolts -A Galaxy Insight Using newly developed voltage-sensitive nanoparticles, researchers have found that the previously unknown electric fields inside of cells are as strong, or stronger, as those produced in lightning bolts. Previously, it has only been possible to measure electric fields across cell membranes, not within the main bulk of cells, so scientists didn't even know cells had an internal electric field. This discovery is a surprising twist for cell researchers. Scientists don't know what causes these incredibly strong fields or why they' are there. But now using new nanotools, such as voltage-sensitive dyes, they can start to measure them at least. Researchers believe they may be able to learn more about disease states, such as cancer, by studying these minute, but powerful electric fields. University of Michigan researchers led by chemistry professor Raoul Kopelman encapsulated voltage-sensitive dyes in polymer spheres just 30 nanometers in diameter. Posted by Rebecca Sato Related Galaxy posts:

Pennywise and pound-foolish: misidentified cells and competitive pressures in scientific knowledge-building. The overarching project of science is building reliable knowledge about the world, but the way this knowledge-building happens in our world is in the context of competition. For example, scientists compete with each other to be the first to make a new discovery, and they compete with each other for finite pools of grant money with which to conduct more research and make further discoveries. I've heard the competitive pressures on scientists described as a useful way to motivate scientists to be clever and efficient (and not to knock off early lest some more dedicated lab get to your discovery first). This week, on NPR's Morning Edition, Richard Harris reported a pair of stories on how researchers who work with cells in culture grapple with the problem of their intended cell line being contaminated and overtaken by a different cell line. One of the worst cases involves a breast cancer cell line called MDA-435 (or MDA-MB-435). This may all come down to money.
