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1、原来夹子可以这么用 2.不要说你没地方挂衣服了 3.数据线太多,不好整理?把数据线盘好,放进卫生纸的纸筒里 4.万能的铲子啊 5.鸡蛋不但圆还有洋葱味 6.储存防潮吃不完的东西 7.宿舍洗澡- - 8.用塑料布包好拖把,地上的头发会乖乖跟你走 9.刷油漆时候可以在桶中间放根绳子,不用抹边缘 10.钉钉子别用手 11.据说这样煮汤不会溢出来,原因嘛。。。 12.用便签清理键盘的灰尘 13.没水管,这样接水好了- - 14.莲蓬头有的眼堵了? 据说用塑料袋里倒点醋像这样扎在喷头上泡一夜就能通了【据说原理是:自来水里有钙,镁离子,时间久后就会沉淀,生成碳酸钙和氢氧化镁固体,用酸都可以使它生成溶液】 15.设置闹钟了也起不来? 16.挂面再也不愁没地方搁了 又一次娱乐- - 17.夏天福利~快速冰啤酒、可乐等:放进冰箱之前贴上湿的面巾纸,冰的快. 18.长尾夹的功能不止这些。。。 19.扬声器有点。。。。 20.把心爱的手机放地上充电。。。。 21.噗! 22.用衣服夹,废罐头盒做成的花盆。。 23.手机支架- - 还有照片展示....... 24. 25.谁无聊试下- -丨丨 26.工程浩大啊 27.这个绝对比送一捧玫瑰来的感动,而且有诚意不是么???? 【真好看】 您的分享是我住好内容的最大动力 公众微信号:S823864543 公众二维码 Related:  Hus och hem

untitled 36 Signs The Media Is Lying To You About How Radiation From Fukushima Is Affecting The West Coast Michael Snyder The west coast of the United States is being absolutely fried by radiation from the Fukushima nuclear disaster, and the mainstream media is not telling us the truth about this. What you are about to see is a collection of evidence that is quite startling. Taken collectively, this body of evidence shows that nuclear radiation from Fukushima is affecting sea life in the Pacific Ocean and animal life along the west coast of North America in some extraordinary ways. But the mainstream media continues to insist that we don’t have a thing to worry about. #1 Independent researchers have measured alarmingly high levels of radiation on the beaches of the west coast. #2 According to Oceanus Magazine, the total amount of cesium-137 that has been released into the Pacific Ocean from Fukushima is 10,000 to 100,000 times greater than the amount released into the oceans by the Chernobyl disaster or by the atmospheric nuclear weapons tests of the 1960s. Dr. So what do you think?

untitled Entries topics: tax justice, capital flight, domestic resource mobilisation tags: tax, capital flight, tax justice, EU, money laundering, Accounting directive, illicit financial flows, OECD, automatic information exchange, country-by-country reporting, Reciprocity, Tax-related capital flight is a major problem the world over, particularly for the poorest people, who are unfairly losing billions of euros every year as a result of this practice. Civil society organisations (CSOs) in 13 European countries have come together to produce this report – the first of three over the next three years. The report finds that there is a significant discrepancy between tough political rhetoric from the governments surveyed and their actions. To download the full report click here. To download a summary document click here.

untitled Déclaration de Robert Schuman (9 mai 1950 Texte intégral de la proposition, lancée par Robert Schuman, ministre français des Affaires étrangères, et considéré comme l’acte de naissance de l’Union européenne. La paix mondiale ne saurait être sauvegardée sans des efforts créateurs à la mesure des dangers qui la menacent. La contribution qu’une Europe organisée et vivante peut apporter à la civilisation est indispensable au maintien des relations pacifiques. En se faisant depuis plus de vingt ans le champion d’une Europe unie, la France a toujours eu pour objet essentiel de servir la paix. Dans ce but, le gouvernement français propose de porter immédiatement l’action sur un point limité mais décisif : "Le gouvernement français propose de placer l’ensemble de la production franco- allemande de charbon et d’acier sous une Haute Autorité commune, dans une organisation ouverte à la participation des autres pays d’Europe." * le développement de l’exportation commune vers les autres pays ;

untitled Amusing Ourselves to Death: Huxley vs Orwell A clever comic over on the accuracy of George Orwell’s predictions about future society over that of Aldous Huxley. It’s informative and scary at the same time. “In short, Orwell feared that what we hate would ruin us. Huxley that what we love will ruin us.” It’s unfortunate that Huxley got it right because the latter is much less obvious. Varje dag blir plötsligt mycket enklare med dessa 88 smarta knep. Vilka geniala lösningar! - Newsner Knep Publicerad 24 augusti, 2014 | av Newsner Livsknep, husmorstips eller life hacks är smarta knep som gör din vardag enklare. Här är de 88 absolut bästa. Men 68:an kommer du nog inte tro på förrän du har testat. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.Ladda mobil på resan? 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. Nu blir livet enklare. Tags: häftigt, life hacks, livsknep, smarta knep

Google Just Bought Boston Dynamics Boston Dynamics A robot designed by Boston Dynamics. Google just bought Boston Dynamics, an engineering company that has designed mobile research robots for the Pentagon, reports The New York Times. Boston Dynamics is based in Waltham, Mass. The company creates "machines that walk with an uncanny sense of balance and even — cheetahlike — run faster than the fastest humans," says The Times. Google is not saying how much money it paid for Boston Dynamics, and said that it does not plan to release financial information on any of the other eight robotics companies it has purchased in the last 6 months. The Times reports, A video of one of [Boston Dynamics'] robots named BigDog shows a noisy, gas-powered, four-legged, walking robot that climbs hills, travels through snow, skitters precariously on ice and even manages to stay upright in response to a well-placed human kick.

35 Expensive Things You’ll Need In Your Dream House When You’re A Millionaire 1 | A scenic backyard rain shower for those hot summer days 2 | This bookshelf, which opens up to reveal a hidden room… 3 | …inside are more books and a secret storage compartment beneath the bed Advertisement 4 | A four sided Lego wall with unlimited potential for creativity I wish my parents had thought of this when I was a kid! 5 | A romantic fireplace that serves both the bathtub and bedroom 6 | A huge backyard treehouse with patio and balcony (Great for both kids and adults!) 7 | An actual creek that flows peacefully under the house 8 | This ultra secret bedroom closet waterslide that leads to a luxurious indoor pool 9 | A swimming pool that doubles as a home theater 10 | Your own mini-golf course & putting range nestled between rooms
