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Larry Page: The Untold Story

Larry Page: The Untold Story

Pourrons-nous concevoir des machines capables d'automatiser l'éthique ? – The Difference Between Large Funds and Small Funds I have always been a “small fund” oriented investor. Both models work if executed well, but they are different. With small funds, you only need to find a few good ideas a year to get behind. That is true in hedge funds, private equity, venture capital, and probably many other asset classes. With large funds, you need to get behind every good idea every year. There are some investors out there than can execute the large fund model. There are many investors out there that can execute the small fund model. That is essentially what we do at USV. I don’t lose a lot of sleep over missing good deals. But imagine if you had a $1bn fund to invest. The decay and fall of guest blogging for SEO Okay, I’m calling it: if you’re using guest blogging as a way to gain links in 2014, you should probably stop. Why? Because over time it’s become a more and more spammy practice, and if you’re doing a lot of guest blogging then you’re hanging out with really bad company. Back in the day, guest blogging used to be a respectable thing, much like getting a coveted, respected author to write the introduction of your book. My name is XXXXXXX XXXXXXXX and I work as a content marketer for a high end digital marketing agency in [a city halfway around the world]. If you ignore the bad spacing and read the parts that I bolded, someone sent me a spam email offering money to get links that pass PageRank. Ultimately, this is why we can’t have nice things in the SEO space: a trend starts out as authentic. So stick a fork in it: guest blogging is done; it’s just gotten too spammy. For historical reference, I’ll list a few videos and links to trace the decline of guest articles.

Comment le digital revisite les mythes Aujourd’hui, je reçois Julien Fernandez sur mon blog. Julien est Directeur associé et Planneur Strat pour l’agence Pavillon Rouge et j’ai trouvé son article intéressant, donc je vous laisse le découvrir et vous construire votre avis. Bonne lecture. Capables de frapper l’imagination de l’homme, les héros et héroïnes mythiques ont inspiré les légendes, les folklores, les superstitions, la poésie, les tragédies classiques et d’innombrables oeuvres d’art. Le digital au service du mythe Un courant de pensée commence (enfin) à s’opposer aux discours bien établis montrant l’impact néfaste du monde digital sur les jeunes générations. Le mythe et les marques Autre exemple, Facebook s’est construit sur le mythe du vrai génie très antipathique. Le mythe sert donc à véhiculer la vision d’une marque et à s’entourer d’une communauté, délimitant ainsi les frontières et les modalités d’intégration ou d’exclusion des « fans ».

The Mobile Downturn I woke up to this post by Chris Dixon in my Tumblr. Chris states: Apps have a rich-get-richer dynamic that favors the status quo over new innovations. He’s right about that and he’s right about a bunch of other things in his post as well. We did a portfolio review at USV yesterday. My partner Brad hypothesized that it had something with the rise of native mobile apps as the dominant go to market strategy for large networks in the past four to five years. Chris mentions something else in his post that, to me, is a big bright spot on the horizon: Most worrisome: they reject entire classes of apps without stated reasons or allowing for recourse (e.g. Let’s go back and revisit the big innovations on the commercial Internet over the past twenty years. My friend Adam tweeted this in the wake of my The Search For The Next Platform post.

How Red Bull Takes Content Marketing to the Extreme James O'Brien writes for The Content Strategist, a digital magazine by Contently, the leading technology company for brand publishing tools and talent. The button is five stops in, counting from the left on the homepage of Along the smaller of two navigation bars, it's sandwiched between "Audio" and "Games." In a sense, the channel embodies Red Bull's entire marketing approach. Click. Instantly, you're browsing videos of a 12-year-old skateboarder nailing the world's first ever 1080 (that's three full revolutions) during a ramp jump. Red Bull's universe is extreme sports and adrenaline-junky stunts. Red Bull is a publishing empire that also happens to sell a beverage. Red Bull is a publishing empire that also happens to sell a beverage. Yet, no one seems to know exactly how Red Bull does it. "The marketing strategy that has worked best for us is not to publish our strategies," says a Red Bull representative. A High-Concept Drink (In Other Words, the Drink Is Not the Point)

Google doit-il communiquer sur son véritable objectif, le transhumanisme? Ce texte a été lu 831 fois ! Google effectue des acquisitions au croisement de la biotechnologie, de l’intelligence artificielle et de la robotique. Des acquisitions qui sont motivées notamment par la philosophie transhumaniste des deux fondateurs. Pour le quidam moyen, Google est un puissant moteur de recherche sur Internet. Pour les consommateurs, Google est aussi la ludique plateforme vidéo YouTube, l’incomparable cartographie visuelle StreetView et Earth ou encore la messagerie électronique Gmail. Google aujourd’hui : quelle perception ? Cette vision est celle qui forge et alimente aujourd’hui la réputation de Google. Mois après mois, le géant de Mountain View devient le poumon incontournable de divers écosystèmes. En janvier 2014, Google a ainsi posé le pied dans un nouvel univers en rachetant le fabricant de thermostats connectés Nest Labs pour 3,2 milliards de dollars (2). Une ubiquité qui pose des questions Une communication soigneusement pesée et séductrice Google c’est cool

In mobile, everything is still wide open The mobile platform horse race is very entertaining, and a very reliable way to get page views. But it’s also, increasingly, a second-order question. So far, Apple and Google are both winning, in different ways. That may change over time - Apple may make a substantially cheaper phone or developers may shift to making Android apps first. But that’s really not a very interesting topic anymore - everything that can be said has been said, and it wouldn't even necessarily change very much unless you're an Apple or Google shareholder. To me, the first-order issue is the sheer scale of mobile. How Red Bull Takes Content Marketing to the Extreme James O'Brien writes for The Content Strategist, a digital magazine by Contently, the leading technology company for brand publishing tools and talent. The button is five stops in, counting from the left on the homepage of Along the smaller of two navigation bars, it's sandwiched between "Audio" and "Games." There it is, the fifth one: "JUST EPIC." In a sense, the channel embodies Red Bull's entire marketing approach. You want to click it. Click. Instantly, you're browsing videos of a 12-year-old skateboarder nailing the world's first ever 1080 (that's three full revolutions) during a ramp jump. Red Bull's universe is extreme sports and adrenaline-junky stunts. Red Bull is a publishing empire that also happens to sell a beverage. Red Bull is a publishing empire that also happens to sell a beverage. Yet, no one seems to know exactly how Red Bull does it. "The marketing strategy that has worked best for us is not to publish our strategies," says a Red Bull representative.

Petit manuel des études biaisées sur les réseaux sociaux I. Introduction Le printemps est là et telles les fleurs qui l’annoncent, les demandes de participations aux questionnaires pour les TFE et mémoires commencent à fleurir sur nos timelines.Poussés par l’aspect novateur de faire des recherches sur des choses que personne n’aurait jamais faites (alors que bien souvent, il s’agit du contraire), les étudiants choisissent un sujet sur les réseaux sociaux. ( Quand leur choix ne se porte pas sur ce sujet, car ils pensent pouvoir mener leur recherche depuis leur fauteuil) Passons le biais qu’ils ont dès le départ dans leur petite tête, à savoir qu’ils sont convaincus qu’il faut que leurs résultats montrent la puissance des réseaux sociaux ou correspondent à ce qu’ils ont lu sur leurs blogs favoris, ils ne se rendent même pas compte que leur dispositif de recherche est également biaisé. En effet, comme méthode de recherche, il y a véritablement deux méthodes de recherches choisis par une majorité d’étudiants : les entretiens ou les sondages. II.

The Consumer Internet Sweet Spot — Consumer Internet Trends As a rabid fan of consumer internet, I try a lot of new apps and products. Of late, I’ve noticed that very few, if any, of these new startups are “sticking” for me. Coincidentally, Hunter Walk recently wrote a post in which he cited “app promiscuity” — that our constant craving for something new leads us to move on to the latest and greatest app before even giving the first one a real chance. Additionally, Brian Norgard Tweeted that apps need to naturally fit into users’ mobile flow to have any chance at success. So, I’ve been trying to reconcile Hunter’s hypothesis and Brian’s Tweet with my own thoughts on the consumer apps and products that have resonated with me in the past — those that have made it into my flow, mobile or otherwise. Apps that are purely diversions (i.e. games) are often flashes in the pan. Ultimately, the apps and products that are most likely to have success, both in the near- and long-term, are those that are both fun to use and provide significant utility.
