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California State University, Northridge

California State University, Northridge

Cal State Monterey Bay Awards and Programmes for UK Citizens Home » Fulbright Awards » UK Awards Programme The Fulbright Awards Programme offers a wide range of exchange opportunities to UK citizens (regardless of where they reside) in the following main categories: Postgraduate Student Awards to pursue a postgraduate degree or attend a US university as a *'special student researcher' in any subject, orScholar and Professional Awards for academics and professionals to lecture, study and/or conduct research in the US. *Please note that the 'special student researcher' option should be used for applicants who will pursue research projects at a degree granting accredited education institution while currently enrolled in an UK/European Master’s / Doctorate programme. Non-UK citizens are required to apply in their country of citizenship, even if they are resident in the UK. To find out more, please click on the links above and:

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