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Tutorial: Tutorial

Tutorial: Tutorial
There was an error loading this resource. Please try again later. A great way to get introduced to AngularJS is to work through this tutorial, which walks you through the construction of an AngularJS web app. The app you will build is a catalog that displays a list of Android devices, lets you filter the list to see only devices that interest you, and then view details for any device. Follow the tutorial to see how AngularJS makes browsers smarter — without the use of native extensions or plug-ins: See examples of how to use client-side data binding to build dynamic views of data that change immediately in response to user actions.See how AngularJS keeps your views in sync with your data without the need for DOM manipulation.Learn a better, easier way to test your web apps, with Karma and Protractor.Learn how to use dependency injection and services to make common web tasks, such as getting data into your app, easier. When you finish the tutorial you will be able to: Install Git npm install Related:  TUTORIELS, COURS, CONSEILS etc...

Thinkster AngularJS Tutorial · Learn Angular by Building a Gmail Clone · Thinkful Programming Guides AngularJS Tutorial Build a Gmail Clone Introduction Build a simple email application and learn core AngularJS concepts. Prerequisites: Understand how to build a basic Javascript application with jQuery Know how to launch a basic HTTP server (e.g. python -m SimpleHTTPServer Be able to clone a GitHub repo Topics covered: Single page applications (SPA) Client-side MVC patterns Two way data-binding Routing with templates AngularJS building blocks: Directives, Factories, & Controllers You'll notice that there are code checks included throughout this guide. Note: This guide is open to the public. Ready? Get notified when new guides are released Client side MVC Let's start with a concept that's core to Angular: client-side MVC MVC stands for Model, View, Controller. Model: That's the data; the business information of the application. The MVC pattern is a proven approach to organizing application code that's been refined over many years. Getting Started with AngularJS Adding Angular to your page <! $http

AngularJS en français: Comment aborder AngularJS ? Si vous avez lu les articles publiés sur FrAngular qui détaillent des aspects techniques du framework, c'est que vous avez peut-être déjà dépassé le stade de l’initiation. Néanmoins, pour ceux qui découvrent AngularJS, je vais expliquer comment on peut aborder ce framework dont l’apprentissage risque de s’avérer quelque peu déroutant. Commencez par JavaScript JavaScript est certainement le langage le plus mal connu de ses utilisateurs de toute l’histoire de l’informatique. Combien de développeurs qui font du JavaScript ont vraiment pris le temps de l’apprendre ? On y reconnaît une syntaxe familière parce qu’on a déjà fait du Java, du C++, du PHP, enfin quelque chose qui y ressemble de très loin, et du coup en tâtonnant on arrive à écrire du code JavaScript qui fonctionne à peu près. Les concepts de JavaScript - un langage objet sans classes et avec un forte composante fonctionnelle - sont complètement différents des autres langages objets les plus répandus. Oubliez jQuery Persévérez !

CaryLandholt/AngularFun AngularJS Tutorial AngularJS Tutorial AngularJS is a very powerful JavaScript Framework. It is used in Single Page Application (SPA) projects. It extends HTML DOM with additional attributes and makes it more responsive to user actions. This tutorial is designed for software professionals who want to learn the basics of AngularJS and its programming concepts in simple and easy steps. You should have a basic understanding of JavaScript and any text editor. For most of the examples given in this tutorial you will find Try it option available, so just make use of it to see the output of your code and enjoy your learning. Try following example using Try it option available at the top right corner of the below sample code box − <!

Manuel PHP Edit Report a Bug Manuel PHP ¶ par: Mehdi Achour Friedhelm Betz Antony Dovgal Nuno Lopes Hannes Magnusson Georg Richter Damien Seguy Jakub Vrana Et bien d'autres Édité par: Peter Cowburn par: Frédéric Blanc Traducteur Vincent Blanchon Traducteur Pierrick Charron Traducteur Julien Pauli Traducteur Mickaël Perraud Relecteur Guillaume Plessis Traducteur Yannick Torrès Traducteur Vincent Briet Jean-Sébastien Goupil David Manusset © 1997-2019 PHP Documentation Group add a note User Contributed Notes There are no user contributed notes for this page. wmora/angular-espresso Apprendre à programmer avec le framework Angular : démarrer avec l'outil Angular-CLI, un tutoriel de William Koza Bonjour à tous, Dans ce tutoriel, nous allons apprendre à utiliser le client Angular-CLI qui est d'une grande aide pour commencer un projet. Google nous propose un outil clé en main pour réaliser les tâches de développement les plus courantes. Ce projet est basé sur le projet Open Source ember CLI, qui a maintenant plus de trois ans. Grâce à notre Angular Cli, il est possible de :créer une application from scratch via un scaffolding ;Générer des squelettes des composants type Components… ;Builder un projet ;Lancer des tests de type « End-to-End » ou « unitaire » ;Proxyfier le back end ;Et beaucoup d'autres choses… Bonne lecture.

Angularjs Custom Directives Tutorial - Quiz App Code Example - Bytes Cravings The article presents a tutorial on how to create custom directives, using a sample quiz app and code examples. The quiz app demonstration could be found on following pages. Please excuse me for typos, if found. Following will be discussed in this article: Introduction to quiz app and related custom directivesKey directives concepts demonstrated with quiz appHow to use these directives? Introduction to Quiz App & Related Custom Directives The objective behind the quiz app is to enable the quiz creators create quick quiz apps by focusing on questions and answers rather than dealing with nitty gritty of web development for creating each app. To achieve the above objective, following directives were created: iquestion: This directive helps define the questions in the simplest form.iscorecard: This directive display scores for the quiz. This is how questions & answers will be written using custom directive, iquestion. Following directive can be used to display the score card: <! [adsenseyu1]

Mes premiers pas avec AngularJS | Hugeen Ça fait longtemps que je voulais m’y mettre, j’utilise habituellement Backbone pour les besoins similaires. C’est l’occasion d’introduire une nouvelle série d’articles sur ce blog : Mes premiers pas. En parcourant la documentation je me suis rendu compte assez rapidement qu’AngularJS n’a rien à voir avec Backbone, il est beaucoup plus complet et aborde les choses différemment. Mais surtout, AngularJS est magique, on s’approche un peu de l’état d’esprit de Ruby On Rails qui pré-mâche le travail du développeur et bouscule la manière de développer une application web. Pour moi cela signifie 2 choses : Code plus propre et maintenable : Les bonnes pratiques sont accessibles facilement, il suffit de lire les documentations pour produire du code de qualité.Meilleure testabilité : On se focalise sur les choses qui comptent vraiment, AngularJS s’occupe du bas niveau pour nous. Concrètement, comment ça fonctionne ? Petit résumé de la vidéo : Pour l’exemple de la vidéo : Testez par vous-mêmes !. Have fun!

jmafc/angular-phonecat-brunch Example Viewer Example 1 - Starter HTML page with a text input Example 2 - Added keyup event listener on textInput. Example 3 - Extracting text from the text input as it changes. Example 4 - Updating a span when input text changes using the DOM API. Example 5 - Updating a span when input text changes using jQuery. Example 6 - Updating a span when input text changes using Backbone. Example 7 - Updating a template when input text changes using Angular. HTML5 Canvas Game Tutorial: AngularJS & CreateJS | Toptal Game development is one of the more interesting, advanced programming techniques that constantly challenges the software development industry. There are many programming platforms used to develop games, and there are a plethora of devices to play them on, but when it comes to playing games in a web browser, Flash-based development still leads the way. Rewriting Flash-based games to HTML5 Canvas technology would let us play them on mobile browsers as well. And, with Apache Cordova, skilled web developers could easily wrap them into cross platform mobile game apps. Folks at CreateJS set out to do that and more. EaselJS, part of CreateJS’s suite, makes drawing on HTML5 Canvas simple. This means that Canvas based development needs more attention when it comes to separating elements, and attaching events and behaviors to them. If designer-to-developer workflow is the only reason you would use SVGs, consider extensions for Adobe Illustrator (AI) that generate code from shapes created in AI.
