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Ajanvaraus helpoksi

Ajanvaraus helpoksi | Sumplii menot puolestasi. Mikä aika sopisi? untitled Get Home Safe is the smart way of letting people know what you are doing or where you are going - it even sends an alert if you don't get home or to where you are going as planned! Alerts include GPS tracking, remaining battery, intended destination and a whole lot more and the best part is the alerts are sent even if your phone is not working! Be it walking home after dark, cycling, hiking or even working remotely, we all take the time to tell someone what we are doing. Next time be smart about what you are doing and use GetHomeSafe to tell others what you are doing or where you are going. It is simple and quick and so much smarter than texting or leaving a note to say what you are doing. The GetHomeSafe tracking maps gives the people you choose something meaningful to follow or check while you are out and about and the GetHomeSafe timers will remind both you and your contacts what time you were meant to check in safely. Suggested personal safety uses: Free App & Alert Features:
