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Writing - for health and happiness?

Writing - for health and happiness?
17 August 2013Last updated at 01:11 GMT By Cathy Edwards Health Check, BBC World Service There are risks and benefits to sharing your emotions online Decades of research have shown that writing down your emotions has concrete health benefits - even helping wounds heal. But as more and more people publish their intimate feelings online, could they be doing themselves more harm than good? High-profile coverage of cyberbullying might make sharing your deepest emotions online sound like a bad idea, but when it comes to the risks and benefits of writing online, advice is mixed. The American Academy of Pediatrics, for example, suggests questions about social media are included in visits to the doctor, a move prompted by worries about cyberbullying, internet addiction and sleep deprivation. On the other hand, blogging about health problems has been shown to improve feelings of social support, especially when that support is lacking from family and friends. Traumatic experience 'Emotions bottled up'

Judith G. Edersheim, J.D., M.D.: Can Neuroscience Predict Human Behavior? Written with Justin T. Baker, M.D., Ph.D., and Bruce H. Price, M.D. Turn to the crime section of any major news outlet and you can't miss the case of Army Staff Sgt. Robert Bales, accused of committing the violent massacre of 16 Afghan civilians. While the case is on hold, awaiting the outcome of his Article 32 hearing (to determine whether the prosecution has enough evidence to proceed to court-martial), statements from his defense team have alluded to possible trial strategies. The argument might go something like this. But how can the law distinguish someone who could not restrain himself from someone who did not restrain himself? Let's consider how the defense team might present a TBI diagnosis in the Bales case. The same limits apply when relying on neuroscience to predict past or future behavior related to PTSD. So what's the problem? Will DTI and MEG figure prominently if Sgt. Tragedies such as the Bales case remain personal. References: Silver, JM. A.

Твиттер / MimeFreak: Comin soon .... @ElegantAngelxxx... Гормоны щитовидной железы и вес :: Медицинский портал EUROLAB Щитовидная железа женщины отличается от мужской Различного вида расстройства работы щитовидной железы у женщин встречаются в 8-20 раз чаще, чем у мужчин того же возраста. Так, у женщин в 25 раз чаще, чем у мужчин, встречается тиреоидит - группа заболеваний аутоиммунной системы щитовидной железы. С возрастом у лиц обоих полов число случаев заболевания увеличивается, но у женщин оно возрастает во много раз в период с 40 до 65 лет. Существует несколько различных видов тиреоидита, включая вирусный, бактериальный, токсический, послеродовой, причем все они вызывают образование антител, устраняющих ткань железы (микросомальные антитела), или антител, устраняющих сам гормон (тиреоглобулиновые антитела). Эти антитела действуют подобно кусочку глины, прилипшему к ключу и мешающему ему попасть в замок; они не дают гормонам работать в полную силу, поэтому у вас развиваются симптомы ухудшения работы щитовидной железы. Гормоны щитовидной железы. Гормоны щитовидной железы

за собой проект ED treatments summary Written by Helen Marshall, pharmacist A variety of effective treatment options are now available for men with erectile dysfunction (ED). This means the sooner you make an appointment to see your GP, the sooner your sex life can return to normal. To start with, you can try the basic lifestyle modifications suggested. Life-style modification Sexual function is influenced by your overall wellbeing. ED may be a sign that you are not giving enough attention to a healthy lifestyle. For this reason, it's important you discuss your concerns with a GP who will give you a check up to rule out these problems. Below are some things you could do that can improve your ability to get and sustain an erection, and at the same time lower your risk of many other serious conditions. Psychological treatments for erection problems Psychological problems need to be addressed if they are the predominant cause of ED. Physical treatments Medicines taken by mouth Medicines administered directly into the penis

Making Divorce Harder Won't Prevent Sluttiness I’ve been through a divorce, and like anyone who’s been through a divorce, I can attest that it’s awful. When you’ve made a vow to partner with someone forever, ending that relationship is going to be difficult. It is impossible to take the process lightly, even if you live in a state with “no-fault” divorce, where neither party must prove the other a failure — where both parties can simply agree that for whatever reason, the marriage has failed. I cannot imagine how much worse it would have been had my then-wife and I had to prove one or the other of us to be the guilty party in our marriage’s failure. Iowa State Rep. According to Radio Iowa, Gassman says his bill, which would limit divorce to cases of adultery, felony, abuse or abandonment, would make families stronger. “This basically is an attempt on my part to keep fathers in the home,” Gassman said at a subcommittee hearing. That’s a lovely sentiment, and completely ridiculous. I have a daughter. Related Stories

Insomnia For more information about Insomnia, visit National Sleep Foundation's official Insomnia hub . Arthur J. Spielman, PhD How do you know if you have insomnia? If you feel that your sleep is inadequate in some way, then you may have insomnia. If you think you have insomnia, what should you do about it? If you think you have insomnia, try practicing good sleep hygiene . Behavioral sleep medicine experts, or insomnia experts, pay attention to the details of the problem which will suggest different causes and different treatments. The underlying causes of insomnia can include sleep hygiene problems (varying the sleep schedule, for example), stress, psychological problems (such as depression or anxiety), circadian rhythm disturbances (such as an evening type person trying to adapt to an early morning work schedule), pain and discomfort, and ingestion of activating substances (such as certain medications and stimulants like coffee or tea). The question answers itself.

Are You Conscious of Your Precuneus? No, of course not. The question really is, does your precuneus make you conscious? In The Neurocritic's last entry on hypnosis and consciousness, Faymonville et al. So what's up with the precuneus? Andrea E. The precuneus seemed poised to break out into the mainstream in the mid-90's, ever since it was found to be highly active when people were remembering words from a list they had studied earlier (compared to new words they hadn't studied). The second big boost for precuneus fans (and the one relevant for hypnosis) came from the aforementioned "default mode" studies of Raichle and colleagues (Gusnard & Raichle, 2001). the precuneus and interconnected posterior cingulate and medial prefrontal cortices are engaged in continuous information gathering and representation of the self and external world (Gusnard and Raichle, 2001). References Gusnard DA, Raichle ME. Kennedy DP, Redcay E, Courchesne E. Krause BJ, Schmidt D, Mottaghy FM, Taylor J, Halsband U, Herzog H, et al.

The precuneus: a review of its functional anatomy and behavioural correlates Macroscopic, microscopic and functional anatomy of the precuneus Despite recent intense interest in the functional significance of the precuneus, the details of its cytoarchitecture and connections have remained a relatively unexplored topic of brain mapping, largely due to its inaccessible location along and in the depths of the longitudinal fissure (Pandya and Seltzer, 1982). Moreover, since in vivo axonal tracing techniques cannot be applied to the human brain, our knowledge about the connectivity of the posteromedial parietal lobe is based mainly on axonal tracing studies in the macaque brain (Zilles et al., 2003). The associative cortices, to which the precuneus belongs, have undergone a gradual increase in the complexity of their organization during the course of primate and hominid evolution. Topographical anatomy The medial aspect of the posterior parietal lobe has historically been referred to as the precuneus, or quadrate lobule of Foville (1844). Fig. 1 Cytoarchitectonics Table 1

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Symptoms, Treatment and Self-Help What is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)? Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can develop following a traumatic event that threatens your safety or makes you feel helpless. Most people associate PTSD with battle-scarred soldiers—and military combat is the most common cause in men—but any overwhelming life experience can trigger PTSD, especially if the event feels unpredictable and uncontrollable. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can affect those who personally experience the catastrophe, those who witness it, and those who pick up the pieces afterwards, including emergency workers and law enforcement officers. It can even occur in the friends or family members of those who went through the actual trauma. PTSD develops differently from person to person. Traumatic events that can lead to PTSD include: The difference between PTSD and a normal response to trauma For most people, however, these symptoms are short-lived. A normal response to trauma becomes PTSD when you become stuck
