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Brené Brown: The power of vulnerability

Brené Brown: The power of vulnerability

8 tips to make your life more surprising — from a “Surprisologist” A closeup of Tania Luna, with glow stick. Photo: James Duncan Davidson In today’s talk, Tania Luna shares her experience of immigrating to the United States from Ukraine as a little girl. Perfectly happy with her family’s outhouse and with chewing a single piece of Bazooka gum for a week, Luna found herself blown away by the wonders of her new country. From pizza to pennies to pit-bulls, Luna’s moving story reminds us to appreciate the unexpected joys of daily life and to embrace uncertainty. Commit to the mindset and process of surprise. Luna believes we can all be surprisologists. Tania Luna leads a TED audience in a glowstick dance, during a talk given a year prior to the one posted today.

Pacific Light Mieux connu pour son travail en matière de typographies, Ruslan Khasanov présente aujourd’hui une vidéo où les interactions entre les couleurs sont réalisées par un mélange entre du savon, de l’huile et de l’encre. Les substances entrent en résistance ou se mélangent pour un résultat superbe sur une musique de Boris Blank. La gelosia: analisi di un sentimento (tra letteratura e scienza) Willy Pasini analizza la gelosia e indica una possibile strada per imparare a gestirla Uno dei poteri della gelosia, consiste nel rivelarci quanto la realtà dei fatti esterni e i sentimenti dell’anima siano qualcosa di ignoto che si presta a molte supposizioni. Crediamo di sapere esattamente le cose e quel che pensano le persone, per la semplice ragione che non ce ne preoccupiamo. Così scrive Proust nella sua opera più famosa: À la recherche du temps perdu. Si potrebbe addirittura parlare, in Proust, di una casistica della gelosia: una sorta di disposizione psicologica che nasce soprattutto dall’impossibilità di guardare interamente nella persona amata, di conoscerne i pensieri. Proust era uno scrittore; la letteratura -si sa- ci insegna a orientarci, a dare un senso al nostro essere nel mondo. Willy Pasini, professore di Psichiatria e Psicologia medica all’università di Ginevra, ha scritto un saggio utile sulla gelosia. Scritto da Emiliana Cristiano il 5 gennaio, alle 09 : 27 AM

How to help your doctor give you better care Upstreamists like me — and we can be doctors, nurses or other clinicians — know that asthma can start in the air around us. We know that ailments such as depression, anxiety and high blood pressure can arise from chronically stressful conditions at work and home. We see how policies that deny opportunity, fairness and justice can be reflected in patients’ faces as well as in their DNA. And, just as important, we understand how to translate this knowledge into action. The upstreamist considers it her professional duty not only to prescribe a chemical remedy but also to tackle sickness at its source. There aren’t nearly enough of these pioneers working in health care today, but our ranks are slowly growing. 1. Create a list of the potentially unhealthy issues in your environment. Some of these problems you might be able to fix yourself. 2. So, next time you visit your doctor, try asking: “Doctor, do you consider yourself an upstreamist?” 3. Not a gadgethead? 4. 5. 6.

DÉVELOPPER L’HABITUDE D’ÊTRE HEUREUX – La solution est en vous! Les gens heureux sont en meilleure santé, se sentent mieux et sont plus performants au travail. Si être heureux nous apporte tant de bénéfices, pourquoi ne pas prendre l’habitude d’être heureux tout le temps ? L’ancien président américain, Abraham Lincoln, a déjà dit : « La plupart des gens sont aussi heureux qu’ils veulent bien l’être. » Le vieux « Abe » avait bien raison. À cet effet, voici 12 idées afin de développer l’habitude d’être heureux. À tous les jours, prenez l’habitude : 1) De sourire Souriez à vous-même lorsque vous vous regardez dans un miroir, votre estime personnelle s’en portera mieux. 2) De remercier l’univers pour toutes les richesses que vous possédez déjà dans votre vie On cherche souvent le bonheur à l’autre bout du monde, pour finalement le retrouver sur le seuil de notre porte lorsque l’on revient chez soi. 3) De visualiser vos rêves C’est l’expectative qui nous rend heureux. 4) De faire un peu d’exercice physique Lorsqu’on bouge, on se sent bien.

note note note Steve Jobs: What We Can Learn From His Success Apple reported historically high quarterly revenues, largely thanks to its iPhone sales, and few would deny that much of the company’s success can be attributed to the iconic Steve Jobs — entrepreneur, inventor, visionary and former Apple CEO. From Jobs’ powerful presentations skills to his business philosophies, there’s no shortage of learnings. View SlideShares on Jobs and share your favorite lessons from Jobs, too. View all Steve Jobs SlideShares, and upload yours Here are some top decks on Jobs: Presentation Tips from the Master Known for delivering awe-inspiring and captivating presentations, Jobs always practiced his presentations down to the last detail. Best Jobs Quotes to Live By No advice is better than advice straight from the source. Innovation Secrets of Steve Your passion is everything that you need in order to innovate. Related Posts
